Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

EX) Newlyweds, on Blanca

"Is that it?

Referring to the castle gate that appeared at the end of his gaze, Mr. Ceres nodded.

"I guess so."

On a hilltop, the gates of White Asia are glittering. In front of the castle gate is a beautiful colored flag with white dragons pulled out.... The Seal of His Majesty Edoardo's Prince and Prince was an emerald lion wearing a treasure crown, but what is this tattoo? I asked Mr Ceres, but he said he didn't know.

Going to the front of the castle gate and presenting the brand new ID given to me by His Majesty, the condition of the gatekeeper, who was smiling gently, changed.

"We've been waiting for you!

After giving the most salute, one gatekeeper rushes to some place. This is…… I remember seeing it, don't I?

As I was stuck wondering what was going on (the gatekeeper who stayed asked me to "wait here" as well), after a while, people came at a slight interval between them. Seeing you in the same uniform, is the city escort......

"I've been waiting for you, Dear Celestino, Mrs. Lucia. We will now take you to the mansion."

My skinny uncle, who came with the gatekeeper at the end with his breath out, greets Mr. Ceres and me that way.

Ms. Ceres looked surprised for a moment, but when she immediately corrected her spine, she would return her greetings with a full bowel of grace.

But my response was elusive. Anyway, my uncle told me that the shock of "Mrs. Lucia" was too strong.

My uncle says he's the butler of the house we're going to live in. My uncle, who named me Fariero Anaclerio, graciously gave me a bowl of grace. Honestly, it's prettier than me.

"Okay, thank you very much."

"Yes, ma'am. You can't say anything."

"Nevertheless," Mr. Ceres muttered as he warmed up to Mr. Anaclerio, who cheered gracefully.

"Instructor, why are you here?"

As she rounded her eyes to what seemed a little obstinate but a little happy, Ms. Anaclerio turned her smile and a gentle smile to Ms. Ceres.

"It's because you asked me, sir"

"That, please don't. When the instructor tells me that, it seems kind of weird. As always, please."

"Oh, really? I thought I had followed the board quite a bit. Well, I'm here because His Majesty Edoardo wrote to me straight away. I was retiring and pulling into the country, but just before my reign, Your Majesty must have spoken to me. Agrialdi asked me to help you, and I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to help you or your bride."

Mr. Ceres explained to me that the situation had not been swallowed. Anyway, Anaclerio said he was a teacher of manners who belonged to the Knights. Speaking of which, I remember hearing before that there is a manners course.

"I can't believe you're a better butler from nobility... instructor, what are you thinking? Is that okay?"

"No? I was wondering if it would be fun. It's actually fun. Even though I'm from the aristocracy, I'm the youngest son of the Baron family, so it doesn't matter about inheritance or anything, and you didn't marry me, so you don't have any clues about the house. This one is more meaningful than living on a narrow shoulder in the territory ruled by my nephew. Look, there's no problem."

When she laughs with pleasure, Ms. Anaclerio puts her hand on her chest to thank her.

"Now, let me show you to the mansion. Go ahead, they're following me. Everyone is looking forward to your arrival."