"Baron, wake up!

"Baron, hold on!

"Baron, Baron"

"Baron, wake up!

The bards Agnes, Tamar, Gabby and Antonio, who had been masters of "Protective Jujitsu", speak out worryingly to Baron, who unfortunately lost the third round of the qualifying round.

I came with Mr. Agnes to the infirmary right after the game.

The kids, starting with Lillii, wanted to come with me worried, but I couldn't push them in large numbers, so they put up with me.

Baron suffered considerable damage and was completely lost consciousness, but now the wound itself is healed by healing medication.

"Oh... and Master... did I... lose...?

Baron spoke out powerless with a vain expression.

"Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't win"

"But it was a good fight."

"Even if you lose, it's like a draw."

"Did Tonfer aim?

To Mr Agnes' answer, Baron, you have become a bewildered expression.

"Baron, I spared you, but it was a great fight. You don't seem to remember, so I'll tell you."

I spoke with Baron's head.

"Mr. Grimm...... please. From around swinging, I can barely remember......"

Baron said that while waking up his body.

I still don't seem to remember it from the middle of nowhere.

I explained to you how the game went and how it turned out.

"Were you... It's a complete defeat. It was amazing physical. Tonfer... I think he threw it away with the thought that he had to do something while his consciousness was hazy. That's just lucky to hit the other player..."

Baron bit his lips in tears.

Because a qualifying breakthrough was your goal, you still regret it.

"Baron, that was a shame. But it was a good fight. Tighten your chest."

That's what the Duke of Euphemia said, while he came into the treatment room.

I can't believe you came all the way here...

"Yu, Dear Euphemia...... I can't make it through the qualifying round and I'm sorry"

Baron got upset.

"Why are you apologizing to me? I told you to put your chest up. We just need to spring our present remorse and refine it more. Besides, I'm here to solicit you. If you don't call me soon, Anna and Elena will take it. hahahahahahahahaha"

The Duke of Euphemia laughed lavishly as he stroked Baron's head.

And to Baron on Hatena's face, he continued with a niggling smile.

"If there's no change in my desire to be a guard soon, I'll recommend you to the Guard of The City of Sesay. What do you say? You can continue to work under Zenita."

"Ho, is it true...... you mean you can put me in the guard right away?

"Once again, I'll have you tested and tested for enlistment in the Guard. It's a special recommendation for participants in the Martial Arts Games for Martial Arts Officers, so you can be a guard in no time."

"Oh, please. Good luck. You'll be strong enough to protect people!

Barron-kun regained his energy and smiled full face.

Barron-kun decided to visit the antics player because he was going to watch the game in the audience with us, but before that, he wanted to say hello to his opponent.

He's in another treatment room, and it looks like he's being treated.

I'd love to talk to you too, so I decided to go with Baron.

When you open the door to the treatment room where you think you have an antic player…

The antics player was done with the treatment and for some reason he stood up......

And the floor around my face is a little wet......

Apparently he's crying.

Are you standing up crying...

"Oh, um... it's called Baron, who let me fight earlier. It's my complete defeat.... Excuse me... you should have been able to compete in the main race..."

Baron spoke out of sorrow.

Then...... the antics player's movement stopped on the way to the ambush.

When he stood up softly... he made as many smiles as he wanted toward us... but... he was drooling his nose as well as tears, and his tears and runny nose are making him smile.

We were shown that... it's not funny... only a shame.

"You don't have to apologize to me. You did what you could. I was alarmed, too. I was drunk about my moves and didn't notice the weapons approaching from the air. Exactly immature itself...... On the contrary, you reminded me of something important. [M]“ Remaining Heart "… Even if a decisive move was made, you should have left your mind unawares. You should have been careful. Thanks. Thanks to you, I can be strong again. And if you're healthy, you can do anything! Cheer up and hang in there, too! It was wonderful physical skill at that young age. I'm sure he'll make a great fighter. We'll fight again sooner or later, Dar!

The antic player spoke enthusiastically to Baron while still in the face of Bicha, and at the end he was in the mood to poke his arms up.

It feels like some kind of post-game interview with a pro wrestler...... really looks like a pro wrestler.

"Thank you. I will also improve so that we can fight again."

Baron answered with a good smile.

"Okay, let's work together! Training is often hard, but I'll teach you a special magic word! 'I can do anything if I'm healthy!' Speak this word and you will endure any difficult training. This can be described as a secret to my clan. You are no longer my friend. eligible to receive this word. Next time I see you...... I'll also teach you another secret 'Soul Fighting Injection' ritual to pass on to my clan! Stay tuned!

The antics shouldered Baron as he vented to his satisfaction.

I'm glad you two are getting along and thriving... but the ritual of 'Soul Struggle Injection'... is definitely just a binta... well let's not get into it right now...

"Um... my name is Grimm and I'm like Baron's guardian. May I have a word with you..."

The excitement of Baron and his men has come to a halt, so I finally spoke to him.

"I'm sorry about this. I'm antic-hinoki. Talk to me..."

"Yes, actually... I'd like to know about the 'martial arts prowl', which is said to be legendary physical arts. Do you mean you are descended from the lost 'Sinnitine Kingdom' and inherited the 'Martial Arts Prowl', which was a national move?

"Yeah, that's right. Most people don't believe me, but the supposedly annihilated Sinnitine Kingdom about six hundred years ago was originally a small country, and very little material remains. It's just that there's a guide that's been passed on to my family and an oral message that's been passed down from generation to generation. It goes back about 600 years, so I don't know if I'm a legitimate bloodstream, but it only proves that I have a guide and an oral history."

"Um... isn't there a legend that the first king of the 'Sinnitine Kingdom' came from another world... or something like that?

"Hey, why did you...? Detailed records appear to have been lost, but the first generation to build the country was supposedly an interworlder." Martial Arts Prowl "was founded by the first generation and seems to have been cultivated as a national skill by naming the country. In fact, the name" Antic-Hinoki "is also a name that the successor to Martial Arts Prowl has inherited from generation to generation."

The antics answered that in surprise.

Again, my thoughts seemed to hit me...

The first king to create the Sinnitine Kingdom seems to be a transferee or reincarnator from another world just like me.

I guess that's why he knew the prowler...... or maybe he was a prowler.