Fake Saint Of The Year

Episode 80 "Witch" (1st Half)

Black smoke gathers together and materializes as one being.

No, I wonder if there's more to it than that.

The clouds materialized and countless women appeared first.

Those who know all the names of each of them have no choice but to know Profeta, but these are the figures of the witches (saints) of the past, and they become one giant body by intertwining them.

At the end, it was the black giant that appeared to reach the clouds.

From the head, chest, abdomen, arms and feet, the witches of all ages (the Virgin) grow in all sizes, ignoring the size of life, giving them a sense of shame.

A tentacle grew from behind, and a woman's face grew like a neck above the tentacle.

The women, without exception, have their white and black eyes inverted and their whole bodies dyed black, continuing to shed tears of blood.

Among them was Alexia's face, which was supposed to have been taken down the other day.

"... it's been a long time, Mother"

As Alfrea sweats cold, she talks to the giant's most huge face, which appears in the chest.

It is the woman's face that rises up like a giant thing in the giant's chest, and this face alone will be worth a castle.

A beautiful woman with sharp eyes and a cold impression.

Only my daughter Alfrea and one of the prostitutes who knew at the time knew that this face was the face of Eve, the first witch.

"That's not Eve.The remnants of Eve. "

"That's right...."

It's been a long time since my mother and daughter were reunited, but my mother's soul is not here.

It's a collection of negative emotions from past witches only.

However, witches are shaped and moved by negative emotions, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the witch of the past.


"I'm jealous."

"I hate you."

I cannot forgive you.

The witch's face, which had grown from everywhere, had spoken out against the world at once.

It's not just the witch's own words.

Because this is a collection of negative emotions.It thus encompasses all the dark surfaces of people around the world who have blended into the air.

If it weren't for Hans, I'd be the next captain.

Ah... if it weren't for him... you could have died in an accident or a suicide... "

One of the witches' faces spoke something in the voice of a man.

I don't know what this is all about, but one soldier responds and bluishes his face.

"Oh, my... voice...?

"... Barry, you think so of me..."

"Chi, no! It's a misunderstanding!

Apparently, the voice was the voice of a soldier called Barry.

A soldier named Hans next door couldn't hide his shock when his friends thought so.

But now the witch's face speaks with Hans's voice.

"Barry's asshole... looks like he's worse than me in everything.

I'm so depressed that I'm following you. "

Barry grabbed Hans impulsively when he heard the voice, and Hans was angry again.

"You son of a bitch!

"What are you doing?

"Stop, what are you doing!If you're fighting each other!

You can't talk about breaking up between soldiers in front of your enemies.

Another curse comes out of the witch's mouth as other soldiers quickly break in and arbitrate.

Lili's a good woman.Rick can't help it. I wonder if he can handle the weakness and turn it into something.

If you hit me once, it's over here. "

"Without Leila, your father would have been the first knight."

It's Ellise-sama's fault that Bernel won't turn to me....

"Ellise would never have died without Bernel."

I'm the first Virgin, so please praise me even more!Fuck you!

"When I saw Ellise sleeping in the crystal... fufu... it was vulgar, but I got hard..."

"Wouldn't it be okay to destroy this world without Ellise?

One by one, the voices of various human hearts are exhaled from the witch's mouth.

Before this, the soldiers turn their eyes away, and some are attacked by the urge to shut their ears.

This is your own ugly mind that you don't normally see.

I don't want to see it if I don't have to.I don't want to hear it if I don't have to.

Such a thing to avoid is this "witch".


"I know! I don't... have a good taste, you monster!

I can't keep the morale of my allies any longer.

In response to Profeta's voice, Alfrea shot in a magic bullet that condensed all her magic.

Dark Class Magic Bullets, which are only allowed to be used by Virgin and Witch, are a mass of space that doesn't even let light pass through.

The space collapses around the torso of the explosive "witch".

And there was a cavity in the "Witch" 's torso - it soon returned to its original state.

"Ugh, it didn't work at all... even though I was doing everything I could."

Alfrea slowly retrieves the white flowers that Ellise used to decorate her hair and restores her magic.

In the meantime, I made every effort to strike with no spare effort to gain the opponent's strength, but no effect.

If Alfrea's best efforts are ineffective, then there will be no more attacks leading to it.

"Why am I the only one who sees this?"

You can all suffer.

"I can't forgive the world for being so miserable."

Break it all down.

The "Witch" began to move in disregard of Alfrea and the others, spitting out a grudge.

A few soldiers were kicked off just by walking on that giant body, and the men holding their shields on the front line, trying to hold back the slightest bit, blew up.

"Don't let him go to town!Hang on, hang on!

King Aids gave instructions to the soldiers, and the giants were thrown with arrows and magic.

But it doesn't make sense at all.

Everything just slips through.

Alexia's face grew from the back of a witch walking toward the city, staring at Aids.

"Traitor. I worked so hard, and you trampled on it.

I can't forgive you, I can't forgive you... "

"... a, Alexia"

Aids didn't feel guilty either.

I was visibly frightened by the voice of resentment exhaled from Alexia's face.

A black flame is thrown out at him.

The explosion in the immediate vicinity of the eye blows the eye with just the blast.

The flash-blown Aids collided with the building and moaned little by little.

"Hey, wait!Where are you going!?

"... it tastes bad."

"You'll see!If we stay like this, the town will be ruined!

"That's not true. That's true... but he's heading for the church.

I don't seem intelligent, but I know... what could be a threat to me. "

Profeta walks with Nosonoso and talks about what the Witch is aiming for.

I'm sure you're trying to chase after her, but the sad turtle is the turtle.

Some turtle companions run at astonishing speeds on land like Suppon, but unfortunately the profeta was usually dull.

"It's a collection of negative emotions.

If so, what I hate the most is positive emotions... that is, hope.

There's only one symbol of hope in our time. "

"... me?

Alfrea points to herself while saying stupid things.

Profeta stepped on her silently.

"It's Ellise. When she's dead, she's the heart of the people.

Even now, more and more people are gathering in churches to pray.

Then if we break every crystal in front of everyone... he'll soon be filled with negative emotions, and he'll get stronger and stronger. "

Ellise is the only one who can fight "witches" in terms of simple combat abilities.

But more than that, the very existence of Ellise is a symbol of justice, hope, and light, and people do not despair altogether for as long as they remain, whether dead or dead.

So there is no advantage in not choosing this option of one stone and three birds to eliminate threats, dye people into despair, and strengthen themselves.

"Master Alfrea!

"Eterna! Just in time!

Eterna and Bernel, riding horses from the school, and their friends, John, rushed in.

The battle of Eterna, the true Virgin of this era, is usually a great hope.

Together with Alfrea, there were two Virgin Marys... who never had this much power in history.

But the opponent is a thousand-year-old gathering.

If the Virgin thought it would be fifteen years before she could grow up to defeat the witch, and then five more years before she became a witch, a witch would have been born in twenty years.

Then the number of witches included in the "witch" is about fifty.

Of course, there may be some discrepancies, but if you think about it in a rough way, you can see that it contains that number.

Then this is the battle of fifty witches against the two Virgins... no matter what you think, you didn't win.

There is only Ellise, who was told that being able to fight it alone is better than combining all the saints of all generations.

"He's on his way to church!

They're going to destroy Ellise's body!


Bernel's anger reached its peak in an instant, in Alfrea's words.

Jump off the horse, shake the sword given to Ellise, and shake it down as hard as you can.

However, the sword slipped through the "witch" and the "witch" fist knocked Bernel out.

Bernel's forged body blew up like a dead tree, breaking through the roof of the building and becoming invisible.

"No, what is that!Cheat! Cheat!

Make sure it's real or not!

Why do you touch me so hard that I can get through this attack?

Calm down, Alfred! It's only the moment of the attack!

Bernel was the first to get hit, but now I see a little light.

If we match the timing of the opponent's attack, our attack will pass.

It would make sense just to find out.