at night

"It's here."

Casa, Alfmann, Naz, Habie came to the square, hiding in the corner and looked at a magic crystal of the central center.

"Sure enough, you can't guard, you can at least have hundreds of people."

"Not these!"

At this time, Edis's Gajiri appeared behind them.

"Well? Is you."

Seeing the people, they put down a vigilance.

"Why, is there any information on your side?" Casa asked.

"Because you have been known by Wang Tu, it is in case of preventing people's protective magic crystals, now there will be a magical team leader. "

Germany of Gajiro said.

"Oh? Magic team leader?"

"Yes, a total of four magic wars, Pansha, Lili, Ai Laha Nitau, Springs, and Ziguo." Edis's Gajuli explained .

"This is their own look."

When Gajir said, he took out the portrait of the magic warfare team from the pocket.

"Things become a bit trouble, Alfman, temporary change combat plan, I will solve the captain of the magic war, you are responsible for solving the guards."

Casa said, no matter what kind of person guards the devil crystal, it is unable to stop their actions.

"Good!" Alphman said.

"What do you want to solve the captain? If the moving is too big, it is easy to cause the kingdom of the kingdom to pay attention to the beginning of the action. When they increase the people, it is very dangerous."

Adlas's Gajiro reminds.

"Reassured, I also have a plan." Casa pledges, said.

"what's the plan?"

"I remember that you have said that I'm always part of the relationship between I and the kingdom."

Casa asked, and immediately showed the model magic.

Light Make: Magic Crystal! "

A fine radiant flashed, and his hands suddenly appeared a magic crystal as Akaxa.

However, Akasa's magic crystals can be converted into different element magic, so they can change color in turn, but Casa is only light gold.

But no need to show magic, Casa only needs to have passed that the captain is enough.

"It turns out, it is a good way. So, I wish you good luck!"

Idras's Gajuli saw the Cassa Fantasy Magic Crystal for an instant to understand Casa's intentions, then press down the embedded edge and turned away.


"Mirajie, how should we sneak into the palace?"

On the other hand, Mira and Lucy have hid in a corner in front of the Royal Palace, waiting for the hairdress of Casa.

Mirang laughed, then "", immediately turned into a guarded soldier.

"Of course, I will" catch 'go in the crime that causes riots! "

"Amount ... Yes, I almost forgot that Mira sister can use the transformation of the magic. So only the Cassa left now."



In the square, the soldiers were vigilant to see a step by step to ask them close to their Casa.

"Oh? Even I don't know it?"

Casa played the role of Akaza and looked at them.

"Yes ... Hunters - Casa Alsas, what did you come here?"

One of the soldiers who have participated in the Casa Alsas recognized Casa and asked.

"Who knows ..."

Casa is unfained back, then the eyes will look at the rear "" Don't come out, please welcome the old friend? "

"Hey, we can never friends!"

When I listened to Casa, I have been hiding in the Second Magic Food Captain, the captain, is now coming out. I looked at Casa cold.

"What is your purpose here?"

Ai Laha Natauk looked at Casa asked "I don't think you will tell us about the invasive thing!"

When I heard the words of Lusha Natauk, Casa was surprised. It turned out that they came to Ad I.

"Of course, I am really a purpose, but in the results, I think we can still deal with the intruder." Casa continued to mitigate the tone of Akaza.

"Oh? What is your purpose?"

After Aska Natauk, Casa immediately came to her ear.

"what are you doing!?"

Ai Laha Natova immediately vigilantly.

"Do you want to know my goality? In order to express my sincerity, I can only tell you alone."

Kasa boart, and then close to her ear, whispered, whispered, "Although you are looking at the face of the companion, but you still ask you here!"


Ai Laha Nitova was shocked, but he had not waited for her to make a preparation, Casa's attack suddenly arrived.

"Light Make: The violent light!"

boom! ! !

The huge impact wave hit the body of Ai Lusha Nitau, the powerful impact, hitting her out of the distance from at least ten meters.

"Alfman, hands !!"

Alfman in the corner reminded a sentence, Casa immediately launched the wings to pursue Ai Laha Nitova.

"what happened!?"

Survey soldiers have not responded yet, and they saw the captain Ai Laha Nateva was blown out by Casa.

"There, there is also invasive !!"

At this time, one of the soldiers took note of Alvesman, immediately reminded, gradually, and soldiers who guarded in the square ran and surrounded the Alv Man Mission.

"Hey, right, just like this. Continue to come over."

More and more people surrounded, Alvesman smiled.

"Receive: the soul of the beast !!"

When the soldiers were basically gathered here, Alfman screamed, and the black magic array turned from his feet and gradually moved up.

From the bottom of the foot until it is overhead, Alfman, which is also a bigger.

The body has skyrocketed and the whole body has become a huge orangutan.

"what is this!?"

"This guy is a monster !?"

The Aedras soldiers who have not seen the Magic Osmouth were scared by Alphman. They are looking for him.

Until Ailman flew a few soldiers, they gradually reacted, and they were holding a long to Hilfman.


Alfman is not in the state of the Si soldiers at the moment, what he wants to do is to attach them to them, and to drag their pace.

"Habi, now, take me fly!"
