Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 230 Windy's Support

"Tianlong's roar !!"

In the face of the enemy surrounded by four sides, Wen Ti did not have the fear of the war of the six magics. The blue dragon was unstoppable, and the enemy of a wave of waves fell to the ground.

"Summer Lulu, let's go up!"

Putting a team of Kingdom hit down from Warcraft, Wanti and Xiulu immediately jumped on World of Warcraft, trying to fly through Akstania.

However, the Warcraft, the Kingdom of Kingdom, did not listen to their instructions at all. One person has tried many times, but it has been returned to the island every time.

"Summer Lulu, what should we do?" Wantiti asked someone.

"It seems that they will only listen to the command of these soldiers."

Summer Lulu is brought by a person, threatened him to let him fly to Akstania! "


Wantiti nodded and found a soldier who was defeated in the ground and said that he was very sincere.

"Please take us to Ekstania!"

Xia Luu: ...

Do you make sure this is not a call? ? ? As you can listen to you, you can listen to you!

"Let me listen to your group of invaders? Hey, don't dream!"

Sure enough, the soldiers look at Wenyi's attitude, very toughly refused.

"Oh, it's really bone ..."

At this time, Gaji, who should be a fierce battle, suddenly came over.

The opposite Lili is unclear what the idea of ​​him is standing there.

"Gaju? Why are you here?" Summer Dew thought.

But Gaji Lu did not answer, but the side of the soldier was straight, and he took his collar.

"Now, take them up immediately, otherwise, kill you!"

Gajiri said with the soldier. It was incomparable to the cold face, plus deliberately playing, making the expression of Gajiri at the moment.


It was originally also seen from the self-confident soldier who had a firm position. The cold sweat was full of full body.


"You go, it is estimated that there is a bad situation there. I haven't given the remaining wave to the bass!"

Gajir said. As a torque of the dragon, there is a five sense of unborn sensitive. Just when he and Lili fight, he heard the dialogue between Weni and Xia Lu, naturally he was aware of his intent, so he could come to help them.

"Okay, you are also careful!"

Xia Lulu said, and then tied with Wenyi to scare the soldiers who have been scared by Gajulu, take the Warcraft, flew to Akstania.

"It turns out that you are this! Don't want to succeed!"

And with Gaju, Li Lilu is just aware of their intent, and immediately wants to stop.

"When you fight with me, you'd better not take other idleness."

Gaji Lu said, then left the left arm to immediately turned into the iron sword and cut it to Lili.

"Iron Dragon Sword !!"

clang! !

Gajiil's strength is strong, and Lili has only give up to stop the Wildi them from turning around with the landlord.



Because after casting the ball, the space where the golden sphere is located, the time will be frozen, so Casa cannot return to the battlefield in the first time of blocking the attack of Akaza, so now, only Shuoira is suffering.

"Look at it, a few attacks of the magic, your magic has consumed it."

Ai Kaisa looked at Mira as he got. This woman's aggressive is strong, but her magic is extremely magical.

"In order to prevent you from adding trouble, you should still solve you first!"

Ai Catha said, then the magic crystal in his hand lit up, and the unclear element shock wave immediately came from the upper to the next impact.

"Element bomb !!"

"Super Abrasion!"

Mira saw that the body is immediately ridiculous, and the magic drives the surrounding rubble and the wreckage of the buildings, gradually forming a protective barrier.


! !


The endless elements hit the Mira Pentium, and those temporary barriers blocked once, twice. But it is gradually smashed.



Finally, the barrier supports, and the bombing is broken. Those magic also hit it on Mira because they didn't protect them.

"It's evil ... just resumed magic, it is still not able to fight for a long time ..."

After a round of magic bombard, Mira hangs some scars and hate the earth.

After all, I haven't used the magic for more than two years. Suddenly face such an opponent, I can't avoid it from my heart.


At this time, the goblin in the half-air flashed again, and the gradually rays dissipated, and Casa's figure also appeared.

"Hey, it is really troublesome to release freezing ..."

Casa said, then look forward, seeing Mira half, immediately rushed to her.

"Mira, you are fine?"

"Well, it is okay. But how long is my magic?

Mira said, although she was injured, but did not have a general problem, that is, the magic is not enough to make her very upset.

"You take a break, then the next battle is given to me!"

Casa said, he also knows that Mira has just restored the battle ability. Suddenly, it will face the stress of Eka, but they have to face the kingdom of the kingdom and Akaza, the manpower is serious. . Helpless can only let Mira have together.

But in the case of the situation, Mira is obviously no longer war, and the things fighting in Akaza must have a person.


Mira is a little unwilling, it is hard to recover magic. I thought this time I could help Casa, but I didn't think of it now.

"Reassured, I will not have something!"

Casa said, although he didn't believe it would be.

"The first defense magic should take you a lot of magic."

Looking at Casa once again returned to the battlefield, Akaza asked.

"Ah, what is it?"

"Do you have anything like this? We should also know the results without hitting." Ai Catha continued "the last time I took you the initiative, are you looking forward to a miracle? ? "

"There is no miracle. I don't know. However, don't you let you slaughter down?" Casa off.

"It's a group of fools, if you leave the field, at least you can guarantee that this group is safe."

"Ok, don't need to be repeated. Some things are giving up."

Casa said, and then rushed to Ai Catha.

"Light Make: Giant's boxing !!"


I wish you all a happy new year and three on Friday. Because the author is not in China, there is no holiday in the New Year. So bursting is burst. The strength is limited, forgive me!