Fall in Love with Mr. Nian Slowly

491 Little Tingting, you know, I've been sick for many years

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update Mr. Nian, slowly like your latest chapter!Nian Xi was very uncomfortable listening to this, "Ji Chuan, I didn't realize that you were biased against Lausanne before, but now I suddenly realized."

"I'm not prejudiced against her, it's because I don't know her," Ji Chuan shook his head. "Because I am not familiar with her, I will naturally stand on Shuangwei's side."

"I don't have any one who is on the side. I only know that some people have nothing to do with the length of time they know. I like Lausanne very much. I liked it when I first saw it, and he is my brother's girlfriend. You should Believe his vision, and think about it from my brother’s standpoint, instead of embarrassing everyone."

"Do you think she and your brother can last?" Ji Chuan asked suddenly.

"What do you mean," Nian Xi is dissatisfied, "Can you still hope that Shuangwei and my brother are together, don't joke, I have no opinion on Shuangwei, but my mother won't agree, and this pair of Lausanne It’s not fair to say."

"I'm just talking casually, don't be so excited," Ji Chuan held her hand, "but one thing you have to understand, I will marry you, Jun Ting and Shuang Wei will meet sooner or later."

"I know..." Nian Xi pouted, "I won't say it, I'll go back."

"You drive slowly and go to bed early at night, don't be angry," Ji Chuan squeezed her face with a smile.

Nian Xi duo stared at him before getting on the bus and leaving.


On the other side, the black Audi drove into the city.

Xiao Woo took a nap and woke up, rubbing his eyes, "Why, Ting, why am I not home yet?"

"You're so drunk, I'm Shuangwei," Lengshuangwei glanced at him and said.

"Oh, yes, Ting Ting and Sang Sang are back home," Xiao Ran shook his head hard.

Come back home…….

Hearing these two words, Leng Shuang's eyes flashed a faint pain.

In recent years, she has worked hard to sharpen herself in difficult places, trying to make herself forget about the past, but every time she walks back to the city, she still can't help but remember that person.

I used to come back every time, although I couldn’t see him, but I would hear his news, knowing that he had never found a girlfriend, but this year...

"Brother, why have you never told me that Jun Ting has a girlfriend," Leng Shuang asked bitterly, holding the steering wheel tightly.

"Hmm... I haven't said that," Xiao Wou tilted his head against the window, his face drunkenly, "Why not, anyway, you all broke up, and you never talked about it, and said it stimulated you."

"When did they meet, can you tell me about it," Leng Shuang slightly lowered the radio in the car and asked lowly.

"It's the end of last year when the car accident caused a spine accident, and Sang Sang came to take care of her," Xiao Woo replied with confusion.

"Have Jun Ting ever been involved in a car accident?" Leng Shuang was stunned. "I don't know anything."

"He, let me stop talking," Xiao Wan raised his hand blindly.

"So did Xu Luosang take advantage of it at that time," Lengshuang's speed slowed down slowly.

"Ghost knows, at any time... Hey... Xiao Ting responded to Lausanne," Xiao Tu suddenly laughed, "You know Xiao Xiao Ting, I have been ill for many years, I can't stand up, how can I cure it? He couldn't be cured. After being touched by Lausanne, it was miraculously good. Only when she touched there would she respond."

Leng Shuang's pupils opened in shock, and hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road, grabbing Xiao's arms and asked, "Why is Jun Ting sick there? Is he sick? I didn't even know before."