"Uncle, you are really majestic..."

Casa stepped forward. At this time, Luo Gene was already in a state of extreme weakness due to the loss of life, and even his body became a little transparent. I am afraid that he might die at any time if he does not get supplements.

Because Loki's magical attribute is also light, at this moment, Kasa, regardless of whether it is useful or not, directly instills his magic power into Loki's body.Doing nothing is better than waiting like this.

"You see it too! My friends think so!"

Lucy turned her head and continued to speak to the Protoss King.

Behind her, all the Protoss she held were looking at the Protoss King with determination.

But this is only a few seconds, because Lucy's magic power is limited, and it is her limit to be able to summon all the star spirits in one breath for a few seconds.

"You are also a Protoss, you can definitely understand the feelings of Loki and Aliyes!"

Lucy fell to the ground because her magic was overdrawn, but she still said loudly towards the Star King.

And Casa just maintained Loki's life at this moment, because he was not the Astral Sorcerer, and since Lucy was present, there was no need for him to do anything.


The Star Spirit King was silent.

Looking at Lucy in front of her, she finally sighed

"My old friend... Since you have said this, the wrong thing may be the'rule'. Leo who was convicted for his companion Alice, to save Leo's old friend, in view of this I will deal with this wonderful fetter, Leo! You can return to the astral world!"

"Old man with a long beard, I didn't expect you to be quite nice!"

Lucy said with a smile when the Protoss had pardoned Loki.


The Star Spirit King also grinned from the corner of his mouth.


"If you still want to repay your sins, become the strength of this friend and protect her!"

The Star Spirit King said so.

Suddenly, in front of everyone, two doors emerged.

"This is... the gate of the astral world?"

Casa asked.


Loki nodded.

"If there is anything extra, let's wait until your state is adjusted. The magic effect of constantly sending you magic power is minimal..."

Casa said.

After all, the magical powers of Protoss and humans are essentially different.So even if the magician who is also the light, the effect of conveying magic power to Loki is not very good.

"okay, I get it!"

Loki nodded, then turned to look at Lucy

"Although the sins I committed have not disappeared, but I have gained the courage to move forward from you, thank you! I will protect you from now on!"

After all, Loki's figure finally disappeared.

At the same time, a golden key appeared in Lucy's hand.


"Speaking of which, Casa, how did you know that Loki is here?"

Lucy asked weakly.

"I was looking for someone to pass by Cyan Pegasus. I originally wanted to ask for help, but then I heard President Bobb tell me about Karen. I think Rocky's words are probably here."

Casa said, looking at Lucy, who was exhausted.

"Don't talk so much, I will take you back to the guild first!"

"it is good..."

"I said, uncle. Why are you still here?"

Kasa looked up and asked while looking at the Protoss King who was still here.

Unexpectedly, the Protoss King suddenly stretched out his left hand, and a burst of energy hit Lucy.


"It's okay, it's just sleep magic, just for my old friend to have a good rest."

The Star Spirit King explained.Stared at Casa for a long time, and then slowly said something that made Casa heard inexplicable

"I didn't expect that existence like you would be like this..."


Casa was confused.Your existence?What about me?Use honorifics to me?

"Hey, uncle, what are you talking about inexplicably?"

"Don't know anything yet..."

The Star Spirit King murmured as he watched Casa's reaction.

At the same time, Kasa suddenly felt a subtle sensation from deep inside.

"This feeling...what's the matter?"

Casa was puzzled, but this feeling became stronger and stronger, making him feel that his body was suddenly out of his control.


Casa immediately used his own magic power, intending to suppress this inexplicable abnormality forcibly.

"My old friend...Don't resist!"

At this moment, the Protoss King looked at Kasa's actions and said suddenly.


After hearing what the Protoss King said, Kasa was a little surprised.At the same time, there is confusion.

Should I believe in the Protoss King?

"Hey, don't care!"

After all, Casa relaxed his body again, letting this feeling become more and more intense.

Finally, Casa fell down with a "bang".

A few seconds after he fell, a golden light suddenly appeared in the heart.

The golden light became stronger and stronger, gradually turning into a human form.

"Long time no see, Star Spirit King..."


When Casa woke up again, the sky was already bright.When he opened his eyes, he only saw Karen's grave and Lucy lying in front of him.

"How is this going?"

When he woke up, Casa was a little confused, because he still vaguely remembered something about last night.

The Protoss King hypnotized Lucy, and then said some inexplicable words to himself, and then he felt a strong feeling, and that was it...

"What the hell is going on? Is there any secret in me?"

Casa meditated, there must be some reason for the strange feeling that appeared on him.What the hell is that?

"Ah! Forget it, I don't want to!"

Thinking left and right, but didn't think of anything, Casa just gave up thinking, no matter what he had, let's take a step and see.

Woke up Lucy who was still lying on the ground asleep.

"Huh? Why is it dawn?"

"How did I know, I fainted too..."

Casa said helplessly.

"Did you consume too much magic power again?"

Lucy asked.


Casa said that the Star Spirit King hypnotized Lucy in advance, so she didn't know yet, and Casa did not plan to tell anyone about it.

"Forget it, anyway, Loki's matter has been resolved, so let's go back to the guild and tell everyone the news."

Casa said.


Lucy nodded.

Then, the two returned to the guild together, telling everyone that Loki was a Protoss.


"Loki is a Protoss?"

Sure enough, the expressions of everyone after hearing the news were more exaggerated than when Kasa knew that Loki was a Protoss at first.

"But, is that guy neither a cow nor a horse?"

Naz asked.

"Rocky is the Protoss of Leo!"

Lucy explained to him.


Naz soon imagined a creature with four different appearances in his mind...

"The lion is the cat that grew up!"

Hubby said.

"It's almost the same in terms of form..."

