Fairy Tail Heart of Light

Chapter 257 Fried's Game Understanding

"Naz, there are three caves, which we are going to enter?"

In the remaining three teams, Naz and Habie took the lead here. Just like Lucy and Kana, this time the assessment, Casa let Dianwei Island's magic will have been to block them to get to the level, but Kana is more fortunate, intercepting their Warcraft One thing.

The group of Mesti and Wantati uses instant movement, and it doesn't encounter them. This group of Nazaw avoids the block of monster because of Habie's wing magic, and has successfully arrived at the level.

"That is also said! Of course, it is a very deep observation of the Elisa!" Naz is very deeply observed by defeating Ai Lusha, so I don't want to say only the left of the three caves. .

"Do you know where Ai Laza is held?" Habi asked some doubts, where the examiner is completely random, Naz, how do you know where she is?

"Of course, E ca cave, E is definitely represented by Ai Laha!"

Habi: ...

"Go, Habi. We went to defeat the Ai Lusa !!"


As Nathen entered the E cave, another cave was blocked. After a period of time, it seems that the Gray Group and Zhu Bien group have also entered the C cavern and d caves.

At this point, all the teams have entered the first assessment.

On a big tree behind the level, Makarov slowly went to Merbis.

"I listened to Casa sauce a few days ago, I didn't expect so many people to participate in the assessment this year." Merbis said.


A cave

"Right, Kana. Just, the president is to say that the seniors are called Merbis Vivian Millio!"

After the island, some hearts did not ask Ka, who was absent-in-law, suddenly asked.

"Yes, what happened?" Kaa didn't understand why Lucy asked.

"Don't you feel a little familiar?" Lucy asked.

"Familiar with?"

"Yes, Vivia Milio is not the surname of Casa!" Seeing Kana still did not respond, Lucy reminded.

"Yes! Take this, I think it! I know Casa for so many years, I didn't pay attention to this guy's last name!"

After the reminder of Lucy, Kana suddenly realized.

"Moreover, the president said. The first generation will sleep in the Tiangle Island, and Casa can let the magic of Tianfu Island listen to him. The most important thing is that Casa can use the fairy tail using the three major super super superchards Magic, and it is not a description of the same as the S-class magicile. Is this? What is the relationship between Casa and the first generation? "Lucy guess the road.

If Cassa is just simple and the first generation of the same last name, maybe it can be said to be a coincidence, then these three things are adding together, can this be a coincidence?

"It makes sense!"

After listening to Lucy, Kana nodded, then reached out and finished the chin recall.

"I remember that Casa has joined the guild in 778. That is in the case of the S-class assessment in Laxas. At the president and Gildaz and Laxas returned to the guild, Casa also And they appeared together. Since Casa joined the guild, every year, the S-class assessment at the end of the year is a period of time. That is likely that they are in Casa. Casa in Tiangle Island. It was treated in Tianfu Island? "Kana remembered it.

"Do you have no doubts about this?" Lucy asked in an incredible asked.

"Of course, I have asked, but each president will use a variety of speech to the round. Then everyone will happen." Na replied.

"Very doubt ... What secrets have you had, I want to know!" Lucy said.

"I am also the same." Kah also nodded, I am interested in this matter. But I thought about it, said

"However, this thing is still waiting for the examination, I will think about it, now I will concentrate on the assessment."

"It is also." Lucy nodded

"What opponent we will encounter?"

On the other side of the two, the ends of the cave have been going to the cave.

The road began to be wide, no longer a narrow channel. There is only one big stone in the eye.

However, the two are stupid at the moment. Because they have seen someone is sitting on the stone waiting for them, is it Cassa just talking about? ?

"Why is him !!!!!"

Kana Yangtian hurried, instantly feel that the whole person is not good, this time I assess the two most difficult to break through, one is Casa, and the other is Gildaz.

Why is the eight groups of people who have entered the Casa in the group! !

"Amount ... Kana. Do you want, we simply give up ..." Lucy has some speechless, this way does not know how to choose. How does this luck do this? ?

"I am still thinking, who will be so busy, it turns out that you are two."

At this time, Casa sitting on the stone also stood up and looked at a faceless Kana and Lucy.

"How would you choose? Is it to defeat my first level or give up?"


B cave

"This is already the end of the cave, why have you been here?"

Looking around the cave without one person and Gajili, the lace asked some doubts.

"If you don't touch the examiner, you will explain that we avoid fighting, then just wait for other teams," Gajiri said

"Which two unlucky eggs will come over, it's really looking forward to it. Hey!"


C cavern

"You can evil, Fried, you guys actually put the trap in advance !!"

Just walked into the depths of the cave, Gray, who was expected to his opponent, was accidentally stepped on the surgery under Fried in advance.

C caves are also combat rather than fighting, and connect with F caves. Therefore, Fried, the first to go in the cave, knowing the surgery trap immediately after knowing that he will fight with other teams.

Fried is a person who is good at thinking, and immediately realizes a deeper understanding when listening to the president of the board.

He believes that this assessment is definitely not seen on the surface, it must have its meaning.

Why choose the cave first? Because it can take the opportunity.

Can the first opportunity to have only priority options? Fried is not so much. So, in advance, the trap is his answer.

Troud to take your opponent Gray with Rocky, so that he is in an absolute advantage at the beginning, this is the leader he wants.
