Fall in love with shame

Falling in Love with Shame Chapter 420

Chapter 466 - Plan to Reverse Pushback

Seeing Lu Anya drunk, Su Nan was slightly speechless, then he went on to look for his phone, ready to call the class president over, but he couldn't find it.

Where's my cell phone? Su Nan thought to himself, Lu Anya obviously never went out, so it can't be not in the compartment.

It's not in Lu Anya's bag, and the compartment can't be found even after looking everywhere, so....

He subconsciously set his eyes on Lu Anya, and an odd thought flashed through his mind, it couldn't be that the phone was hidden in Lu Anya's clothes.

After all, it's not strange to do anything when you're drunk. If that was the case, then it would be troublesome to take it out, and we would have to ask the waitress for help.

There was a knock on the door and a waitress pushed her way in, presenting him with a room card.

"Distinguished guest, this is the room card for the room you are staying in tonight, I wish you a pleasant life." The waitress said.

Su Nan received the room card, he was surprised, what, a room was actually opened? That supermarket had really gone to great lengths, but Su Nan always felt overly generous.

But this wasn't the time to think about that, Su Nan pointed at the drunken Lu Anya and said to the waitress, "My phone might have been hidden on her body, you go find it for me."

The waitress was slightly surprised, but didn't say anything, just looked at him with a strange look in her eyes and agreed.

Watching her walk up and touch it on Lu Anya's body, Su Nan only thought of something wrong, in the eyes of the waitress he should be a couple with Lu Anya, but let the waitress do it to find the phone on his girlfriend's body, obviously not normal.

But it was also quite a why thing, so Su Nan didn't try to explain.

As soon as the waiter's hand touched Lu Anya, it was opened by the drunken Lu Anya, who looked up at the frightened waiter with her head open and confused eyes and muttered, "Don't touch me, or I'll call the police."

She said and fell back down.

The waitress was stunned, not knowing what to do, and she looked at Su Nan who nodded at her, signaling to continue.

So the waitress had to do it again, but she was still interrupted by Lu Anya who suddenly woke up, Lu Anya seemed to be averse to being touched by strangers.

"Guest, your companion has had too much to drink, or you should take her to your room to rest." The waiter seemed to give up.

Su Nan nodded helplessly, and Lu Anya's behavior put an end to his thoughts of asking the waiter for help to help take Lu Anya back to her room.

But being so wary of strangers when drunk, he wondered if it was the same for him.

Su Nan tried to walk up to Lu Anya, who was lying on the dining table, whirling asleep, and said, "Let me help you to rest."

"Good." She muttered.

It seemed that he was quite trusting of him, because of an acquaintance? Or is it because of the face value?

She wasn't so drunk that she was unconscious, or else she wouldn't have refused the waiter, she was just drunk to a certain extent, her whole body was as soft as having no bones, and she needed help to walk.

Su Nan just helped Lu Anya to walk out and went to her room.

Her soft and delicate body inevitably leaned on Su Nan's body, and her arm unconsciously half hugged Su Nan's waist, while Su Nan constantly smelled the smell coming out of her body, a little unconcerned, and quickened his pace.

When he arrived at the room, Su Nan hugged Lu Anya with one arm and took the room card with one hand to open the door, not noticing that Lu Anya in his arms opened her eyes a crack, checking him out.

Naturally, Lu Anya was pretending to be drunk, her alcohol consumption was actually not that bad, a bottle of red wine just made her a little dizzy, and the purpose of her doing this was actually for her big plan of pushing back tonight!

From the moment she met Su Nan today, Lu Anya had decided to have sex with him, or rather, she had been having such thoughts since the end of her last punishment.

Such a nakedly perverted thought shouldn't have been in her head, she wasn't that kind of perverted guy in the first place, but knowing that such a self wasn't normal, she hadn't taken any measures and made this push-back plan.

The supermarket competition win does have a mysterious reward, but it is not free to come here to eat and drink, but also free to stay five-star is. This was all arranged by Lu Anya, the card roll that won was actually already secretly switched by her, replaced with her own company's reward, used to cheat Su Nan.

So far this plan is very successful, Su Nan helped her into the room, the next is the crucial step.

The next step is to help Lu Anya to come to the edge of the wide wood, Su Nan was about to help her body still down, who knew that Lu Anya's hands locked him tightly and did not want to let go, even Su Nan also fell down, pressed on Lu Anya's body, feeling like a ball of incomparably soft sponge.

Su Nan looked down, and the pretty face of Lu Anya that caught his eyes was a faint blush on her cheeks due to the wine she drank, which looked delicate and delicious, and her pink lips were slightly open from being pressed by something heavy, letting out a quick gasp.

Su Nan's gaze fell on her lips, watching her thin lips unconsciously open, pink ze slightly fine moist, making him recall the recent kiss, the light touch of her lips with him, bringing a palpable feeling.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of this article.

He was still too impulsive, and this kind of contact actually made him think thoughts he shouldn't have.

Su Nan cursed herself in her heart for not being competitive, pervert, this but the class president's elders, what to think.

Su Nan's eyes straightened as he turned back and saw Lu Anya take off her top three times, and then violently tear off her bra, exposing the beautiful mountain landscape to the air.

Although it wasn't the first time that Su Nan had seen Lu Anya's treasures, he had accidentally bumped into Lu Anya's naked body out of the shower last time at Shu Bao'er's house, but the last time was just a quick glimpse, but not as clear and long as this time. So much so that he was stunned.

In front of such an impactful scene, but an untimely thought flashed through Su Nan's mind, where was his phone? I thought I'd been shoved into a ditch by a drunken Luana through the collar, but now it didn't look that way.

"Hot." In the meantime, Lu Anya's willow eyebrows, she started to take off her pants again, her consciousness wasn't in a sober state, even her eyes were half open, not caring at all that Su Nan was standing in front of her.

Su Nan's eyelids jumped, couldn't care so much, rushed forward and grabbed Lu Anya's hand tightly, otherwise it would be bad if she waited for her pants to come off.

After standing face to face, the impact was even stronger, and Su Nan tried to control himself to prevent his eyes from moving down.

He quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and covered Lu Anya, and was about to help her lie down again, when Lu Anya suddenly opened her arms and hugged him tightly, the clothes covering her chest also fell off, and her torso came into direct contact with Su Nan.

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Seven.

Pretending to be drunk and hugging Su Nan, Lu Anya was about to fall on the bed with Su Nan and make him press against her, but she didn't expect that Su Nan would suddenly break free just as she was making an effort, and immediately pull the blanket to cover all the scenery when she saw her fall on top of the bed.

Lu Anya tried to get away through the drunkenness, but Su Nan held her down through the blanket, and his strength was so strong that Lu Anya couldn't get away after trying.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you're in the right place.

The moment he saw Lu Anya's body just now, he almost got excited.

Although Lu Anya was very beautiful, she was the class leader's aunt, still in a drunken state, Su Nan really didn't want to make any mistakes with her, it was like taking advantage of someone else's situation.

He also knew that he was very needy and prone to going into downward thinking mode, which was why he was stricter with himself at times like this, wanting to avoid seeing the other person's naked "person" as much as possible, as well as having any contact with the other person's body.

"Ah, Nan, gently, gently, not too hard."

Looking down at Lu Anya who was still struggling non-stop and saying misleading words about alcohol, Su Nan was in a helpless mood, other people who were drunk were lying down and sleeping nicely, how come Lu Anya was so lively, was she not drunk enough?

Su Nan was tempted to ask the hotel for two extra bottles of red wine to come over and completely get Lu Anya drunk. Of course, this was just his boring idea.

Shaking his head, in order to prevent Lu Anya from breaking free, Su Nan wrapped her in the blanket before pushing him around the bed a few times, using the blanket to restrain her.

Then Su Nan was ready to go out and look for Ban, his phone was hidden somewhere, and he didn't know the password to open the screen of Lu Anya's phone, so he would have to do it the old-fashioned way, just go out and look for it, and hope that Ban followed him.

"Hot." Lu Anya suddenly shouted, she didn't want Su Nan to leave, or else tonight's plan would be wasted.

Su Nan had no choice but to pick up the remote and turn on the air conditioner.

While he was adjusting the indoor temperature, Lu Anya took the opportunity to break free, and she climbed up instead of attacking Su Nan, but swayed towards the bathroom.