Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 154 ends

"It's enough! Laxas, let go!"

When I plan to destroy everything in Laxas, Fried came over.

"Fried is now, are you going to betray me?"

Laksas did not stop, and asked Fried with Yu Guang.


"Hey, don't explain anything. Now I will let everything will come back, I have to re-create a strongest guild that everyone is afraid of being enemy !!"

Laxas said, the light of the palm is getting more and more dazzling.

"Laxas ..."

Casa looked at the iron heart, and his heart was immediately thoughts. What do you do with you? Although I have been put in myself before, he knows that he has never seen Laxas as an enemy.

"If I have made something harmful to the guild, I may stop me from there, you must stop me at all costs, even if it is ... kill me!"

Six years ago, Laxas suddenly sounded in the ear of Casa. Casa is very clear that Laxas is very loved on this guild. This incident said that it is also stronger to make the guild. However, he has gradually lost himself in the power.


Casa deeply called a sigh of relief, as if finally set a decision, both hands closed. At this moment he finally did decision, and finally emerged from the murder. If you retrieve your self, Laxas knows that he kills the companion in the guild, this will make him live in his life in the remorse and self-blame.

But now, it is impossible to stop him from freeing the fairy, so there is only one thing in Casa to do. Just killed him before the law of Laxas released the fairy.

"Since I have already come to this step, I will now fulfill my promise and kill you!"

The word Casa said a word, and the palm is also released with dazzling light.

"Hahahaha! Yes, this is right!"

Laughing in Laxas.

"Fairy law !!"

"Fairy law !!"

Two burst, the sacred rays expanded immediately until the entire Magnolia was shrouded.


"this is..."

At this moment, most people in the guild can't afford to fight in the counterattack of Shen Sing Temple. It can only be sprinkled with the sacred light.

"Fairy law ... Is it necessary to do this! What is these two people think !!"

In the guild, Mira looked at this radon.

Makarov in the coma opened his eyes at the moment of the holy light. Look at this light, your mouth

"It's a group of messy little ghosts!"

But after the jade, he laughed at this moment.

"It seems that this farce should be over!"


For a long time, the rays are scattered.

Also in the hills, all three people are falling in a stunned.

"Why? Why are you ..."

Laxas looked at the no-injured Casa asked.

"Not only Casa, other members are also, Magnolia's people are also fine, and there is no one by this magic."

Fried said.

"Okay! Why! Why is this! The law of fairy should be a perfect magic! Why ..."

Laxas screamed.

"This is your heart, Laxas! You are inherited from the president, not only forces and magic. There is also a heart!"

Fried replied.

"Yes, just like you can't kill Magnolia, I can't kill you."

Fried's voice came, Casa said.

"The law of fairy will only be effective for people who believe in the enemy, and your inner heart does not treat us as an enemy, and I can't use you as an enemy."

Casa relieved aurora mode and said.

"It is not only you, but I don't really look through my heart."

"I think now, we have not continued to play it. This game will make it end in this situation. As for the strongest magician of your so-called goblin, I have never I will not be able to I am. To serve. "


Laxas closed his eyes, tightly held his fist, and the silence did not send. At the same time he suddenly thought of the words of Ai Laha and Lucy who came back six years ago, Airewa had a sentence to him.

"It's good to face your own heart."


Thinking of this, Laxsus was a holding hand and sighed.

Seeing this look, Casa turned to the guild. This game is over.


"Ms. Western Ca, how is the father."

After returning to the guild, Casa walked to Makarov, asked Ms. Western Cass.

"There is no more thing, as long as you can make him less, you can do it."

The Polyvika didn't say goodness, and then turned around to go out of the guild.

"You have two feverful ghosts, but they do so fire!"

Ms. Western Kaka walked, Makarov lying on the bed said.

"This can't blame me."

Casa boards hands and said.

"Oh ... anyway, it is over, it doesn't matter."

Makarov sighed, and then in contradictory.

"Why, think about how to dispose of Laxas?"

Casa asked.

"Well, this time he made this excessive thing, I can't think of it. Just ... Yes, do you have any suggestions?"

Makarov said, asked in Qaass.

"Suggestions? No! You are the president, you will make a decision."

Casa said, and then turned and walked out of the guild to send a member of the injured member in the town.


Because Magnolia's harvesting sacrifice is a magical parade, but because of this injured person, Makarov decided to delay the magical parade one day.

The next day after the war.

The guild recovered the past.

"Do you really want to organize a magical parade in this situation?"

Lucy is drinking juice while asking.

"This is also the meaning of the father."

Gray said

"Well, the president said that it should continue to do this time."

The Mira is coming over a glass of wine in front of Casa, and then the words of Gray.

"Then do you want to perform anything?"

Lucy asked again.

"I still don't know ..."

Gray is open, saying.

Then Lucy asked again to look at Alphman, Zhu Bia, Naz et al., All people shook their heads very tacit.

"What about Casa and Mira?"

"I don't participate in this magic parade."

Casa has drank his mouth and said.
