Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 30 The Missing Case

"Casa, what did you just say to that guy? Why did he suddenly agree to our stay here?"

After waiting for the people in the Senate, Mira started to ask Casa.

"It's nothing, it's just a deal. But not only this time, the members of the Senate will not bother our guild for some time to come."

Casa replied.

During the time he had just been in contact with Chi Klein, he had already seen through that the person named Chi Klein was a thoughtful person, and he must have an unknown purpose for entering the Senate.

But who is this person and what his purpose is, Casa doesn't bother to care about it.As long as it doesn't affect yourself and the guild, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Therefore, after seeing through the mind, Casa will make a deal with him instead of exposing him face to face.

"Mila, although the members of the Senate are incompetent, you must be careful if you see this person in the future, he is very dangerous!"

Casa reminded.He doesn't need to be afraid of Zickrein himself, but God knows if someone from the guild will come into contact with him one day, so it's better to remind them to pay attention.


Nodded, Mira asked again

"Then shall we continue to investigate in this place now?"

"No, I'd better go to see the client to find out the actual situation, and come back if there are clues here. Otherwise, there is no reason to be seen by the people of the House of Councilors."

Casa said, and then both of them spread their wings and flew towards Cima Town.


"Are you the wizards of Fairy Tail?"

When Casa and Mila walked to the mayor's house, the mayor Bamier, who was 60 or 70 years old, looked at the two 15- or 6-year-old children in front of them and asked suspiciously.

Mayor Bamier was very dissatisfied. This is a very dangerous and critical task. "Fairy Tail" sent only two children to it, which is really trivial.Whether the two children can complete the task is a question.

"Well, I'm Casa of Fairy Tail, this is Mira."

Casa didn't care about the mayor's suspicion, or that he was accustomed to others' suspicions.After all, every time I went out on a mission, I was watched by this "you tease me?"

"Casa? Are you the "Casa Son of Light"?"

Now it was the mayor’s turn to be shocked. The name of "Casa, the Son of Light", even if he had heard of it in this remote town, came from the "Fairy Tail" of the Wizards Guild, powerful and destroyed by him. There are countless monsters and dark guilds...but I didn’t expect that he was just such a young person?

"Um... I didn't expect my reputation to be spread to such a remote town."

Casa was a little surprised, but it's okay to think about it, since the client knows his identity, he will be more compatible with his work.

"Then Mayor Bamir, I have a few questions about the missing persons case you wrote on the task list."

"Okay, please, please, as long as I know it, you must know everything."

Sure enough, after knowing that Casa is the famous "Son of Light", Mayor Bamier's attitude suddenly changed.After all, this is a world that depends on strength.

"Then, Mayor Bamier, when did the disappearance begin? How many people are missing now?"

Kasa took a sip of tea on the sofa and asked.Mila was sitting and drinking tea quietly.

"Um... This probably started two months ago. Because our town is surrounded by mountains on all sides, there will always be people who go to the mountains to catch prey. Two months ago, a few young people went out of the city together. Hunting, and then never came back. At first, everyone generally thought it was eaten by a beast in the mountains, so they didn't care. After all, hunters are also a profession that takes away risks."

Casa nodded, the hunter profession is indeed risky. If you encounter weak animals, you will earn it, but if you encounter some beasts, casualties may occur.

"But gradually some young people disappeared, so I organized the young people in the city to look for them, thinking that even if they couldn't find them, I had to find out the reason for their disappearance. In the end, another quarter One of the people did not come back..."

"Did they all disappear after leaving the city?"

Casa asked.

"Not all. Those who disappeared half a month ago disappeared because they were out of the city, but in the past half month, people have come to me to reflect that many people disappeared at night for no reason. A figure... Until now, more than 200 young people in the town have disappeared. Now the whole town of Cima is panicked. I judged that this was definitely not done by an ordinary beast, so I asked the Wizards Guild Send a commission..."

Bamir explained.

"Are all the young men missing... Mayor Bamier, the last question. From the time when people disappeared and before we came here, are there any strange people in your town or something strange happening? thing?"

Casa raised one last question.

"Strange people and strange things?"

Bamier put his finger against his chin, closed his eyes and thought.It took a while to speak slowly.

"I know only two things, but I don't know if this will help."

"tell me the story."

"Well... about two months ago, two people in cloaks came to town. They were very strangely dressed, so they attracted a lot of people at the time, but then I thought they were just passing wizards. I didn't care too much."

Bamier recalled.

"What about the second thing?"

"The second incident happened yesterday. A young man with blue hair and a tattoo on his right eye came to me. He also brought more than a dozen people behind him."


Hearing Bamier's face, Casa and Mira immediately thought of Chikerrain in the Senate.

"Then what did they say when they came?"

Mira asked immediately.

"They claim to be from the Magic Council and come here to investigate what happened."

"This is nothing strange."

Casa said

"When we saw him today, he was still investigating something with his subordinates..."

"That one..."

Bamir opening

"What is the Magic Council? Our remote town only knows the wizard’s guild. This Council has never heard of it. I asked the young man yesterday and he only said that the Council is an organization that manages the wizards. ."

"The Senate is an organization responsible for maintaining order in the magic world. Its main tasks include monitoring the actions of the wizards' guilds, punishing guilds that violate the rules, and hunting down the dark guilds."

Casa explained to Bamir, then asked

"Did you talk to him about the disappearance of people when he came?"

"Of course I said, as soon as I heard they said it was the organization that manages the wizards, I told him all about it."

"Then what did he say? Or what did he do?"

Casa asked.

"That's not the case. He just told me that he will investigate this matter with full authority and ask me to cancel my delegation to the Wizards Guild."
