Fake Saint Of The Year

Chapter 62 Commencement of Special Training (First Half)

I didn't see anything last night.All right?

That's why we start by escaping reality.False Virgin Roll, let's get well again today.

Yesterday, Mobko was manipulated by Octopus and Eterna ran away, but for the time being, it was solved safely, so the result was Aurei.

Night? No idea.I just went straight home after Bernel left... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.There was no one (I told you twice because it was important).

So, the next morning. Bernell, Eterna, Marie, Aina, Mob A, Fiora, the familiar team Bernell with the perverted fucking glasses and the + α's... uh... crunch byte somehow... yes, bite the dog!

He's the only muscular guy in the top eight besides the Bernell team.

They gather in my room and wait for my word.

But can Eterna go home honestly?

I don't mean I don't need it.Rather, the awakened Eterna became a great force in the fight against witches.

But for Eterna, that's why I broke up.

Oh, no, no. There was no confession event yesterday, but it's just a hypothesis, hypothesis.

You wouldn't want to live for me anyway.

If you think that's the Virgin... ah, she was the Virgin.

"Um, Ellise?

"I know."

When I was thinking about this, Leila insisted that I talk to her.

Wow, that's great.I was just about to talk.

But before that, I'll just double check.

I don't want to be told this later.

"As I said the other day, if you listen to what I'm about to tell you, you can't go back.

Are you sure?

Verify with minor threats, but no one leaves the room.

Hmm, so you're ready.Stream stones are the protagonists and their friends.

It's very different from me.

I'm not ready for this.

However, it has become even stronger than others, so you don't have to be prepared to go to battle.

Someone said, "Courage" is about knowing fear.

Courage is noble because it pushes into the darkness.

I'm not. I don't feel scared in the first place.

It's just a battle that's guaranteed to be won with strong force, and I'm just Tueeee with a good mind.

I am a snob and vulgar.

There is nothing noble in my heart but courage.

That's why I'm a piece of shit and I'm never gonna be in line with Bernel and the rest of them.

"... I've received your readiness.

Now, let's be straightforward.

There's a witch named Alexia hiding beneath this school... even below the underground training room. "

My words upset Bernell and the others.

Not surprised, though, are Leila and the perverted fucking glasses.

It's only natural that these two have been out of business for a long time.

My biggest surprise, by the way, is the biting dog.

He said, "Eh!?A witch is Alexia!?"I'm surprised by the information that goes too far.

No, I didn't know him.

"The witch doesn't move from school right now because I don't think I know where the witch is.

Conversely, if I were to pretend to be a little bit aware… for example, if I were to board myself or send in a regular knight, the witch would soon dazzle her whereabouts with a special magic called Teleport.

And there will certainly be some... dozens, hundreds... sacrifices to innocent people on the run. "

Belnell and I are not going to tell you anything.

If you're silent, it looks like you're slipping, so I'm afraid you can let me in as much as you want.

"So we have to finish this school without having to teleport the witch.

In order to do this, we need the help of talented men who are not regular knights... that is, you. "

"Ah, um... how do you seal that teleport?

It was Aina who asked the usual questions.

In response, I will explain the magical vacuum operation.

With the barrier that blocks magic, I can lock everyone in the school, including the basement, and I can capture all the magic in the barrier to make it impossible to recover MP.

However, since the witch will teleport with the MP stored in her from the beginning, she will have to deplete the MP until someone engages the witch and the teleport becomes unusable before the operation starts.

The 'Someone' is the eight of us here.

Teaching that made everyone look nervous on the boulder.

"With the witch... we fight?"

"... very responsible"

Bernel shook and Marie looked steep.

Other members are similar, and the only thing that doesn't make you nervous is a biting dog.

"Hmm... interesting.I've grown too strong in this school.

I only used 50% of my power in the previous tournament.

It seems like a battle worthy of my full strength.

I look forward to it. I hope you and the witches are a little more responsive. "

Ooooooo, he's dying.

Well, think of it better than running away with fear.

By the way, I'm dressed like I only played 50%, but this guy was instantly killed at the start of a losing match, so I should say I could only play 50% accurately.

I just didn't have time to get serious, so I'm not dressed up at all.

"Legitimate knights, such as Leila, cannot be used in this operation.

In addition, the Shadow, which was close to Alexia, could be defeated in this battle, but there are still several powerful monsters in the basement that are witch guards. "

Powerful monsters, like the dragons I kicked out of before.

For me, there are ten or a hundred of them, but they can be wiped out by an overall attack, but they are monsters that can finally be defeated by just a few knights.

I wonder if Leila, Fox's old man, or Diaz's former headmaster can beat these in Tyman.

Eterna awakened to the Virgin, and Bernal was able to use the power of darkness, so now she's stronger than Leila, but even with that in mind, it's going to be a tough battle.

I think it would be much easier if we managed to destroy the surroundings and leave the witch alone, but how can we take it in that form?

First of all, to kick the monster around Eterna... who will fight the witch in the meantime?

After all, should Bernel and one or two other assistants be there?

But no matter how hard the weapon I gave you, it will definitely be a tough fight.

"There's no doubt it's going to be a tough fight.

But I dare say... I need everyone's help to end the old chain on our behalf. "

It's wrapped in oblates, but in short, you're all going to die.

Hmm, you bastard.

I was going to live a laid-back Net life in heaven when I died, but maybe this will go to hell normally.

... hi, it's safe not to die... maybe...