Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 169 Rapid Variety

In addition to Kaisio Snow Lee, Casagrel, Ai Lisha Naz, the rest of the two teams also encountered the siege of the Dark Community.

However, there is only a member of the ordinary dark public meeting, and the six magic generals did not arrive at the battlefield at the moment.


"Hey, tell me where the six magical leads, otherwise, I can only send you to death."

Casa played a member of the hidden screwage, asked in evil.

"This ... I ... I don't know."

The black unicorn member is expected to answer.

"whispering sound."

Casa smashed, and then felted him, throwing on the ground.

"Gray, have you asked?"

"Nothing, look like they really don't know the stronghold of the six magic generals."

Gray did nothing, and irritatedly grasped the hair.

"This group of guys will play some conspiracy, I am bothering."

Gray said something annoyed.

"No, I am thinking that I'm thinking is Geral."

Casa replied.

"Geral? How do you know?"

Listening to Casa said that Gray asked someone.

"He didn't use full effort when he was playing with me. It is like deliberately put water. In accordance with normal logic, he should hate us to kill us."

Casa explained. And the six magic will suddenly retreat, mostly the ghosts of Gerar.

"Hey, it is really annoying that it is extremely guy."

Listening to the explanation of Casa, Gray smashed. It is not afraid of the bright and big fights, but this kind of person hiding in the dark, he is not a way.

"Continue to be estimated here is just nothing, continue to look forward." Casa said.


Gray nodded, then the two did not take a member of the dark unleashed beast, and cross them will continue to go forward.


"Finally, all the knocks ..."

On the other hand, because of the many enemies, the magic has consumed a lot of lotus.

"Ah ... I don't know what kind of enemies in front."

And his team, I, also consumed a lot of magic.

"Let's take a break here."

Yaf is recommended to take the state of them, it is absolutely impossible to knock down a whole dark public meeting, and in case of the six magic generals, even one of them, they are estimated to be hit. .

"Ah good."

Lotus is nodded, then sitting on the ground with a point of the image, the big mouth gasped.


"It's a holy tha, a person who will fight all the darkness."

On the night of the night and the rig, there was no more than one night of the whole night.

"Where, I have to lose a night's pain relief, or I am afraid I still fall in the villa."


"It looks like it, the people of these Dark Congress don't know the position of the six magic generals, we can only continue to look forward, MEN!"

"Well, I can only do this, the other people are estimated at the moment."

The dragon is nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I am worried about them, they are all very talented young people. Otherwise, they will not send them to the Six Devils."

I said overnight.

"It is also said, then we will continue to advance, you will go on a night."

Tilant said.


"Gray, stop!"

Casa and Gray were walking, and Casa suddenly found a volatility of a magic, lifting the hand stopped Gray.

"what's happenin?"

"Hey, the prey is sent to the door."

Casa enacted his mouth and said with a smile.

"Do you say that I am a prey?"

After listening to the words of Casa, from the two years of grass, a tight-fitted Siza came out.

"It seems that your reputation has gradually got up, and the son of the light."

Lisa can say.

"Dare to take the Lisa of one of my six magic generals as a prey, you are the first."

"Oh? What is it? Do you want to say that I can't afford your anger?"

Casa also replied.

"You can only discourage the tongue, the son of light! I am with you, who is the fastest in the magic world, come down today."

"Oh? Interest ..."

Casa looked his mouth, as a magist of speed, met with a person who wanted to challenge him by speed, naturally be very excited.

"So, the battle begins!"

Liss said, and then only a blink of an eye, came to the Casa.

"So fast!"

Gray was shocked, he really didn't see the action of Qing Laosa, as imitation Buddya can move moments.


Lisa kicked on the left arm of Casa.

"Is this your relevance?"

Casa went sharply, then the left arm was hard, and Liss also opened the distance from Casa.

"Now, the turn will come to attack."

Casa said, then physical chemical, and only blinking the kung fu, then came to Lisa's body.

"Light Make: laser gun !!"

"It's really unfortunate, your movement, I also read it!"

Liss said, then a flashed, escaped the number of sways to his laser.

"Hey, there are two times ..."

It was not surprised to Siza's own attack.

"I hope you can keep up with me!"

Casa said, once again quickly rushing to Lisa.

"Hey, the son of the light, but it is."

Lisa is helpless, the body is also constrained as a residue, attacking with Cassa.

boom! !

! !

On the side of Gray, I was stunned, and I couldn't even see the movies in front of my eyes. I can only hear the sound of hit hitting from time to time.

"These two guys, how to say this speed is too left!"

Gremen is helpless.

At this moment, Casa in the battle, the psychological idea can be a bit rich. This Liss can be flat with his speed, this is what he didn't think.

And if you use the Aurora mode, it is absolutely able to complete him, but the aurora mode is too magical. For him that has not guided the second magic source, it can not be used, after all, the real enemy Jerrar I still don't know where. Before fighting with Gerar, he didn't want to consume magic.

"Well? That bird? What is going on!?"? "

Gray standing not far away, I just looked at the sky without anything.

No way, if you help, you can't insert your hands, you can't figure it out, so he can only boring the sky.

But when he saw three birds flying over his head, Gray immediately fell into the meditation.
