Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 73-Meister's Mission

"Brother Casa, you are too impulsive."

On the way to the cell, Yajima spoke earnestly to Casa.

"Mr. Yajima, I am very sensible. I have thought about what to do and what not to do. Those people will only try their best. In fact, they dare not do anything to me or to our guild. how about it."

Casa said indifferently.

If these people in the Senate dared to do something to him or Fairy Tail, he would have to take a high look at them.

But they didn’t dare. Just like Casa had a meal with them today, they could only symbolically check Casa for a month on the grounds that Casa did not respect the MPs, but in fact there was only one day, and one month was for others. People listen.

"By the way, Mr. Ajima, don't talk about this for now. Is your prison food delicious?"


Ajima was speechless. He just stunned the Speaker of the House of Representatives and many members. The first thing he considered was prison food?

Although the House of Representatives will not treat you like anything, can you take them seriously?!

"Looking at your expression, it's not tasty... It's not tasty but it's better than being hungry."

Casa continued

"By the way, let you, the captain of the Luen Knights, Dolan Barthes, send it to me."

"Brother Casa, do you know Dolan Barth?"

Ajima is a bit confused

"Ah, I had a fate a few years ago, and I can be regarded as one of the few acquaintances in the Senate who can speak."

For reasons of stance, Mestre’s undercover incident can never be told to Yagema, although he usually speaks for Fairy Tail, and Makarov is a close friend.But they have different positions.

After all, Ajima is still a member of the Senate.

"Well, then you will be wronged to stay in it all night, and I will let them let you out tomorrow morning."

As Ajima spoke, he sent Kasa to the prison, then turned around and returned.


"This Child of Light is really as I expected..."

In one room, Zickrein was sitting on a chair, sighing while drinking a glass of wine.

"Yes, it's the first time I saw these people in person and warned them."

Urrutia stood behind Chikerrain and agreed.

"This Casa, no. The whole fairy tail can't be taken by common sense."

Zick Lein said.

"Master Chickley, to be honest, I'm a little worried about Casa, our plan may change."

"No, as long as we don't provoke him, this Casa will not be nosy. As for the relationship between Fairy Tail and the Senate, it may be a good thing for us."

Zick Lein put down his wine glass with a confident expression on his face.


"If our affairs will not be known to others, it is naturally good, but the only one who has some control over me is this Casa. Our purpose is the magic power of the elves. If by any chance he knows about them, they In relation to the Senate, the self-righteous old things in the Senate may not necessarily listen to their suggestions."

"It turns out that when the R system is completely started, neither Casa nor anyone has the ability to stop us."

Urrutia agreed, but there was a trace of worry in her heart. She always felt that things would change.


"Yeah, it's been a long time, Meister!"

Kasa looked at the food in front of his face and looked depressed, Dolan Bart, the captain of the Knights of Rune, who was the undercover Mestre sent by Makarov, said hello.

"Mr. Casa, why don't I remember that I met you, and who is Mestre you said? My name is Dolan Bart."

Meester replied angrily.

Before he came to the House of Appraisal, in order to do it thoroughly, he also modified his memory easily, so now, as Dolan Bart, he is sure that he has never seen this person.

Moreover, as a member of the Senate, I really don't like Fairy Tail, who is always in trouble and has never changed.

"Hey, I told you not to be so troublesome, but you wouldn't listen..."

Casa sighed helplessly, then a point of index finger, a light blue energy hit Meester's head.


Meister thought that Casa was going to attack him and was taken aback.

But when I reacted, there were many more memories in my mind that I didn't know.


"I said, can you not interfere with my mission? I used a lot of energy to sneak in. It's good for you to dare to see me in the Senate. Are you really afraid of being discovered?"

Meester, whose memory was awakened, looked at Casa and said helplessly.

"Don't worry, those old guys were stunned by me once, and now they are getting angry. I'm afraid the person I don't want to see the last time is me.

Casa said indifferently.

"Oh, give the congressman again, you really deserve it..."

Meister sighed, and then he said to Casa

"By the way, you'd better remind the people in our guild when you go back tomorrow, Naz and the others are really going too far recently."

Meester, whose memory has recovered, must of course consider his own guild. In the Senate, I can see complaints against Fairy Tail almost every day.

"It's okay. Damaged things are compensated at the price. The old people in the Senate don't have to pay attention to them. They can only talk about it."

Casa continued to disregard.

After receiving the lunch box that Meister handed over, Casa's eyes lit up.

"I said, Mr. Ajima must have bought this item and asked you to send it."

Picking up a drumstick and gnawing, Casa asked.

"Ah, do you think the prisoners will still have food?"

Meister asked rhetorically.

For the magician, most of them can convert magical power into energy to maintain the body's functions, so if you don't eat, you will be hungry, but it must be starving.

"It's really inhumane, isn't the prisoner also a human..."

Casa grumbled, then asked

"By the way, how is your mission accomplished?"

"Oh, no progress..."

Meester sighed.

"How to say?"

"So far, only a few years ago, Nishi Dalu had been eager to move Yixugar, but in the end nothing happened. I think it may be because of the magical power of the elves."

Meister analyzed.

"Elf magic power? Is the judge's hole card?"

"Well, the magical power of the elves is the strategic weapon of the Senate. The magicians of various attributes gather their power together, and then launch them from a distance, using the super time and space launched by the satellite magic array to destroy magic, and the power is enough to destroy a country. "

Meister explained to Casa.

"Oh? There's still something..."

Casa commented.

"Hello, is this a bit?"

"Although it is strong, it is not invincible. I think there should be others."

Casa asked.

"I don't know. I can know that this is done by myself. This is not something I have the authority to know at the moment."

Meister said.

"Then, to add a new task to you, it is to check what other cards the Senate has."
