Fake Saint Of The Year

Supplement Death (Part I)

Long live Neat!

And all of a sudden, no, I'm sending you full human, ex-faithful Virgin Ellise.

For whatever reason, I left the Virgin's throne and left it to Alfrea, because now I'm not even a fake Virgin.

As always, I am still recognized as a saint in the world, and the church gave me the title of Grand Virgin, but honestly, I'm not very happy.

Occasionally, knights and church greats cry, "After all, return to the Virgin's seat and Clement...", but since fakes shouldn't be sitting in front of the Virgin forever, they say no.

In the first place, Alfrea is a great first Virgin.What are you dissatisfied with?

Even my chest is cute. Even my chest is cute.

When I got off the Virgin's throne after the battle with The Witch, I built a log house in the woods as planned, where I lived with Leila.

Even if Leila quit her virgin life, she'll take good care of me and live a really long life.

Originally it was the forest where Profeta lived, but even if I didn't do anything, people would deliver fruits and so on, and I could live with it all my life.

Nevertheless, since there may be an end to being picked out of the house saying, "Work" if you've been doing it all the time, it's not like you haven't done anything.

With the prophet's abilities inherited from Profeta, I can see things far away, and when I have to do something, I have no choice but to work.

Previously, something plagued the potato and it was about to become famine, so I cured it all by magic. Before that, the ship was swallowed by vortex and was about to sink, so I pulled the crew up with floating magic.

A month ago, my skin turned purple and black in some country. I didn't know what the disease was, so I cured it all... and then, because there was a town where the domestic water was too dirty and the sick people were increasingly being produced in mass production, I even purified the water from town to town.

Ah, but all of this isn't helping my life here.I leave the hunting to Leila, and I only get the fruit from the protector.

Well, that doesn't matter.

Neat, whatever life is good for, it means we can take a nap while everyone sweats and works to secure food support for tomorrow.

People are doing work they don't want to do for their lives, lowering their heads they don't want to lower, working desperately like ants with painful thoughts.

But I can go crazy at such a time.

Imagine that everyone is in the hell of labor at this moment, and you have the best feeling of superiority that you can sleep outside without struggling with anything.

It may be an emotion close to what some gambling cartoon used to say, "pleasure in being in a safe position only for you."

That's why I'm going to devour sleepiness today.

It is said that napping is not good for the body, but did you know that?

Something bad about your body is delicious and feels good.

Sleep twice in a nap, junk food.Whoops, I don't think it's going to be sweet, temptation to humans.

People are so attracted to useless things.

Ah, by the way, your body shape, including your body shape, keeps you in your ideal state (even magically ticklish) at all times.

I hate trying, but I hate pizza more.I don't want to be just like that.

In the first place, I'm a lump of approval.It's only natural that you keep looking admirable...

Ah ^ ~, the look of envy and jealousy feels so good ~

After that, life expectancy is as long as a hundred years thanks to the turtle, and if you are concerned, you can cure some malaise by yourself by magic, and you won't be able to do anything with a slightly unhealthy life.

So I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed again today.

I magically floated the dedicated pillow that I had just completed in the corner of the room and went upstairs.

Why it's here is because the place where I was simply working was on the ground floor.

Is it creepy to use a pillow to hug a mental man?Only elementary school students are allowed to hold pillows?

Yes, it's biased. A pillow is a bedding that has the advantage of reducing back pain, stiffness, and knee pain while also relaxing.

The posture of holding the pillow with one foot on the side is called the "Sims Position" and is said to be the ideal sleeping posture for resting on the autonomic nerves.It's the right attitude many doctors recommend.

As you can see from the fact that there are many beautiful girls' pillows in Japan in the first place, even men usually use them as well.

Rather, it is used more often by men.

Beautiful women and girls use pillows to paint, but in reality, fat old people don't even clean up in Roku's room, and they use pillows in unwashed futons that aren't always open.

I also like the R18 pillow of heroin in my previous life... no, I'll leave it.

Well, it's not strange to use a pillow anyway.

That's why I quickly went into bed and grabbed the pillow.

... yeah? Something's tickling?I've been looking forward to it, but something's different...?

Do you have a strange feeling of foreign matter... is this crazy?No, it's crazy. Absolutely.

I try to change the position and try to get on the top, but there is obviously something inside other than cotton.

What is this... feeling of a pillow?That sounds like a person.

Someone inside...? Did Leila slip in?

I can't sleep like this.Would you like me to open it for you?

The Supplement Mention is a fervent believer of the Grand Virgin Ellise.

In him, Ellise's existence takes precedence over all, and I truly believe that Ellise alone is far more precious and important than all of the world.

Instead, is there anything worthwhile in the world after Ellise is gone?It was crazy enough to seriously say that.

Wow, what a wonderful saint.Living the same time as her, breathing the same air and being surrounded by supreme happiness.

But with all this pervert, he never crossed the line unexpectedly.

It seems that many stalking and perverting behaviors are long gone, but in fact, he never even touched Ellise's skin or hair directly against his perverted nature.

It was a thorough attempt to touch the footprints and used dishes from the gloves when she collected them after passing through, and it was only strictly stored and worshipped that she would never touch herself.

Yes, he forbids contact with Ellise himself.

Sometimes I fear that people like me will impure her by touching her, but above all, the supplement itself can't stand the stimulus.

He bought the same handpick she was using at the store, and Ellise didn't touch it... he knew better than anyone what would happen if this man who was immersed in ecstasy just sniffed the scent of the handpick that she was using.

--First of all, I can't stand the stimulus.Happiness surely climaxes to death when it reaches its limit.

It's like dying of hope, but now is not the time to die.

If I'm going to die, I want to live to the limit, I want to live to the limit, I want to see her for a second or even a moment, and then I want to die.That's why it's not the time yet.

Such a supplement, but he's a capable man if he doesn't care about perverts.

Since Ellise left the Castle of the Virgin, she has been a valuable pipe player outside, frequently visiting the forest where she lives to tell Ellise about the situation and messages from King Aids.

Rather, it would be more correct to say that I bought this role from myself because I wanted to go near Ellise.

In that case, I would like you to live like Leila, but life under one roof with Ellise is too exciting for supplements.

That said, the school was the same, but it was good because the school was still wide.

However, the log house where Ellise now lives is large enough to live alone with Ellise and Leila, but still narrow enough to be compared to the school.

If you stay close to Ellise for four or six hours in such a space, the supplement will be too excited to die.

I want to be on Ellise's side more than anyone else, but my thoughts are too strong to be on my side.It was a man named Supplement Mention.

On this day, the supplement was visiting the log house with a letter from King Aids and a piece of paper summarizing the affections of the past few weeks.

This forest, where the guardians live, has been rich in fruit since Ellise came to live, and the guardians have benefited from her proximity.

This is probably because Ellise activates plants with healing magic and purifies water and land.

Walk through the fantastic woods where the sun shines from among the trees and enter the loghouse where Ellise lives.

But the timing seemed bad, and there was no one in the house.

Seeing it unlocked, he won't have gone that far.

Maybe he's growing some vegetables in his backyard.Is Leila out hunting?

Well, then you can wait.

The supplement looked around the log house and admired its prudence.

Ellise, now called the Grand Virgin, will be able to live in more splendid castles and mansions than such a small log house.

If you feel like it, you can move the world as much as you want with one call, and you can change the balance.

Ellise has so much influence and voice.

There are many people around the world who laugh and die when Ellise dies, including supplements.

But she hated to manipulate the world herself and chose to live quietly, completely out of the world of politics.

I don't think you want it anywhere.

Or maybe this prudent life is not the Grand Virgin, but just what she wanted as Ellise.

Looking at it with that in mind, the supplement found a strange object properly placed in the corner of the room.