Biquge, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!The carriage was very fast, and it took only half an hour to reach the town from Xinghua Village.

Following Qian Wanjin into the Qianjia Restaurant, this is after the fruit wine business got better and better last year, and Qian Wanjin took the initiative to open it in the town.

It is also the only big restaurant in Cangwu Town, and its business is steady.

As soon as the shopkeeper saw the two, they greeted them immediately, "Little owner, Liu girl, and the room are ready, I will take you up."

Nowadays, everyone in the Qian's family is doing business, from the second to the manager to the second child who runs the church. Do you know Liu Yusheng, and she is also respected to her, and she dare not belittle her because of her young age.

Dare?People are young, but the fruit wine developed in the hands of others can make Qian's wealth close to Liujia, the richest man in Nanling in just three years!There is even a tendency to keep pace!

Over time, as long as there is no accident, it is not impossible for the Qian family to reach the richest man.

The reason why the Yanag family in Kyoto has been sitting in the position of the richest man is not that much, but because the other party has people in the center, who have been royal merchants for many years.

"Are people here?" Qian Wanjin asked on the third floor.

"Come here, just wait in the room."

Following him, Liu Yusheng's heart tightened slightly.

Similar scenes, she has experienced countless times in the past three years, each time she returned with disappointment, and the next time, she came with expectation again.

Like a self-abuse that endlessly circulates, she moves forward with one rib, never thinking of giving up.

On the third floor, the door of Yajian slowly opened, and Liu Yusheng looked up.

Sitting inside was a middle-aged man with a coarse grey coat, a sad face, high cheekbones and dark skin.

Seeing the person who appeared at the door, his eyes lit up immediately and stood up, "Qian Xiaodong's, you are here."

"Well," Qian Wanjin nodded slightly toward the other party, walked in and sat down with the Malaysian gold sword, "Tell her the clues, she is the gold master, but she is rich."

When the man heard it, he looked at Liu Yusheng, his eyes brighter.

Liu Yusheng, who had more of this look, said nothing, and most of the people who provided clues were for generous remuneration.

As long as she can buy useful clues, she doesn't mind the other party seeing the money.

"Miss, I have really met the person you are looking for. I know where he is, and I can take you to find it now, but that reward... huh?" The man rubbed his hands and smiled.

"As long as I find someone, I will be paid on the spot, one thousand two, a lot of paper." Liu Yusheng didn't sit down, only looked at the height of the carved wood dining table, but the momentum of taking the silver ticket on the table was not weak. .

Seeing the silver ticket with his own eyes, the man narrowed his eyes with a smile, stretched out his hand and darted towards the silver ticket, being grabbed first by the other hand.

"Find someone, give the silver ticket, and remember the rules. My money family can't be fooled by people." With a cool tone, Qian Wanjin put the silver ticket back into Liu Yusheng's purse.

What a dead girl who doesn't know the world, what would she do if he wasn't there?

The man confessed that he withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Understand, understand, I will take you to find someone, not far away, in the broken temple not far from the east of the town!"

There was a cold sweat on the back.

Don't look at the few words of Qian Xiaodong's family, the weight is all in the last sentence.

If he dared to speculate and take care of his tricks, let alone get the money, I was afraid that it would be difficult to gain a foothold anywhere in the future.

It’s not that there are people who have been thinking carefully because they want to cheat for pay these years. Later, which one is better.

Thinking of this layer, on the way to Zhendong, men did not dare to speak at will.

In addition, when Qian Wanjin came out, he specially chose two guards, and the clubbing of the high horse was there, which made people dare not move their minds.

In the broken temple in Zhendong, Liu Yusheng had never been there, nor heard anyone mention it.

Unless the man said today, she did not know that there was a broken temple near the town.

That kind of place, gathered, should be beggars.

Liu Yusheng's small hands were unconsciously clenched into fists, and his heart was painful and astringent.

As if seeing through her mind, Qian Wanjin sneered, "Don't think about it, what a good place a broken temple can be. The people gathered there are just homeless people, who usually make a living by begging."

He paused and said again, "I wish he was really there so that my hard days can end. Seeing Tianman Nanling help you find someone, I am almost crazy."

"……Thank you."

This is another sentence, wouldn't you say something else?

The carriage came out of the town, and stopped short before going far. Liu Yusheng's heart was raised high.

After getting off the bus, the air in the late spring was still chilling, and she couldn't help but wince, before looking up to the front.

The temple was broken, the walls were mottled, and many places had collapsed.

Even without the door, you can directly see the inside of the temple. In the center is a Buddha statue with a golden helmet, which indicates that there was a incense burnt here.

There are spider webs hanging around the corners, there are many scattered straws, and black bedding with no visible colors. During this period, some beggars with unkempt hair are lying or sitting, and some people come in and stand. Awkward, embarrassed and alert.

"Where are you talking about, where?" Qian Wanjin squeezed his nose, trying to shield the bad smell in the air.

Had he not been a blessing, he would not step in this place in his life.

What a ghost place, broken and dirty, smell of urine and food rancid everywhere, it's simply, it leaks a little bit into the nose!

The man rubbed his hands and turned around to find someone. In order to pay two thousand dollars, he did not do any business for almost half a year, and his energy was completely spent on finding people. Seeing that the work was successful, he could not be defeated.

In the end, I saw the person he was looking for behind the Buddha statue, and no matter how dirty the other person was, he directly dragged the person out, "Here, here is him!"

At that moment, Liu Yusheng almost stopped breathing, gazing at the person dragged out.

Dirty and torn clothes hung on the body empty, bony, and disheveled almost covering the entire face.

He was about ten years old, which was in line with what the man said, but with only one glance, Liu Yusheng's heart sank.


This is not Axiu.

The man has been staring closely at Liu Yusheng's expression, seeing the disappointment that she showed through her, a little anxious, "Girl, look carefully, you haven't seen what he looks like! I'm looking for your request Yes, eleven years old, handsome, unremarkable... these are all in line! I, I have been looking for more than half a year!"

Liu Yusheng smiled bitterly, "It's not him, but I still want to thank you. I will give you five or two dollars back, as your salary for half a year."

"This, thank you girl! Thank you girl!" The man smiled suddenly, although the two thousand rewards were gone, and it would be fine to get five or two.It may not be possible to get this number after working long and hard for half a year.

Hopefully again, Liu Yusheng didn't feel much sad, and seemed a little numb, smiled awkwardly, and turned to leave.