Fairy Tail Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 108: The Acting Geral

"Asashi! What is this warm light?"

Originally severely injured, the turtle dove in the darkness felt a warm current flowing slowly in her body.

The wound was not painful, but it felt quite comfortable, and a ray of light was also seen in his dizzy sight.

"Eh~" The turtledove slowly opened his eyes, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar ceiling, and couldn't help but recall the sound coming from his mind.

"I will save your life today, and hope to help it when the fairy tail falls." The voice was Shire.

"Hehe, what a funny man, he will save the enemy, well, I swear to my magic, in the future, if the fairy tail is difficult, my turtledove will definitely help the fairy tail." Turtledove smiled. After taking the oath, he picked up the broken knife on the ground and walked slowly towards the gate of the tower of the paradise.

From today's failure, she clearly realized the gap between herself and Elisa, that is the belief, she is ready to go out and practice, to hone herself.

Magic Council ERA

Magic Wizard Force Launch Tower

Many wizards of the Magic Council are debugging the preparations for the launch of the magic wizard.

"Target locked."

"Space coordinates are being adjusted."

"Due to the influence of the mountainous terrain, the adjustment of the spatial coordinates has encountered difficulties."

"Raise the height a bit more."

"The magic fill rate is 50% complete."

"The magical wizard force completes the fusion of attributes."

"There are still twenty minutes before the magic wizard power is launched."

Half an hour ago, under the persuasion of Zickrein, nine magic councillors conducted a second round of voting. As a result, eight agreed and one opposed.

The only opponent was Makarov's friend Yakima Senator, but eight people agreed that Yakima's opposition had no effect. Yakima denounced all the parliamentarians and turned away.

Oge looked at the magic wizard that was gradually taking shape below and sighed and said, "I didn't expect this to happen when the Speaker was in poor health."

Senator Michaelo persuaded: "There is no way. During the absence of the Speaker, the responsibility of maintaining the order of the magical world is in the hands of the nine of us. Don't worry about Oge so much. You have not launched a magical attack on other countries through normal procedures , Applicable to Section 4 of Article 27 of the National Security Protection Act."

"I'm not worried about the legal issues, we are going to cast a demon in that country!"

"Devil? That refers to Jeff, in order to defeat the devil, we can only pray that it is an angel who casts it down."

Urrutia came to Chikerrain and said: "This moment has finally arrived, Master Chikerrain, your wish for eight years is finally coming true."

"Aren't you afraid? Urrutia."

"Not at all, I believe in Lord Zicrein at all times."

"That's true, your life will not be in danger. I am in danger right now."

Urrutia chuckled and said, "Yes! Then you should pay attention."

Top floor of Paradise Tower

"You're here, Elisa, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to grow up so much and become more beautiful." Geral turned his head and looked at the entrance of the room.


"Geral, you have become more and more despicable. Even a kitten can be used as a hostage. Do you still have a bottom line to be a human being?"Geral's previous words were publicly spoken and can be heard anywhere in the tower of the paradise.

"Kitten? Is it that little blue cat? It's just a toy. I didn't expect it to be really useful. I just told Miliana to borrow it for use. I had already returned the cat to Miliana before.

Elisa shouted angrily, "Hobby is a companion of Fairy Tail Guild, not someone's toy!"

Geral's mouth curled up with a sarcasm smile and said, "Elisa, although you are getting bigger and bigger, you are still so innocent. Who in this world is not a toy, livestock is a toy for humans, and the weak are a toy for the strong. The strong are the toys of the stronger. In this world, the weak eat the strong, the weak should learn to fear, and the weak should be dominated by the strong. This is the fundamental law of this world."

"You really have nothing to teach!"

"I am correct, of course I don't need any medicine. The mistake is you slaves who have been domesticated by the rules of preparation!"

Elisa heard Geral's words and suddenly thought of the unbearable past, clenched her fists, staring at Gerald and said: "What are you talking about! If you have the ability, you can say it again!"

"Do you want to listen? Then I will..."

"Swipe~!" Elisa appeared in front of Geral instantly and punched Geral in the abdomen.


Geral let out a scream and was fisted by Elisa.

"Boom!" Geral slammed into a pillar, smashing the pillars.

"How is it possible? Is this really that Elsa?" Geral was a little bit incredulous, and then quickly waved his hand, and several ghosts quickly flew towards Elsa.


A magic sword appeared in Elisa's hands, slashing quickly, cutting off all these ghosts.

Geral pointed his finger at Elisa, and a magic shock wave fell on Elisa's armor.

"Kacha!!" Elisa's armor shattered, and her body was blown back by the impact.

However, Elisa immediately completed the change-up, "Dress-up·Black Feather Armor!" The moment Elisa landed, she rushed towards Geral at a faster speed, and the sword in her hand was cut towards Geral.Geral quickly avoided and pulled away, releasing more ghosts in his hands.

"Boom boom boom!" Several pillars were blown to pieces.

After cutting off a few ghosts, Elisa slashed towards Geral and said, "You are really willing to destroy the tower that you built with your own hands!"

"Those are just decorative pillars."

Elisa was even more angry when she heard it: "Just for these pillars, Hugh and they have believed in you for eight years!"

"Don't be so pretentious, compared to the original Magic Order, I have given them very good treatment, and I have also found someone to teach them magic, so I am still their great benefactor."