"Welcome to the Temple of Iglesios"

"I'll take care of you"

The day before the Hong's birthday party. Aeris had been visiting the Temple of Iglesios since the early morning with Alchem and Judith and Sasha in order to prepare for a certain item.

"Yeah, yeah, I forgot. Congratulations to Judith, Elsa's Witch on her appointment."

"Thank you, Master Nazaria"

"You don't have to. Because you and I are more than qualified to be witches."

Judith so embarrassed and terribly frightened by Nazaria. Unlike his sister Primla, Judith has been kept in the Dar Minutes Hall of the Temple of Iglesios since the time of his contemplation. Because of the problems of the system and customs of the Temple of Iglesios, it was not until the beginning of training as an apprentice that I grew larger than Aeris today, but because I still live in the temple for the majority of my life since birth, when it comes to witches of Iglesios, I can't help but admire and serve the subject.

Besides, it was last week that Judith was selected as Elsa's witch, and now she has just finished transferring power from her predecessors and getting acquainted. From now on, a full education as a witch will be natural when it comes to not losing your sense of apprenticeship.

"Nevertheless, it was a little surprising that not only did Zanafel and Igleos have the qualities to become Elsa's witches."

"Me too. According to Elsa, it's like some kind of mutation..."

"Well, it's not as easy as having two or three pillars of qualities to serve God as you were born with."

"I think so too"

Judith agrees with a bitter smile at Nazaria's unrelenting remarks.

"Besides, I figured it out when I tried. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care what Mr. Harna does."

"She's the exception to the exception. I can't imagine how an unknown guest from a continent, but what can I do to create a human being with so much affinity with all gods"

Nazaria tells Judith about Spring Vegetables with a complicated look. As an Igleos witch, Nazaria's qualities are among the lowest in history. So there's nothing Iglesios can do, but it's spiritually painful that Nazariah alone can't communicate outside the temple in an age where there are all the bearers of monstrous qualities besides spring vegetables like Aeris and Alchem.

Most importantly, unlike the Temple of Alfemina, which produces a stable and powerful witch by the blood of the royal family, it is not uncommon for other temples to have witches at a time when, instead of communicating on the temple's premises, a person could only painstakingly perform the necessary sacrifices. By comparison, Nazaria, who can converse with Iglesios without face-to-face contact if she is on the temple grounds, is near the average line of all historical witches except the Alfemina princess.

"There seemed to be a whole lot more amazing around about Master Harna, and that seems to be where the anomalies in terms of various abilities stem from. I can't imagine an environment in which there are more amazing talent than that one, but I really don't know if you're used to that environment."

Aeris is familiar with the abnormality of spring vegetables just because they are troubled, in addition to the fact that spring vegetables have been talking to the surrounding area from day to day. Spring vegetables have been so high spec too long before she came to this world, but based on the abilities gained from being flown into this world, she seems to have had enough talent around to blur.

It is now spring vegetables that, as a result of continuing to put themselves in such an environment, I have not made the mistake of being a mediocre woman, but I do not intend to do so unless I consider myself to be the holder of special abilities.

Thanks to my love for the Hong, I have come to have an ambition worthy of a maiden of my age who wants to be special to the Hong, but it is nevertheless a real trouble that I still don't think I can be one or the other.

Most importantly, Aeris, who finishes the problem around Spring Vegetables to the point of being "troubled," is also probably the owner of an ability and sensibility that is out of the ordinary.

"Uh, as for Mr. Harna, it's going to take some time for the ritual, so shouldn't we start early?

I see how exciting it is to talk about spring vegetables, and Alchem pulls it back to the point.

"Right. Only what you make is what you make, and if you do the steps, you don't have to sprinkle the preparation you need. Without the direct assistance of Master Iglesios, my qualities would have prevented me from reaching the last ritual in the first place."

"I, too, would be a little harsh if you hadn't come down to Master Alfemina"

"In the first place, it is certain that Alfemina and Iglesios will cooperate directly, and if the condition is not met that there are two witches of the five gods and a witch of the Daljan gods, then it is a substitute for failing without having to try. If you don't come down to Alfemina, it's a tough story."

"I assure you as the witch of Master Daljan. It is impossible from the outset, such as creating without the direct cooperation of the gods. Instead, the ritual is established because there is an Aeris who is away from the main hall but can bring the Alfemina back to him."

"I mean, there's Lord Alchem, too, so I rather feel like I don't have to be there. If we do it in the Temple of the Village of Ortem, we can make the most of the power of Master Alfemina and Master Alanwen, so is it enough for the four of us?

As a witch, Nazaria, who has a low self-esteem, tells us that she has lost her back to joking. In contrast, Sasha puts in an immediate penetration.

"That's not enough attributes. I know Lord Nazaria is not confident in herself as a witch, but I'm not impressed to say that under the circumstances."

"I know. In that sense, it would be desirable to have Lady Raifia or Lady Solace's witch here, but neither is the place where the main hall can contact you..."

Nazaria laughingly affirms what Sasha told her. Sometimes things don't come to the table when it comes to witches serving those two pillars, and the witches on this occasion, who had just been replaced or could not move easily from the temple, have no means to keep in touch.

"In the meantime, we don't have that much time, and let's get into the ritual soon"

Against Nazaria and Sasha, who even did so on the sidelines, Alchem stabs the nail for now and returns the story to its original flow. It is basically a very decent elf if the erotic trouble factor and octogal do not exist.

Nazareth did not behave like a boulder from here, and the greatest ritual of the last decade or so had finally begun.

"In the meantime, here's what I'm gonna report at the moment."

After noon. Rainey was reporting to Rayot on the latest Lauren Royal Palace internal situation.

"I'm sorry, thank you."

"I don't hate that king, either, and if it helps Honey, no problem."

"Do you have facial knowledge?

"Little bit when you're learning to eat"

Lainey, who somewhat favors King Lauren. Ask why and convince Rayot once and for all. That unreliable king is a surprise. It is also a race that is prone to be popular with certain types of strong habits, such as Macro and Rainey.

"Nevertheless, the flaws of Lauren's duke reign have surfaced brilliantly"

"Lauren Royal Palace nowadays has no perspective on assisting the king to make his own achievements"

"A lot of things are over around being told that when you're a former assassin. Besides, the fact that there is absolutely no room for denial from my eyes is unsaveable '

Layot overlaps even more squeamish comments on Lainey's harsh words. That's about it, the current Lauren Royal Palace was over.

"In the first place, the answer is that intelligence units work properly on the pretext that the current king has no track record. In Lauren's case, the king of the third year of his reign basically has no track record, and if you believe in previous investigation reports, at least I don't think there's ever been a past where His Majesty the King left his intelligence unit... '

"As for Kingside, I couldn't find any elements that were likely to cause it. In the first place, I didn't make contact with the crew until I took the reins. So maybe the whole force, they're holding me somewhere."

"If so, you're all traitors."

"Thanks to you, free pass in many ways"

To Lainey's word, Rayot leaks a small sigh thinking about Lauren's future darkness. Intelligence units that don't even do counter intelligence properly are of no existential value.

"Intelligence, too, but the others are probably ugly. If we fail or if something goes wrong, we turn it into a top theory of responsibility and push the king to take responsibility. If you keep doing this, you won't know that sooner or later the country will collapse."

"Even if we impersonate our own failures on the face of the country, we're buying quite a bit of backlash from people in the field. Apart from one of the islands where Honey was sent, the most recent failures blamed on the King have mostly been stopped by the King, the Prime Minister, the majority of the noblemen of the Good Sense, and so on, but the King is trying to stop us from doing what he did when we tried to force ourselves to do with the rebellion at the scene and the suspension order from the King."

'So, I apologize for the fact that His Majesty the King has been turned into an immediate and sobering loss. In order to clarify where the responsibility lies in Lauren, the verbal instructions should have been basically null and void, with some exceptions that would have had less impact in an emergency and even if a problem had arisen. Or has the king's order been treated as an exception, or is the order coming out as clear evidence?

"Neither. The Law Enforcement Bureau certified that the King had done it, leaving the scene and the executors unattended. Instead, there's a proper restraining order from the king, and there's an order for it."

I see. Did they pull their legs under the influence of the cult? '

"Because of this, the island is a precedent. Even in the bad precedent of being thought guided by the cult, he said that precedent was precedent."

Rayot listens to Lainey's report and sighs deeply. So I figured out everything behind it.

Perhaps it was the provision set as a countermeasure when the king tried to reign in oppression for his private lust that left the man who ignored the order unattended, as it were. It is a necessary clause to protect the country, but it is also a clause that, if not strictly operated, would lead to the breakdown of the national order, so as to apply only to situations where the King can affirm that there is no justification. That, perhaps, now the Office of the Rule of Law operates arbitrarily in its own way of thinking.

As far as the Dorte Island case is concerned, the justice system, which is currently dysfunctional, seems to have no choice but to follow the precedent even if it knows it is wrong. If you do that, by the time you recover from dysfunction, the most problematic verdict will be the right one, but even if you know it, you can't do anything about it.

For the current king, let's just say that the island incident took place at the worst possible time in a sense. As we are about to achieve our goal of overthrowing the nation after we have been almost expelled, it is difficult to determine whether Lauren's cult is competent or incompetent. Most importantly, it would not mean total incompetence because it caused Lauren a great deal of damage, albeit self-destructive, to some degree of success in the demonic modification of Pomé, which nobody else tried to do except Macro.

Whatever it is, the current situation of impeaching the inevitable damage caused by force majeure and the random rampage of the scene, all under the responsibility of one king, is out of the question. There will be the idea that the top, who could not stop the rampage at the scene, should be held fully responsible, but proper punishment is still needed for the rampage at the scene as well.

If you can't even seem to do that, the scene will do whatever you want, and order and nothing will be lost. Whether the cause is domination or the weakening of the kingdom, the demise of the country is definitive when someone's extreme rampage can no longer be stopped.

'But if this report is correct, we should still, poorly,'

"Yeah. Pulling Honey and establishing a judicial cleansing and Loufeus College reform that was eroded by the cult has been duly certified as a major achievement, and the new Attorney General said it was his policy to scrutinize the verdict and hold the original responsible party accountable for the cases previously held to be the King's responsibility."

It's the Honor or Rainey who actually did it all, but it's now the king's feat to have a friendly relationship with the Azma Workshop in the first place to get him to do the favor. At least Lainey is not at all dissatisfied with the fact that his accomplishments will be the king's credit.

"Then is it reasonable enough to provide a secret escort in the West so that the new Attorney General is not harmed if we are to do so"

"And then around taking care not to do what the king hastened and helping to rebuild the intelligence unit that completely lost its raison d 'être?

'That's the place. Especially be careful not to let his majesty do things sooner.'

Copy that.

Rainey nods at Layot's instructions and tries to finish the communication. There, Rayot speaks up to tell you what you forgot.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Tomorrow's Hiroshi's birthday party, but if you don't want to take off your wings and attack the macro, it's fine to join. That's about the record this time, and Harna and the others have given us permission. "

"Are you sure?

"Oh, I'll pay for my accomplishments."

"... glad..."

A grand birthday party that you were unexpectedly allowed to attend. I'll show you how thrilled I am with that, Lainey. Basically pretty perverted, but surprisingly purely in love maidens also do it.

"Until tomorrow night, I'll work hard"

"Oh, please."

It was Rayot who, while thankful for the somewhat temperamental words of Rainey, puts him to work and delivers results, renews his readiness to hold the reins exactly in the production so as not to be annoyed by the macro.

"In the meantime, I made Leviathan for tasting..."

"Lean on the trout, even white is not good yet, why is there even like scallops and chakogai scallops?

"I don't know, but the warehouse was" Leviathan's Scallop, "right?

"What the hell is it ecological..."

Same time Lainey is making a report. Spring vegetables arranged each part of Leviathan on the table with sashimi for now.

"This is a lineup of seafood bowls that I think I can make..."

"I thought so, too. I didn't do it this time because it's purely a taste."

Spring vegetables truly agree with Leviathan's impression of true harp when he looks at his sashimi, which has multiple varieties, both lean and white. It's just fresh fish. Make it a seafood bowl and it will be delicious.

"Sister Chun, what about the red dashi?

"I'm ready. It's still a little sweet to dismantle, so I couldn't make it into juice."

"Rather, I would be surprised if you were dismantling this far by yourself, Master"


Spring vegetables and Mio all come from different scale creatures with only a sense of presence. It's strange at a time when fishing is successful in the first place, but because the laws of physics are partly different in different worlds and so on, we decide to convince ourselves in one word.

"Well, let's eat from around the corner."

"Right. Yes, Hiroshi."

Spring vegetables that are handed out the prepared red dashi, told by the Macro. When the red dashi was placed at the back of the horse, the distance was a little devised to be about seventy-five centimeters. It is a macro that once stood at that distance, even for catering, but this time it did not show a particularly noticeable reaction. Spring vegetables that I remember emotionally that I finally got here.

A person who is biologically female, only spring vegetables, aeris and lime need to enter this distance and not be alert. Spring vegetables and aeris can be said to be in a pretty special position, given that even the next true harp and Mio have not yet broken through the ninety-centimetre wall, even though the lime that can sit on the lap of the Hong is exceptional.

"Nevertheless, Terez and the others still can't eat raw fish ah..."

I remember Terez and the others, who forcefully affirmed that they would eat something else this afternoon, and accidentally laughed bitterly. We should be cooking troll birds that we can cook ourselves by now, or we should be stretching our backs a little and cooking around the rockworm.

It should be noted that Hirohiro was not particularly resistant to eating raw fish, or she received sashimi from various pieces of spring vegetables during cooking. Lyme also seemed curious, but was stopped quite strongly by several people, including his sister, who had given up tasting.

"It's already a cultural difference."

"Well, yeah, but it's not very convincing, even if Spring Vegetables says he looks okay with basically whatever he eats."

"When you two were in the room together, I think you were pulling on the look of the ingredients for the price?

"I did pull it off because of the appearance, but I did it all the time to see if there was any harm to my body from eating one of the Japanese, rather than because of the appearance problem."

Spring vegetables that subtly distract from Hiroshi's point of view. In fact, the problem, spring vegetables too, initially felt quite a pull on Ursus' summer ingredients, but it wasn't simply a matter of appearance, rather he was hesitant to eat them because he couldn't tell if he would be caught in terms of eating them and not dying/not getting sick.

Even if instinct knows you're okay, reason alerts you to an unknown disease. Around that time, Ursu's summer vegetables had many strange shades and shapes. In the end, about a month before I joined Tatsuya and the others, I gained the certainty that what my instincts decided was okay was absolutely okay, so now I'm eating anything by showing off my family and relatives a forged bad diet.

"Every time, Hiroshi, I've been watching you say that a lot..."

"For your own safety, it is natural not to observe dangerous organisms."

"Dangerous organisms..."

There has been considerable improvement, but as always, women seem to be dangerous creatures for the Macro. In that way, a true harp that I know but can't subtly hide my disappointment.

"Master, Sister Chun, Sister Zhenqin. Eat fast."

"Let it go. Here, take it."

In conjunction with the proclamation of the Macro, everyone starts eating lunch. Leviathan's sashimi were all extremely elegant.

"It's unreasonable and disturbing that you can take a lot of things from a single organism, but they're all delicious on boulders..."

"Yeah. White, lean and seashell columns are all so delicious coming out in a way that each trait tastes best. If this is the case, tomorrow's party, the main fish will be decided by Leviathan."

"Where the hell is God's table when the main meat is Behemoth and the main fish is Leviathan..."

"Seriously, that's a menu that's going to grow culinary extra skills and stuff..."

Tatsuya and Makoto listen to the menu that will be served on Hiroshi's birthday and let the genuine shuddering soak up and say such thoughts. Though it's all sourced by us hunting and fishing, it feels like we're celebrating our birthday with such incredible ingredients or something.

"I hope so, but maybe it's not growing?

"Let it go. Maybe grow up."

"Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna grow up either"

Such a dialogue between Tatsuya and Makoto is denied by the group of students who produce it. The older group is really worried about why, because it's something I would so clearly deny.

"What's the basis for that?

"The issue of ingredient balance. Only the veterinary meat and fish protrude into something of high value, and the bird meat and vegetables are in the normal range, so it's really going to be unbalanced. Especially when it comes to serving Behemoth meat dishes."

Spring vegetables answering that question of true harp exactly why when you do it. For that reason, I can't help but convince the two elders.

In fact, I balance the flavors with the exceptional skill of spring vegetables, but I still lose out on vegetable-centric dishes in terms of presence.

"In the meantime, I guess I'll be doing research around it in the afternoon. Nevertheless…"

Spring vegetables that leak a few voices that seem to bother me a little bit with issues that I'm about to lose sight of as I finish my meal and consider cooking tomorrow in my head. Anticipating the words that would come next, a slightly awkward and softly distracting glance from spring vegetables.

"When each area comes in units of tens of thousands of tons or something on a boulder, eating for a hundred or two people will be in units of decades, what are we going to do?

"Well, you didn't know when to finish eating at the time of Behemoth's meat, did you?

"Yeah. That's where I chased him..."

"Even though it's salvation that doesn't rot, warehouse compression doesn't sprinkle on boulders..."

The current warehousing situation, which has eaten up more than 90% of its capacity in various ways, is not comfortable in many ways. Moreover, it is time to overlap capacity expansion and deceive is near the limit.

"In the meantime, when it comes to the warehouse capacity, it sucks, even if I can figure it out because I have something to think about. The meat consumption feels nasty."

"Even though it's force majeure, it's almost your fault, isn't it?

"I'll take it. Whatever happens to Behemoth, who's been in too much shape, Leviathan can't leave him like that."

"Well, I don't know..."

Tatsuya with a sinister face, to the words of the reopened Hiroshi. If it was about Aquadrake, we'd be able to consume it with food, medicine and alchemy in two months at most. Aquadrake is huge as well, but the amount of individual items does not extend far to Behemoth, so it's quite promising.

However, Leviathan, where each material is in 10,000 tonnes, cannot be used that way even if it has the production capacity of a macro. Whether cooked or not, only Hongkong and Spring Vegetables can handle Leviathan and Behemoth properly as it stands. In Mio, there is still a slight lack of correction of the making mastery, so it can only be simply baked, and it is difficult to succeed in burning or burning raw.

And most importantly, there is also the question of whether it is okay to put it up for sale as a business to a large extent poorly. No matter how much meat there is, the supply is known for both of us to be able to cook it, and it's usually just a little tasty to make it eat in stalls and shops. Raising the price will not judge the quantity, lowering the price will cause great damage to nearby restaurants, and most importantly, only for the consumption of meat, the hands of the hong and the spring vegetables will be completely blocked.

Actually, it can be a pretty good pinch.

"Well, anyway, it's rotten, so let's just reopen it a little and Terez and the others will be able to cook it sometime, okay?

"You're not gonna catch another one in the meantime, are you?

"I can't say enough about that. In the first place, why is there a Leviathan in the lake?"

Hiroshi gets stuck in spring vegetables and affirms that concern with a sinister face. In fact, however huge the lake is, it is strange in itself that the freshwater lake has creatures in kilometres of total length. Even though it's a lake, I'm also curious that Leviathan needed more than three kilometers of yarn length before he could eat it.

As a matter of fact, there is the fact that the bottom was more alienated and dungeoned just around the corner where the Horn made it a fishing point for this. In short, this Leviathan was a dungeon boss.

However, it has not been discovered in this world where submarines are unlike any other, because it is necessary to dive up to about a kilometre deep in order to enter the dungeon. Though we used a submarine, it was the deepest place where the macro went, near a depth of 300 meters at best. Naturally I am unaware of the presence of the dungeon.

Most importantly, dungeon bosses who are pulled out of the dungeon in the first place because of their fishing skills, even though it is a very surreal story.

"And I'm going to use bones and skin on the ship's materials, so I'm going to have to cut down a few dozen tonnes immediately."


"I'm going to build a so-called fantastic airship. It's time for the other ingredients to do something about it, as long as they have a purpose for power."

"The means of flight you said before, is that it?

"Saya. The so-called ship of God, you do it all the time."

Together with a subtle look at the proclamation of the Macro in the form of an answer to the Spring Vegetable Inquiry. Making it means...

"Oh well. Long-distance travel is no longer a one-box."

"Going to the sky means it won't take a day or so from the southern avenue?

"If you do about Southern Avenue, you don't need an hour."

This will happen.

"It's just that even if we build God's ship, we need to go on a normal ship once in Faldania."

"Faldania, except in the case of shipwrecked and rescued, won't let me in unless I enter through an official route on a public ship for once, for sure"

Spring vegetables nodding in the face that, to Hiroshi's point, if you say so. Faldania, a maritime nation, is famous for its tight immigration controls. At the time of the founding of the country, it was inevitably stricter to control navigation and immigration as a means of self-defence, because of all the sights on the mass immigration of criminals who had crossed the sea.

On a day like that when you break in on a ship flying into a country like that, that's the only time you could get a total attack with all the fuss.

"Well, whatever it is, it's a burn after the forbidden library at the earliest."

"Right. Well, talking about the warehouse problem here won't solve it, and I'm going to work a little hard on developing the dishes to reduce the contents a little bit. Even water on burning stones will never decrease if you don't do it."

"Let it go. I'll try harder to get it out of my liver, bones and gallstones."

"Whoa. We're having a rough day."

"Well, I'm here to help Sister Chun"

For now, the taste alone was superb, flattening Leviathan's sashimi fixing meal and acting in accordance with the schedule set.

And the day of the party.

"There are already a lot of people today, so I put it in the form of a standing meal. I apologize to the royal family for not having anyone to serve, but take your own favorite dish."

Spring vegetables, with more than thirty participants and various gibberishes up early, declared that they were doing so by arranging dishes at the venue. Only the number of people, the venue is not Ursus' workshop, but the Azma cafeteria in Loufeus is waiting for the end of business hours to be used. The setting up of the venue was done by the Lera and the management team with all their energy, so a splendid one could be made that I didn't think had been finished in a short time after business hours.

Eighteen people, including administrators, this time even just people belonging to the Azma Workshop. There, as royal officials of the nations, the king and Rayot, Elaine and Aeris from the Phalane royal family, the queen and the prince of Dar, the princess of Magdalena, the king of Faure from Faure, and the king of Lauren from Lauren. Alchem, Primla, Judith and Sasha will be there as Temple officials, from the village of Ortem to Govejon and Foredan, and even Rainey as a frame of special permission. Assuming Melissa's parents and children and several pairs of adventurers who freaked out and saw each other participate, it's possible they were on the big platform of fifty.

I honestly don't think I'll be able to get around to it, even if I get a non-Lela administrator to do the service.

"Holding down a big place in Loufeus, thanks for the help. Yay."

"It's true. Urs' workshop is getting suspicious. It's time to expand the space."

Spring vegetables that will serve confidence at best for the sake of the macro, while declaring that they will not serve. Older people watching as they cheer on that. You will love the fact that the dishes used are cheap in the Azma dining room.

"We're all going for drinks or something. Just?

"I hate troublesome greetings and stuff from the lead, so here we go. Spring Vegetables"

"Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday, Hiroshi, I'm late for a lot of things. And thank you for meeting us. Cheers!"

Shaken by Tatsuya, he takes his glass, and with all his soul, he tells the words of celebration so, and takes the head of the toast. In conjunction with a word of spring vegetables, all the participants raised glasses to summon a toast greeting, and a lavish feast began that even King Farlane had never experienced, complete with superb liquor, dishes and rare soft drinks.

"Congratulations, Master Hiroshi"

"Oh, thank you."

The toast is over, and soon Aeris will come to say a word of celebration to the macro. I would like to thank that Aeris with great pleasure. Seventy-five cm, just like spring vegetables. The surrounding humans also loose their faces naturally to Aeris, who smiles with Nico, guarding exactly the distance too long that the macro feels no pressure.

"So Master Hiroshi. The witches of the five temples, and all the temple officials, have taken the form of a joint, but we have prepared a gift. Can you take it?

"Of course not. Thank you for your trouble."

"No, because it's only natural to prepare it. Instead, thank you for accepting"

I am so grateful to Aeris, who prepares gifts for troublesome people like myself and expresses his gratitude for what he has received, that tears are going to spill unexpectedly. What a good thing about Aeris compared to the vast majority of the women involved in the other world.

I no longer suspect that Spring Vegetables or Aeris will share their feelings, but accepting what I do not suspect is a different matter. I can't accept them deep down in my soul, even though I know the Spring Vegetables are okay with reason, instinct, and emotion. Spring vegetables, which at one time were flashly lost in blood, also managed to fold into emotions, and the situation is stable because they no longer show any scissors with their surroundings, but still when they come into physical contact, fear tries to dominate the whole body.

I feel so sorry for this younger girl who still admires me without abandoning such a pitiful and rude man everywhere. But on this occasion of celebrating the Horn, it's rude for the Horn to put such feelings on the table. Beat the dimension of what? Therefore, I decide to be as honest and straightforward as possible in my pleasure, fun and gratitude.

Because your feelings are not a lie for Macho, you succeed in giving them that look without any particular difficulty.

"So, how much energy did you give me?

A macro who asks that question with his neck clenched in his hand with a box that emits a tremendous amount of energy given to him. To that question, Aerys returned a hell of an answer with a full grin.

"It's a Mori Lo crystal. It contains little things made in the preliminary exercises and one big thing of fate at a time"

"... seriously?

A macro that is rigid to the word told by Aeris and then leaks the word of confirmation so as to squeeze it out.

Mori Crystal. The ultimate source of energy that condenses and crystallizes the power of Mori Luo Wang. Some kind of permanent institution that doesn't run out of energy unless the world perishes in order to constantly capture and condense the power of Mori Luo Wang.

With this, the ship of God that Hiroshi is about to build, its power section, is as complete as it is.

"Yes, with the help of Nazaria, who was not here today, we all worked hard to make it."

Aeris, smiling with Nico, fully affirms the inquiry from the Macro. If you look at what you're used to, you'll see that the aura of subtle praise and praise is leaking. If she were the type of beast with a long tail, that tail would have insisted on praising herself so hard.

"This is so helpful. Thank you very much."

"Delighted, most importantly"

Aeris where the aura turns into a happy aura in praise. In a situation where it is still impossible to touch for a long time, words of sincere gratitude are a reward above all for the maiden in love.

"Parents, Limes, I've collected a cup!


Seeing as Aerys' gift is over, Lyme insists so as she rushes over and gives him the list.

"Oh, really."

A list handed to me by Lime, a macro that I honestly admire when I see the material lining up there. All of them are materials that remain slightly unsafe to harvest by the power of the limes, and are hard to gather even if there is no skill problem. All of them have a wide range of uses ranging from lower-level items to first- and second-degree high-performance items, and it is certain that consumption will jump in the future.

This choice even though I didn't give you any particular details. Probably led by either Nola, who is good at the thought of saying that, or Lime, who is good at it.

"This will help a lot, too. Thank God."


A lime who is thanked by a macro and clings his head around with a full grin. She's the only one who can take this kind of skin.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hiroshi"

Congratulations, Hiroshi.

"Oh, no, no."

Where the lime of the workshop delegate has gone off, now the three Ortem village delegates, Alchem, Govejon and Foredan, speak up.

"Oh, thank you."

"As a witch, Master Aerys made a gift on behalf of me, so I brought this as an Ortem village"

"This is a season of specialty vegetables and fruits."

"You can't eat it. Use it for dinner in the cafeteria."

"Thankful. There's a variety of meats, but the vegetables don't vary much, so it helps."

To the gift from the village of Ortem, this is another magnificent way to say the word. I haven't had any trouble with meat at all thanks to reality problems, Behemoth and Leviathan, and all kinds of monsters that Tatsuya and Makoto are hunting around, but the vegetables didn't have any kind of surprise and I had a hard time expanding my repertoire.

Spring vegetables will be more common to use than Hong, but it is also gratifying to Hong that she is in a good mood. I don't hit my grump around anything, but still, that kind of emotion really transmits around me. When that happens, Hiroshi becomes a feather that feels very oppressed even though it's not his fault.

Because I know that, I am concerned that Spring Vegetables will not take as much grump back to the workshop as possible, that even if I bring it in, I will make it clear why, that no small grump will go out without a reason, or I don't know, and that I will change my mood and dissipate immediately. but it's what humans do, so it can't be perfect.

Since we often develop new dishes as a change of mood, I'd really appreciate more variety of vegetables.

"Happy Birthday. I'm sorry to bother you with something we can't handle, but we've got something like this."

"I was worried about a lot of things, but the workshop owner decided that this rare material was the best and prepared jointly by the three countries."

"And if there were as many arms as your Lord, I am confident that I will try to forget to sleep in this ore. If you're the Lord, you'd be happier with this one than with a jewelry sword of authority.

Then I was presented with multiple mysterious ores by the kings of the three kingdoms that were once unable to be refined in the furnace used hundreds of years ago to refine the Orihalcon,

"Congratulations. I was only able to prepare about alcohol, so unlike my sister's gift, I'm distressed that Lord Hiroshi has no favor at all, but I'm also distressed to come at hand because I haven't done anything but it's a temple frame..."

I got a little rare alcohol from Primla that Tatsuya and Makoto might be happy with,

"Congratulations, Mr. Hiroshi. Thank you for letting us prepare for this venue. I can't thank Mr. Hiroshi enough, including about Fam and Lime. Keep it up."

Get congratulations and thank you from the caretakers, led by Lela.

"Congratulations, Hongchan!"

"I'm here to see you."

"Rice shower ~"

Octogal comes to see me and the soothing and happy time passes.

"Honey, honey"

"Whoa, Lainey. It's a big day."

"I really want you to jump, push me down, pepper and rub my tits, but then I'll put up with you because you're banned from leaving"

"... as always, Blehem..."

"Love for Honey is the driving force"

Where the gift offense has subsided, Lainey in the special permit frame finally greets the macro.

"Happy Birthday, honey"

"Thanks. No, when is Lainey's birthday going to be?

"I don't know, I don't care"

"... well, maybe, but I don't care about it any longer. Yep."

I laugh somewhat bitterly at Lainey for not caring too much about me. For Rainey, I guess the only thing she needs to worry about is the task and the ambition. I also cared about my previous weight relationship, ultimately just for those two reasons, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have cared at all about how fat I was if I hadn't done the job of an intelligence agent and had a romantic mind, albeit perverse, to the macro.

"I'm sorry. The more common sense you have, the worse it feels when it comes to you for some reason..."

"Well, even if it's more normal now, it still seems uncomfortable..."

Rayot apologizes for seemingly apologizing as a guardian for Lainey who doesn't get too bumpy in many ways. Its falling apart is just getting really decent if the macro isn't involved, its very headache.

"Yes, honey. Do you like the king of Lauren?

"I will be loved by the gods of Saikoko, and he himself is serious. Yes, he is. Don't have any particular reason to hate me."

"Then I'll do a lot to make it easier for that king to do it as a gift to Honey"

"Not so much. Yes, not so much."

I don't know if you're motivated or willing to kill. Macro stabbing a nail with a bitter smile at Rainey for putting in a kind of mood. I guess the only reason I don't try to stop it altogether is because even a macro who isn't interested in political matters has a lot to think about today's Lauren Royal Palace.

Now, there's something just a little odd about King Lauren attending this party. You won't be able to answer me if I hear what you've penetrated more than it is a place to celebrate, but given the circumstances surrounding his king, which are passed on by leaks, it is a matter of great concern.

Hence, Hiroshi is not willing to embarrass Lainey's earnestness, and neither does Rayot say anything in particular.

"Nonetheless, every single dish you guys make is delicious. The meat, as a behemoth, what's like this stewed fish?

"Oh, that's Leviathan. I caught it yesterday, but the fish meat is in 10,000 tons, and I'm worried if I consume it without it."

"... if the inheritance is correct about the size, you've successfully caught it well..."

"Seriously, I thought I caught you."

To Rayot, who shows admiration with half a sentence, I have no choice but to smudge and answer so. In the first place, even on the way to dismantling it, it was too heavy to be transported and stored in blocks of about 100 to 200 tons. Think normally, there's no way you can pull something up to land that weighs thousands of times more than that and tens of thousands of times more when you're bad.

Perhaps the benefit of skill transcended the laws of physics, but it is a terrible story at all.

"What's the lead doing in a corner like this?

"Mr. Hiroshi, are you enjoying yourself?

"What a rare combination of Sister Ele and Alchem."

"But it's not. Alchem's basically stuck with Aeris, so he doesn't have that many chances to act with me."

After that, Elaine turns up with Alchem for some reason, as Hoang and Rayot are still talking in until Rainey cooks the yakimochi. If you look closely, Alchem seems to be subtly supportive of Elaine, whose body is still slightly crippled.

"No, I just heard a little bit about Ray. Sister Ele, you're marrying Yu. Do you?

"I'm not sure yet. The story itself was already about May, but the owner of the Fernoch family didn't quite shake his head vertically."

"I see. If you do it, maybe you can do it because you're stubborn."

"That's right..."

As an obstacle to marriage, parents' opposition is common in all worlds, but it was somewhat surprising that even royalty would have their daughters daughter-in-law daughter-in-law held back by their parents.

"No, Sister Ele was happy with you?

"Regardless of whether you can have romantic feelings, there's no particular reason to hate Julius. Besides, if you're looking for someone else, you're definitely gonna be late."

"I see. What would the air say if I said it across the country?

"You have no one to disagree with anywhere but Count Fernoch. Instead, I'm just convincing the stubborn Count Fernoch"

"If I do, it's only a matter of time."

I'm persuading one stubborn person across the country, then that would be a matter of time.

"Look, I got all the ingredients early, too, and I wonder if it's possible to remove the after-effects of Sister Ele."

"Nothing, I don't think we need to hurry?

"No, I thought it would be too inconvenient to do so for a long time, and it was just a trigger. Thanks to Behemoth and Leviathan, the necessary ingredients will be known later."

That's exactly what I tell Elaine, who just says she doesn't have to. We originally planned to make it, and it's not that much of a burden to go collect the rest of the ingredients if we build God's ship.

"Mr. Hiroshi, is there anything I can do to help?

"Honey, say anything you need. I'm not gonna let you just dress good for boob haunts."

"Oh, boobs haunted..."

The lay from Lainey enters Alchem, who has appealed to show me a little bit of a good spot. In that overly straightforward and terrible way, the three of us, Hoang, Rayot and Elaine, accidentally and convincingly leak bitter laughter.

"Lainey, I think that's a good idea for Pie Taku."

Mio, who had heard no conversation nearby, suddenly said something extra. Apparently, we made it this far as we were walking through the food.


"Traditional art of applying ink to breasts and pressing half a piece of paper to copy"

"That, if I do it myself, can I appeal to Honey?

"Is Lainey..., just a subtle line on the border?

As it is, Mio and Rainey move on to a conversation that makes me want to tell you not to talk like that in a place like this. What do you care? We're pretty close.

"Hong-kun, we're talking a lot, are you eating properly?

"We're having dinner."

"It's frustrating to be hungry."

"When I get upset, I have a bad stomach."

"If you have a bad stomach, you won't be able to eat rice."

"If you don't eat, you'll starve to death."

"Body abandonment ~"

Spring vegetables that have been talking to Rayot the whole time and look out at Hiroshi, who says this and doesn't show how he's eating, come to Hiroshi with a few octogals. Aeris seems to be reporting to his sister, Magdalena, the Princess of Dar, and is not coming here.

It should be noted that it is usual for Octogal's association game to lead to the abandonment of bodies, so this time they are all completely through.

"Well, eat a little puffy."

"I hope so."

With that said, spring vegetables serving a new plate beautifully served with dishes to Hong and Rayot. The colour, the nutritional balance and the balance of flavours receive it perfectly, especially the macro and rayot that start eating without complaining. Though I was eating there, I wasn't eating well enough to fill my young stomach, so the dish that Spring Vegetables brought me is quite appreciated.

Note that Spring Vegetables didn't take it to Lainey because they knew that Lainey cared about overeating in these places. As much as I don't have enough hands to carry, it's not an issue I can't cover for spring vegetables. Around being able to give this kind of fine attention, it would be a cause for Mio and Alchem to have the awareness that they can't beat Spring Vegetables.

"... boobs haunted another"

"Sister Chun's, I want to someday"

"Come on, let's not talk about the noise."

Spring vegetables that embarrass Lainey and Mio by making sure they appear and saying noisy things at the same time. But Rainey and Mio, who had warmed up so much in conversation so far, did not brake here.

"Mio, what do you always do?

"Right now."

Lainey and Mio suddenly start acting with an unexplained nori. Struck by spring vegetables and alchem,



Successfully punch your breasts.

"Ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh!!

"Stop, it hurts. Stop!

Lainey and Mio start pulling on their wasabi breasts with force they can't joke about. It doesn't look like it's going to get bouldered, but it looks pretty painful.


"I'm scared of Hiro, so don't go wild with stories that say that when you're like this!

To Rainey and Mio, who are serious about the giraffe, Tatsuya, who came to stop him after realizing Rayot and the situation, hits him and hits him off with force moves.

"I was surprised by the boulder..."

"It hurt..."

"Sorry for the delay"

Layot bows his head deeply to spring vegetables and alchem that leak into a sigh while covering his chest. The man is already frightened and beneath the table.

"And for now, Harna. I was just wondering, okay?


In the meantime, Elaine asks Spring Vegetables a question in order to change the air. Lainey and Mio, who are eating a lean sermon, and then the Octogals, who are hitchhiking and putting in sexual harassment attacks, are completely abandoned.

"What are you going to give Hiroshi?

"After all, I didn't think it was a good idea, so I made it a good right to make things freely for a week."

"Again, you've thought it through..."

Unexpectedly far-eyed Elaine for spring vegetable answers. That's how they look.

"We're really hired in a hell of a place..."

"The project is still fine. What a genuine commoner I am...?

"Gino, I've never spoken directly to the royal family, even over here, just because they're aristocratic...?

"How much longer do we have to be surprised by this..."

The newcomers watched with dead fishy eyes.