Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 193 Makarov's Worry


After everyone greeted, Makarov sitting on the bar called Gildaz.

"Hey, the president!"

"How is the task completed?"

Macalov asked.

"Hey ... hahahahaha ..."

After listening, Gildaz smiled and scratched his head.

"No, I can't compete."

His words were exported, and the entire guild was scared by him.

Even the strongest Gildaz in the guild can't be competent, what is the extent to which the mission is dangerous?

"Sorry, I gave the guild."

Gildaz is a little awkward.

"Don't care, according to the old man, you know that you are the only one from this a hundred years of mission, this has been heard."

Macalov said.

"I am a little tired, go back to rest first."

Gildaz said that the hook will go to the wall of the front.

"Naz, to come to my house, have a gift to give you."

Said, only listening to "", strong in front of him broke a big hole, Gilda is walking out from the hole.


"Please go to the door !!!"


"Casa, telling Gildaz, Miston Ge, there is what he is, the old man can be more comfortable, after all, the enemy we will face can be not simple."

In the evening, Casa and Makarov sat together before the bar, Macalov whispered.

"Well, I also feel that this is better."

I nodded to Mira, who had a wine to give it a drink.

"Ah, I think so too, but I don't know how uncle's injury is restored."

Casa said. With the participation of Gildaz, he will be more confident on the upcoming battle. After all, in his memory, there has been no more powerful people than Gilda. However, the injury of Gilda will also be a problem. In case of being a big discount because of injury strength ...

"Do you say that Gildaz is hurt?"

After Makarov listened, he immediately looked at Casa.

"Ah ... When I went to work, I met my uncle in the flowers. At that time, he should say that it is already a miracle. Listening to Uncle is injured by a dragon. I am It took care of Uncle for a while, later because I happened because of the ghost things, I could only come back, and then forgot to say this and tell you. "

Casa said.

"He is dragon ..."

Makarov glared over his eyes, thinking in the mind for a while, and sighed.

"I will go to see him later. If there is no problem, I still hope that he can participate in the Thunders of Ad I."

"OK, I will go."

Casa said, although he also knows that Makarov has just represents him know some inside, but since Makarov doesn't want to say, he will not ask.

After the Casa also walked out of the guild, Makarov sighed again.

"Is it dragon ... I'm really being said to be said, Boqika. Destiny has turned it ..."


"Well? Isn't Naz?"

Casa, who walked to the Gildarz's home, I was unwillingly ran from his not far away, and it was looking at the home of Gilda, how long, Habie flew. come out.

"It seems that I have already told Naz."

Lenovo's state of Naz, and Casa affirmed that it can affirm that Gildaz must also tell Naz to stop his impulses.

After all, if he does not stop according to the character of Naz, he will find the dragon that Gildaz said.

I know that there is a dragon, but because of the lack of strength, it will make Naz have just the way.

"Uncle, you really have said this thing to Naz."

Enter the room, Casa asked.

"Ah, after all, this is also more able to promote Naz 'growth. Just, I didn't expect that Lisa Na's child is ... ..."

I heard that Lisa Na was dead, Gilda was sighed.

"No, Lisa may not die yet."

Casa said.

"Don't die? What do you mean?"

Gildaz asked some doubts.

Subsequently, Casa gave Miston Ge's things and his inference to Gildaz.

"Idras ... is a bit."

After listening, Gildazy laughed in the mouth. His laugh has two levels of meaning, one is the possibility of survival to the companion, and on the other hand, it is curious about novel things.

"That is to say, as long as the Anima starts, we can go to find Lisa."

"Well." Casa nodded.

"Then, do you talk to Mira?"


Casa said

"This is also the meaning of the father. Before everything has no results, don't let them hold too much expectations, otherwise, in case things, what happens to be bad ..."

"Well, it makes sense."

Gildaz also nodded.

"Right, Uncle, have you heard of the second magic source?"

Casa asked Gildaz. Regarding the second magic source, he is very trying to guide it as soon as possible. Otherwise, in his condition, it will always be on the problem of insufficient magic at the critical moment. Similar questions he also asked Makarov, but Makarov is not very clear about this concept.

Thinking that Gildaz is often traveling outside, I should know something.

"Second Magic Source? This is the first time I heard."

But let Cassa disappoints that Gildaz does not understand this issue.

"Where are you I heard?"

"My current strength has also reached a bottleneck, and because my magic consumption is too big, I will always be in the key moment. I went back to Ten Wolf Island, I heard that in Merbis. If it can be guided Will make up for my shortcomings. I will break this limit. "

Casa said.

"Hey ~ Break the limit ... The young is so good, hahahaha ..."

Gildaz laughed. For Casa often wants to break through their own limits, he is particularly appreciated.

"However, you don't have to worry too much. It can break through it is really a good thing, but change a point of view, you are still young. There are many possibilities in the future."

"The key is not to urgently ..."

Casa helpless

"For these months, the war is almost even, it will encounter strength than my opponent. I have no big card in my hand, my heart is not enough ..."


First check one chapter, the more I owe you, and I still owe 13 chapters. Basic things can be completed after today, began to recoil.