Fake Saint Of The Year

Fake Saintess, go to Japan ⑥

Even though it appeared as a backboss, I wiped out the Saito Marugi Emperor, who was not so much, and then took home the throne, the jewels and stone slabs that were floating nearby, and gave them to Eyes' old man.

All the troublesome history studies and things are thrown at the old man.

I was originally concerned that the steam locomotive did not suit the level of civilization in this world, so I just checked, so now that I have an answer, I don't care about the rest.

I just wanted to clear up my doubts.

No, I don't even know why the world created witches or why negative emotions have increased in the world.

The [Witch] has already been defeated, and the hardened negative emotions have been wiped out along with the [Witch].

Now that we've solved everything, I don't care if the boss comes out... right?

So I managed to stop thinking about the emperor, and I came to Japan again.

The purpose of this time is to buy a set of tools for the home vegetable garden, a book that describes the method of home cultivation, and later seedlings and seedlings.

It's a vegetable garden, but its main purpose is fruit.Blueberries and olives. Perhaps home cultivation is the right thing to do.

I'm trying to force these things to grow with the application of healing magic.

In fact, that way, we were able to improve the food situation somewhat by returning to the forest and growing trees made of fruits.

Why are you trying to start such a thing, because the fruits there are not very delicious.

I haven't improved the variety in the first place, and bananas are hard and have no sweetness at all.

Some of the fruits were extinct in the past because of the witches of the past.

That's why I want to bring some from Japan before I plug the cracks in that space.

Well, if we bring in too many alien species, it may have a negative impact on the ecosystem, so we can only enjoy ourselves.

If you dare to say it, it's okay to popularize sweet potatoes... even in the wasteland, the number of people who die of starvation will decrease, and the sweet things there are precious and basically unrelated to the common people.

But with sweet potatoes, I could spread it as a sweetness that even ordinary people could handle.

And we've come to the conclusion that the rift should be sealed shortly.

Since it has been around for a long time, I don't think it will affect you immediately if you leave it, but there is a possibility that negative emotions can flow from the earth, so it is better to block it just in case.

Besides, I was reincarnated because of that crack... and there's no reason why I shouldn't have a strange reincarnator if I left it alone.

So I went back and forth a few times and brought back only what I needed, and I thought I'd ask Al Flair to block it for me.

But before that, there was one person I really wanted to contact.

So, first of all, I was walking towards an online cafe.

If you wander in front of the station, there will always be one or two nekafes.

As the sirens rattle through the town, I look for an online café.

Incidentally, the siren was noisy because the house was burning a little further away.

When I got here, the house just opposite the underage apartment I was using to get in and out of the other side burned down.

Left alone, it was burning momentum, so I first stormed the house and rescued Lori, who was late, and then magically covered the perimeter of the house with wind to put out the fire.

I don't live in this apartment anymore, but if I burn this place down, I'll be in trouble.

It's not like there's no attachment, and without this apartment, the cracks in the space in the air will be exposed under the daylight.

If that happens, the press may come, and the great man of the country may enclose it and prohibit ordinary people from entering.

At any rate, it's cracked in the sky.This is the kind of country that will never leave us alone.

That's why I put out the fire, and I ran away from the vague family, Lori and many others after asking them to stop me.

There's nothing I can do about the burnt house.Well, you probably have fire insurance, and I want you to think that you only had life.

Then, having discovered the nekafe safely, I quickly went in, paid for it, and headed to the private room.

First, search online for "Eternal Scattered Flowers Site Naruta Emperor".

At least in the game I know, the Cynthian Empire didn't appear at all, but that was the story of the eternal scattered flowers before the alteration.

As for the eternal scattered flowers after the alteration, in fact, I only saw them in the game until before the showdown with the [Witch].

"Fiore caduto eterna" is a gamification of the events seen and heard in the previous life by the former tortoise.

This is what she herself said, and I can clearly see that the immovable newcomer and the soul of Elise are integrated and have both memories.

The scenario creator of this game... the Night Former Tortoise is the reincarnation of Profeta.

Yagemoto said that he had been good at predicting events from his previous lifetime.

Profeta once told me, "If you feel like it, you can predict if Bernell fell in love with Marie or Eterna."

With all these conditions, I know what I'm up to.

The Night Tortoise is a profiterole, I'm sure of it.

Rather, there are no other people besides him who can draw many "IFs" in the form of multi-scenarios.

Therefore, if the name of the Cynthianalta Emperor was in this game, Profeta would have recognized its existence.

And after searching, it was a hit at the top of the page, so I opened it immediately.

"Poor Emperor Sight Nurta" or something came up in the search results...? "

[Site Nurta Emperor]

A character from "Eternal Scattered Flowers - Fiore caduto eterna -".

Appears only after completing the Grand Loot.

The king of the ancient civilization site Nalta Empire, which was destroyed by the first witch Eve a thousand years ago and sunk into the sea.

A giant with a musculoskeletal body and a white beard, always carrying a trident spear.

With the idea that negative emotions are essential for the evolution and development of humankind, we have developed "Dark Attribute Magic" that can act on space through magic research and excellent brains.

With that power, I created a crack in space in a certain cave in Fugten, and by letting negative emotions flow out of the other world to Fiori, I succeeded in developing the empire at a remarkable speed by giving the people of Fiori the fighting spirit and desire that had been scarce until now, and competing with each other.

The technological development of the Cynthian Empire was tremendous. Although it was an empire a thousand years ago, its civilization level was comparable to that of modern Europe on Earth.

However, by distorting the balance of the world, the world was caught in the eye, and a witch was created who was the agent of the world in order to annihilate him and his empire.

The battle with the first witch Eve was extremely fierce, but the ancient superpower sank into the sea without resisting the growing number of monsters and Eve's super magic power...

However, after a thousand years, he was clinging to the world as [Witch] had only resentment.

Then, he settled with the "witch" and appeared in front of the protagonists who visited the sea floor.

[The culprit of all the culprits]

The chain of tragedies in [Eternal Scattering Flower] was the work of [Witch], but it was the Emperor Sightnalta who created the cause of the [Witch] 's birth in the first place, and in a sense, this man can be said to be the culprit of everything.

The world suddenly created something like a surrogate a thousand years ago, and the power of dark attribute magic existed because of this man.

Moreover, the negative emotions that drove Eve crazy could not be described as a simple design mistake in the world, considering that it was originally not that much for Fiori.

(Even so, if you assume that you have created a resistance to the Sight Nurta Emperor, you should make it resistant to negative emotions......)

Perhaps the hypercirculatory disease that Eve had in her possession would not have been such a problem if it had been Fiori.

Eve was born with a disease that caused madness called hypercirculatory disease, unlike the witches of the past. Maybe it was the result of the world wasting specs because mere witches could not defeat the Cynthianalta Empire.

It is also inferred that this man, who was a bad man from the beginning in Fiori, where negative emotions were originally supposed to be thin, was also the owner of hypercirculatory disease.


That said, it sounds very strong when you talk about it so far, and it's actually very strong in terms of stats, but unfortunately, few players have the image of being a strong opponent to him.

I knew it, too, but I had to take Elise with me in the fight against the Cynthian Emperor.

Elleese's stats remain as strong as they were in the last battle, so as long as Elleese is there, she doesn't have to make mistakes to lose.

With the exception of the [Witch], Emperor Cynthia's HP is the highest in the game at 99999. However, Elise's damage in [Aurea Libertas] exceeds 100,000 lightly, so she dies in a single blow.

Moreover, the [Witch] post-war Awakening Elise's attacks have been automatically added to the [Light of the Human Heart] specification, and all attacks are treated as weaknesses for the Cynthian Emperor, and the damage is doubled. Therefore, even if you do not use [Festina Lente], you will generally die from one or two blows.On the contrary, even a normal attack would kill me in three shots.

As a result, it turned into a pathetic character who would be buried in Elise lightly while appearing full.

At the start of the battle, I thought it was a strong enemy, and as a result of using the maximum moves on Elise, the battle ended immediately, and many of the players were in a hurry.

If you challenge without Elise, you will be a strong opponent, but you will need to take Elise to this undersea ruin. In order to remove Elise, you will need to take three allied characters besides her and make Elise a standby member, so when you first see her, you will most likely have Elise join the fight and kill her instantly.

Moreover, this Sight Nurta Emperor is a "never-ending tragedy" with the same combat BGM as the "Witch", and the sense of falling out has increased extraordinarily due to the magnificent performance before the battle.

Carrying an epic backbone and a BGM, he laughed at the players before the end of the BGM intro, leaving an air of true showdown.

From such a splendid fall, the image as a spoiler character was established on the Internet as soon as possible, and it was called "Sight Nalta Emperor" and "Falling Emperor" and was popular.

... oh.

It seems that somehow the site is completely spoofed in this world because of me.

No, it can't be helped... because he's weak...

In practical terms, it's more than Alexia, but compared to the [Witch]... it's more of a miscellaneous fish...

In the first place, apart from "Witch", which is a collective of the resentments of all the generations of witches, it is natural that there is a difference in strength between the resentment of a strange old man who is nothing but a witch.

Well, you don't need a back boss in a peaceful world, so put up with it.

For the time being, it seems that the profiter was aware of the fall.

I never said that... well, I guess it didn't matter what happened to you to stop the chain of witches and saints, and there was no need to defeat them by force.

"Even if it's the culprit, it's not a threat to the world right now..."

It was harmless unless someone with high magic power went out of their way to the bottom of the ocean, and even if they tried their best to defeat it, it wouldn't make things any better.

Rather, it was just a bother to come out weirdly.

I guess they decided to throw it away... "

Now, I don't care about Miss Falling.

The next thing to do is to make contact with my acquaintance, Night Former Tama, who will be in this world somehow.

Yes, the opponent I want to make contact with is the Nocturnal Ball Turtle, which is thought to be the reincarnated body of the Profetor.

I don't have a reason to want to see you... but I'd like to see you once.

Thanks to Profeta, I was able to survive that last battle.

This is how I'm living now that I've saved her life. [M]

I would at least like to thank you for that.

In the meantime, get a free email address and send an email to Motomoto Kame.

However, there is a great chance that just sending an email will be ignored, so I set the name of the sender as "immovable newcomer".

"Elise" is fine, but you might think the fans are calling themselves "Elise".

In fact, there are people who call themselves Elise or Eterna on social media.It is a bot.

It's not unusual to make a name on the Internet the name of a game character.

So I'm sure there are a lot of self-proclaimed Elise-san on the Internet.

I decided to use the name of the newcomer here because I didn't think it was something like that.

Then, I set the subject as "I want to continue the talk of the world line branch the other day".

Well, until I get a reply, I don't have anything to do, so I'll spend some time reading comics and eating soft-serve ice cream.