Biquge, the fastest update Mr. Year, slowly like your latest chapter!Ten minutes later, Mo Liuxi came in again with the book and put it in her hand. The book was still hot and hot.

He looked at her with a smirk, "It's really damp, and it made me blow for a long time."

Yan Su: "..."

Mo Liuxi rubbed her red cheeky face, "Okay, you read, I'll cook supper for you, and we'll work hard for our baby."


Yan Su has been numb to those who do not know what to say. "You just came back from the field and cooked supper, aren't you tired?"

"Tired, but more hungry, don't you think I don't need physical energy to work hard," Moru West raised a bad smile on his lips.

Yan Su threw a book at him, "You are willing to be a cow, I don't want to be a farmer."

Mo Liuxi smiled and turned to go out.

After thinking about it, Yan Su continued to stay and read the writing papers. After so much trouble, she found that she had no more drowsiness, and the time was tight.

At about twelve, Moriusi came in with two bowls of spaghetti with tomato meat sauce.

Yan Su's eyes brightened and she felt very delicious after looking at the hue for a long time. Although she didn't have a meal for a long time, she was really tired today.

"It will be there, only pasta," Moriusi said, not too happy. "I said you have too few things in the refrigerator. There are no ingredients to make supper."

Yan Su blinked, "I don't usually eat supper, what ingredients do you want me to prepare."

"Lobsters and the like, it's the season for lobsters now," Moriusi said lightly. "Or chicken wings, cheese, bacon, pizza, salmon, arctic shrimps and the like."

Yan Su: "..."

This requirement is really a bit much.

"This is already the lowest standard for me," Moriusi sneered. "If you don't want to go to my side, I promise you to get a sumptuous supper at any time."

"Thank you, I think this tomato noodle is very good," Yan Su buried his head.

Moriusi sighed while eating, "If only there is a fruit-flavored pizza."

"You can order takeaway."

Someone shook his head, "Takeaway is not as delicious as I made."


After eating enough, Mo Liuxi asked her to go to bed, Yan Su refused, she had to write another one hour paper.

Mo Liuxi thought for a while, and took the book and sat next to her.

Yan Su looked away, and he said, "I have to take an exam too, and we have to take more subjects than you."

Yan Su also thinks about it, but once she doesn’t worry about this kind of learning gene, she doesn’t like herself, she can only work hard the day after tomorrow.

The two have been seeing two o'clock in the morning.

At 8:30 the next day, Yan Su was awakened by the alarm clock and desperately got up and dressed.

She still has a lot of things to do today. Moluxi was tired of being in bed for a while and immediately got up to make her breakfast.

At breakfast, noodles, eggs, and milk were mixed, and Mo Liuxi smiled and said: "Su Su, you see that you took my heart with a bowl of porridge, but I want to make breakfast for you all my life, I lost."

Yan Su couldn't be more upset after hearing it, "Will I leave you a porridge every day after the tour is over?"

"Okay..." Mo Liuxi responded softly. "Su Su, I want to take Yan Yan to live for a while in summer vacation. It happens that we are all in Xiacheng and can accompany her. I think the children still need their parents. , I discussed it with your parents and they agreed."

Yan Su nodded when she was startled. In fact, she had long wanted to take Yan Yan, but she had no time.