Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 194 Arnima

In the next few days, everyone is still preparing for the upcoming war. Such a life rhythm lasted for a week.

Fairy Tail

"Hey ... continuous practice is really tired for a week ..."

Lucy is sitting in front of a table.

"Ah, but although I am tired, I feel that my strength has improved a lot."

Gray said.

"This is ..."

After Cassa listened, he didn't say anything, but he knew that Gray did not enhance much strength, but let them have some swinging strength to stabilize some. The so-called strength improvement is just a few days of high-intensity training brings them to them.

"Said, the rain is so big ..."

"Let's know clearly, this is not the fault of Zhu Bia!"

I heard some rain, Zhu Biao immediately explained.

"Who didn't say what you ..."

"Casa, there should be!"

At this time, Mira and Alfman came to this side, Mira said.


Casa nodded, followed to stand up to the umbrella in the Mirang, walked outside with them.


"Hey? Such a big rain, which is this?"

Lucy asked.

"It should be to the Caluidian Cathedral. After all, it will go to Lisa's avoidance day ..."

Sitting on the table with Kana with bucket to reply.


After hearing this name, Lucy, Jubi, and Wenyi, who have just joined the guild, Zhu Biao and Wantati three people looked up and looked up to Kana.

"Lishana is Mila and Alvesman's sister, two years ago because of the mission unfortunately ..."

Kana said.

"This ah ..."

Lucy nodded, and thinking that Mira used to say her, the magician of the fairy tail was basically carrying his own past, when her expression was very sad, is Mira and Alfman The carry is Lisa Na ...

"The words come back, you and Lisa are still like ..."

Kana also said.

"is it?"

Lucy is won, "What are you talking about?"

"It's better to have the relationship between Naz."

"Hey - I used to have a good relationship with him ... I didn't expect this guy woman or very good ..."


"Why do you have something to eat?"

On the other hand, Gray looked at Jusabaya with a hot dog.

"Because ... Zhusia ... for the first time ... eat this ... this kind of food ..."

As long as the state of Gray, Jubia is talking to twist.

Gray took a hot dog in his hands, Zhang Da bite his mouth, and said to Zhu Boja.

"Hot dog is to eat this."

"Is that right!"

Zhu Bia also learned Gray's look and worked hard, biting it.

"Yes, this is not the kind of food that eats very much."

"But ... Zhu Biai feels ... you still put clothes better ..."

At the same time, Alzak and Bikka secretly explored the interaction of Gray and Jubila 'intish' in the corner.

"How did she do this?"

"I don't know when I can be with Biwi Card ..."

Looking at the two in front of the two, Alzak and Bi Sip Card turned to each other and started talking.

"Rain ... Always keep it ..."

"Um ... just ah ..."


Outside, a large number of black clouds gathered in Magnolia, which allowed the sky that was excluded from the sky because of heavy rain and black clouds.

Caluadia Cathedral

"Casa, what happened?"

Alphman asked in Casa to Miraki umbrella.

"Look at the sky!"

Casa expression expressions were very nervous, reminded with Alfman and Mira.

"Heaven? How is it in the sky ... What is it !!!!"

When I listened to Casa, Alfman looked up and saw that the sky at this time can not help but panic.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky actually like a huge vortex, and there is a blue-blue ray in a hole in the middle.

"What is it !?"

Be alert to this abstraction, the magic of the magic of Casa, I plan to launch magic immediately as long as there is change.


After a few lightnings, Magnolia actually distorted the Caluadia Cathedral, gradually, with the church of this power, for a group of magical factors disappeared in front of the three .

"How can this be this!? Church is ...

"What happened !?"

The force of distortion continues, after the church disappears, gradually spread. Three people in Casa in this are the first to rush.

"I am evil, I don't know if I haven't come."

Casa full body magic emerge, but it has not waited until his campaign, the power of great distortion has reached their body.

"That's too late!"

Casa is dark, seeing that the distortion has come to face, immediately abandon the release of the goblin, the whole body magic has formed a huge barrier around him. Casa immediately rushed to the front of Elffman, and at the same time, one hand took Mila's tightly in his arms and took their brothers and brothers.

Om -

At this time, there was a blue-purple energy cover around them, but the Casa was more strange that this energy is obviously not much, but the huge distortion power is all over the outside. . Also make them three people under the protection of the energy cover.

"The guild is ... !!"

Originally, Mira was scared to close his eyes in Casa Hua, but after she opened her eyes, she saw the most inside of Magnolia in her eyelids. Under the subsidence into a magical factor disappeared.

Finally, after a long time, the distortion of the twisted power disappeared, and the energy cover around the three people disappeared. Just, in front of them, the guild, and the peaceful Magnolia disappeared.

"Mistona, is this what you said?"

After Casa went to the body, Since Miston Ge is a step by step.

"Yes, I failed. I can't succeed from stoping Arima. So I immediately rushed back, I didn't expect it, but it was a late step."

Miston Ge lowered his head and said.

"Is our guild, and everyone in the guild becomes magic?"

After listening to Miston Ge, Mira immediately asked.


Miston gerbery nodded.

"How do you do your energy to save?"

Casa asked.

"It's just that we can't do it."


Miraicone asked.

"You said, you can't do it, it means that someone can do it, who?"

"You go with me to find it, they should be able to survive in Arima."


I am sorry to drag it for so long, in order to prove that I am still alive, I have just moved home, I packed up today, and there are two chapters. In addition, it has already owed more than 20 chapters, and only one or two chapters will be made every day every day.