Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 21: Extraordinary Christmas

"Uh... by the way, Arzac, what gift would you like to buy for Aska?"

Casa and Arzac were walking in Magnolia's shop. Casa, who didn't know what gift to give his daughter, asked Arzac.

"Um... Actually I haven't thought about it yet..."

"It always feels like our father is a failure ha...haha"

"Although I didn't think about it, but there are specific ideas." Arzac said

"Oh? Come and listen"

"I think Aska is old enough to learn magic, so it's good to buy gifts and lean in this direction as much as possible. As for Kaniyachan is only two years old, you must not be too hasty." Arzac suggested to "Little Children, especially little girls always like some beautiful toys."

"That's right." Casa thought about Alzac's suggestion and found it very good.After all, their daughter is 6 years old and has experience and has to learn.

"Then this crystal ball."

At this time, Kasa looked at a sky blue crystal ball placed on the counter with a starry sky dotted background. Under the starry sky was a little girl in a magician costume holding a magic wand.It looks very pleasing.

"I think it's good too."

"Well, it's decided!"

After Casa chose the gift, the two began to prepare for Aska.As the daughter of two bullet wizards, Aska must have a talent for learning bullet magic.

So the gift chosen should be a magic gun, as expected, but magic bullets are impossible to buy. After all, Ashka is only 6 years old, and that thing is still a bit dangerous for her now...

After shopping for more than an hour, Alzac finally bought a gift.

The two put their gifts away, and when there was enough time, they found a nearby restaurant to take a break and have lunch by the way.

"By the way, what do you think of Naz and Lucy, Casa?"

While eating, Arzac suddenly asked about Casa.

"The two of them, you need to ask, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are a pair. It's a pity that Naz can't be described as a straight steel man..." Kasa replied.

He also felt that the relationship between many people in the guild was too twitchy. The main ones were Nazgray and others, and there was nothing else in his mind besides taking risks.

"I think we should think of a way to match up, otherwise we rely on this group of goods, maybe our children grow up and they are still single."

Casa continued.

"Yes, I have the same idea. You see, Naz and Grape...with Lucy, Gray and Jubia, Elisa and Geral, Elfman and Abbaglin, this pair That's right, I feel worried."

For Casa's proposal, Alzac very much agrees.

Everyone is a partner of a guild, and they will naturally take care of their affairs.The person concerned may not feel anything, but this kind of thing is naturally helpful for their good.

"Well, I think it's good too. What do you think, Geral?"

Suddenly, a playful voice came.The two looked up, at this moment, Laxus and Geral were standing beside them.

Laxus gave a smirk, and Geral blushed rarely.

"Yeah, I also said that Jerald, there is at least someone else who can be matched. I think some guys are not anxious when they are old! In fact, I think Urrutia is very good, although it matches you a bit The feeling of flowers planting cow dung..."

Seeing Laxus don't know why, Casa always wanted to tease him.


Laxus, who was stunned, could not refute Kasa, and the smirk on his face turned into an unhappy sitting next to Arzac, and Geral was also sitting next to Kasa.The four of them were eating and discussing.In fact, most of them are Casa and Arzac giving Geral advice.

at night

Cardia Cathedral

Naz, Gray, and Gajiro carefully wiped the old bell for a day.Finally, the dirty big clock was also polished by the three of them.

At this moment, Hobby flew over, and suddenly wanted to tease Naz, so he got into the clock and pushed.

Naz outside felt the shaking, and shouted at Gray, "Hey, Gray, stop shaking!"

"Huh? I didn't shake it, I think it was your kid who was shaking it!"

Gradually, the frequency of shaking became greater and greater, and Naz finally couldn't stand it and started to vomit.

Gray, who was lying on the clock, had quick eyes and quick hands, and slid down and blocked Naz's mouth.

"Hey, Naz, bear with me, if you vomit, the three of us will be in vain today..."

As soon as Gray slid down, the clock's gravity imbalance swayed more and more frequently.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

A bell ringing followed.

At this time, everyone who heard the bell rushed over.

"Hey, you guys, what are you doing?"

Eliza looked at the three men fiercely and asked.

At this time, the three of them, Gajeru, who was lying innocently, was caught on the ceiling by the swinging clock, and Naz was about to vomit again. Gray looked at Elisa's terrible expression and dared not speak.


Finally, the big clock broke and the three of them fell from the top floor.


The big clock was smashed to pieces, the huge impact even the Christmas tree at the door was blown crooked...

"You fools!!!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Elisa gave Naz and Gray a single punch.

Two people kneel on the ground


"Haha... I said why I feel less today, this time is complete" by Casa.

"These idiots..." by Laxus.

"..." by Geral.

"Haha..." by Jeff.

"Ahhhhhh..." by Mebis, covering his face.

At this moment, even the drunk Makarov was sober.This group of bastards got into trouble again...

The little old man's little heart can't bear it by himself. This meow is going to get into trouble every day, and sooner or later he will be angry with these little ghosts...

Fortunately, everyone worked together to repair the ancient clock with magic. After working for a while, the ancient clock was finally restored to its original condition and hung again.

At this point, all the cleaning work for Fairy Tail Christmas Eve has been completed, and the rest of the time is their own carnival...

"So, today's work, everyone has worked hard. Disband!" Makarov announced, and then he thought of something. "Casa, Laksas, Geral, you three come with me."

After the disbandment, a group of people came into groups.The Arzac family went home to celebrate.The Casa family was called by the little old man because Casa was called, so Mira took Kaniya and her younger siblings back first.As for Jeff and Mebis, they stayed at Casa's house during the period they came back from the trip.Elisa, Naz, Gray, Gajiro, Lucy, Wendy, Jubia, Rebbi and others went to Lucy's house to celebrate.
