Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 200 Lisa Na

"That face ... is the hunter - Casa Alsace !!"

The sound of the lace falls, and the entire guild is in a desperation.

Just just, the hunters from the kingdom of Wang Dulu, who was arrested before, for the self-insurance, they had to use the original storage of not many magic to make a large transfer emergency escape.

Today, in front of them, a strength is still going to come to them in front of the Ai Lusha, how do they escape?

"Casa? Is it Casa of Adlas?"

I heard the name of Casa Alsas, from the Naz and Wantati several people who took the lead in reacted.

"Look at their expressions, in Edlas Casa is also enemies ..."

Summer Lulu Analysis.

"Hey? Really? Casa really is an enemy?"

Naz saw Tessi, Idras.

"Is this asking? This guy can be more difficult than the kingdom."

Lucy said.

"Laughing, can you continue to transfer?"

"I want to know that it is impossible! The only one of the only magic has just been used, there is no way."

The lace said some desperate.


The door of the guild is opened, and everyone is coming to the cards that come in.

"Amount ... calm. I am not an enemy."

Seeing their reaction Casa already knows they asked themselves as Edis. Think about it, Ad Irself assisted the Kingdom of the United States, they will not be in the context of the enemy.

"That is ... Mira !?"

When Casa and Mira were all coming in, they saw Mira after Cassa, and the original vigilance turned into a solution.

"Hey? That is me?"

Idras's Mira saw the Cassa and Mira later doubts.

"Sure enough, Casa we are familiar!"

Naz is very unparalleled. These two people who come in are their companions, Casa and Mira from the tail of the fairy.

"Naz, Wantati? Sure enough, you also come to Adlas ..."


"So ... Are you really Auston Casa?"

Lucy asked.

"Ah, Casa Vivian Milio, like them, and to save the companion that has become a magical crystal to Ad I."

Casa explained.

"I really dare not believe that I didn't expect Yaslan, even the Casa is all companions."

"Yeah, and also is this relationship with Mira."

Troy and Jeter after Lucy began to whisper.

"Saying, Casa, how did you come here?" Summer reveals.

"It should be said that Miston Ge is timely."

Casa said

"He rushed to us in the first time of Arima. For us, he blocked Arima. Afterwards, he sent us here. Gajuli and Alvesman have went to Wang to act first. "

"Oh! It turns out that two guys are nothing! Too good!"

From Casa, there were two companions, and the Naz's mood was once excited.

"Lisa ..."

At this time, Mira found Lisa in everyone, looked at the familiar face, sadness and jealousy and rushed to her heart. Mira quickly ran forward, tightly hugged Lisa.


Lisaina is still a little confused. It is not that she doesn't know her Mila, but in her heart, she has always hidden a secret.

From Naz that they were from Yaslan, she has been doing a struggle.

In fact, she is also Lishana from Yaslan. Two years ago, the small Arnima was inhaled in Idras.

At that time, the original Ideras's Lisaina was accidentally died, I didn't want to see Mira and Alfman 's sadness again, I have always hidden in my heart. At the same time, I will plan it, I will live as the Lisha in Ad I.

Nowadays, Mira's arrival, all of her intended.

How can she turn off her in front of her?

"Miraager ..."

After two years, once again heard the familiar sound, Mira's mood finally couldn't control, and the tears fell down.

"I finally saw you ... Mila!"

"Lisa ..."

After listening to Lisa, I have already gone to know, Mira suddenly stunned, and there is also Casa.

Why is Lisaa look like aware of everything?

"Hey, Lisa, ..."

Casa has some deterministic mean inquiry.

"Casa has been a long time!"

Lisha smiled and greeted Casa.


She is the Lisha, Auston, Lisha, as did not die as Miston Ge.

"Sure enough, ..."

Dialogue of several people will be more confused in other people who are unknown.

"Hey, Lisha, isn't you recognize a few of Yaslan?"


Lisha nodded. Then go to the position of Idras's Mira and Alfman, said to them.

"Sorry, I have been deceived you, in fact, ..."

"We all know!"

At this time, Edras' Mira interrupted Lisa, said.

"We have already accepted the facts of Lisha, let us appear, let us be very happy, return to your true brother's sister, don't let them be sad!"

"Miraager ..."


"Look at your expression, do you know this?"

After all the people were stabilized from Lisa's things, Xia Lulu looked at Casa asked.

"Well." Casa nodded.

I heard the answer to Casa, everyone looked at him, did not understand why he knows why this is to look at them.

"Two years ago, Lisa's malfunction came out, Miston's once found me, saying that Lisaa may also live this, but we can't come to Aid. Las. So I have to press this pressure in my heart because we can't determine when I can come to Ad I, and Lahana is really alive. If there is no real evidence, give you blind hope If something happens to a bad place ... "

"This I understand Casa."

Lisa Na said. She can clearly feel the mood of Mila and Alves, so they can understand their approach.

"However, I thought that Casa and Mila sister will continue to continue the wood for a few years."

I haven't seen the tail of the fairy in the past two years. I saw that their changes now, Lisha is very happy.

"This is ..."

Casa scratched his head, but immediately tightly

"I said, is not a good habit!"
