"Ice make: Giant's Hammer!!"

"Light make: Spear of Light!"

"Ice make: Whirlwind disk!"

"Light make: Shield of Light!"


One light and one ice, a duel of two modeling wizards.

Accompanied by the sound of "bang!" and "bang!" magical encounters that came out continuously, one magic after another was constantly punched out of the two hands.

During the fierce battle, Casa's eyes also noticed that Mira was on the sidelines, but because of his strength was divided into several parts, he was entangled by Gray in his state and couldn't get away.So I had to give up the intention of interrupting Mira, and could only give priority to defeating Gray quickly.

"Light make: Blade of Light!"

Thinking about it this way, Casa turned into a photon sword.

Casa's idea is very clear. Once he chooses close combat, Gray will surely fight against him, but if he talks about physical skills, Gray is far from Casa.

"Ice make: Ice Holy Sword!"

Sure enough, seeing the knife in Kasa's hand, Gray also decisively turned into an ice giant sword and chose to fight him.

"Grey, don't be fooled!!"

After all, after teaming up with Casa for a long time, Mira knows Casa very well.Therefore, when the two faced each other closely, she saw Casa's thoughts and reminded Gray loudly.

"It's too late to remind now!"

Casa said, and then quickly slashed at Gray with a knife.

Because it is the wizard of light, all of Kasa's attacks are based on speed.Even with the sword technique.

And Gray's great sword is much slower than Casa's Taito.

Within a few rounds of the two slashing, Gray almost missed the defense every time he swung his knife at Casa, and was hit directly.


Mira shouted, and immediately prepared to give up the accumulation of energy, wanting to come and help.

"Mira! Don't come here!"

Gray shouted.Then immediately gave up the Ice Holy Sword, and transformed into two Ice Swords.

"Ice make: Double-edged!"



Knife and knife strike, although Gray is still at a disadvantage, but in terms of speed, he can still keep up with Casa a little bit.


Gradually, Gray still couldn't keep up with Casa's attack.Casa aimed at a gap.The sword in his hand swung down fiercely.

Damn it!!

However, to his surprise, the Gray he had cut turned into an ice sculpture.

"Oh? Did you shape yourself at the moment of being cut?"

Then, just when Casa was about to find Gray, Gray appeared from behind Casa.

"Ice make: Prison!"

Gray yelled, the modeling magic was used instantly.

However, in order to prevent Casa from escaping, this time the cage was pieced together from all directions, sealing all of Casa's escape routes until Casa was locked in.

"Pretty! Gray!"

Upon seeing this, Mira shouted.

"Hey, I'll rely on you next!"

Gray quickly stepped aside and sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

"Casa, take it!"

Mira flew towards Casa, and the black magic ball with her hands constantly gathering at this moment finally came towards Casa.

"Light make: Mirror back!!"

Kasa looked at the Soul Destroyer in Mira’s hand and couldn’t help being shocked. If he took this move with his original strength, it wouldn’t be a big problem, but at present he is just a thoughtful body, with only four bodies of the body. One part of the strength, and also consumed a lot of magic power in the battle with Gray just now, so if this move is next, I am afraid he will be bombarded with no scum.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Casa decisively chose to reflect this move back.Although it will consume magic power, this is the best result.

And if the reflection goes back successfully, it will bring a lot of trouble to Mira and Gray.

However, just when Casa felt that things would be as he expected, both Milla and Gray showed a triumphant expression on their faces.

"It's not good, it won!"

Kasa secretly said, and then in his gaze, Mira and the energy bomb in his hand were sucked into the mirror.

When it was reflected again, it was an ice sculpture of Mira.

"It's modeling again!!"

At this moment, the instinct of Casa defensively, who foresaw danger

"Light make: Five-layer light shield!!"

"Soul Destroyer!!"

Mila's voice also came from the rear, and a big move that had been stored up came fiercely.



The energy exploded, and the light shield burst layer by layer, dissipating...


When the five layers of Photon Shield were all shattered, Kasa's body was hit by Mira's magic, and the body that flew out continuously crashed into the stone wall, smashing a deep hole...

"Finally succeeded!"

Gray, who was sitting on the ground, finally sighed in relief.



After a while, Casa struggled to crawl out of the wall.

Mira and Gray, who had finally relaxed when they saw Casa, immediately turned into a nervous expression again.

"Don't get excited, you passed the first level!"

Casa quickly waved his hand and said.

"Grey, who delayed me, deliberately hit my provocation, in fact, to let me relax my guard so as to trap me. After trapping me, the two of you continued to trick me into using key magic to catch My gap is another fatal blow, wonderful!"

Casa exclaimed.

"Although I am very happy to pass the first level of assessment, Casa, you have released the water too seriously!"

At this moment Mira said dissatisfied with Casa.

It has been almost a year since she teamed up with Casa, and she knows what strength Casa is.

"No, I don't have waterproof. Just now is my full strength in the current state?"

Casa answered truthfully.

"In the current state? What do you mean?"

Mira puzzled.

"Because, I'm just a thinking body..."

Explained that Casa's figure gradually became transparent and eventually disappeared.


Witnessing the disappearance of Casa, Milla and Gray looked at each other, both looked very surprised.

It turned out that the two of them spent so much effort to defeat a clone?

Suddenly, a wave of unwillingness surged from the hearts of the two.

However, Mira soon figured out that she was not as strong as Casa, although defeating his clone is not much honorable, but at least they passed the first pass.

"Come on, Gray."

Greeting Gray, Mira walked directly to the exit of the cave.

"By the way, Meister. Do you think they two can pass the exam?"

At the exit, Karna asked Meester, who looked thoughtful.

"I think their strength is much stronger than ours. We only passed the assessment relying on Casa's weakness. For them, even if they are due to pay for electricity, I think they should be able to pass the assessment."


I’m sorry for yesterday’s pigeons again, this chapter is for yesterday, and there will be another chapter today.