Biquge, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"The naughty man is right, he has to think long, so he will rashly rush to the Yamen only to lose money!" Chen Xiulan red eyes, but has returned to calm.

The group calmed down and slowly recalled what Liu Zhixia said just now. The last six people almost unanimously said, "Search the Prosecutor!"

"Yes, it must be him, that king bastard! It was he who took the spot check at the time, and only he had the opportunity to release the entrainment on your exam seat and frame you for cheating!"

"In this way, the prosecutor was bought by Liang Yu, and we can't go to the Yamen, Yiqiu raccoon dog, it is estimated that we will wait for our door to humiliate!"

Liu Yusheng and Liu Zhixia glanced at each other, and again in unison, "Look for the examiner!"

The brother and sister thought of going together.

Today, only the official rank of the examiner in Yunzhou City can suppress the prefecture of Yunzhou!

Township tests are regional, and each place only monitors what is happening within its jurisdiction. It is obviously unrealistic to file a complaint in another state.And the examiner, when he was a senior member of the second grade, if he could nod and thoroughly investigate, this matter might still have room for improvement.

"At this time, the examination room examination should be over. Where can we find the examiner?" Liu Da frowned.

They are not very familiar with these, and if they want to find someone, they have to know the schedule of others.

"I..." Shi Xianrou said, before it was too late, there was a loud noise outside the door, and then the door was kicked open.

A group of figures came in, and Liang Yu was the first.

With a disgusting smile, he stubbornly breathed, "Huh, what did I say at first? A whole family came to accompany the exam, but if you can't pass the exam, you will lose the adult. Liu Zhixia, look at you now, More than shameful? Even the face of the ancestors was completely lost by you! Cheating in the examination room! I am a little skeptical. Wouldn't your child's reputation as a talented person also come from cheating?"

"Liang Yu!" Liu Zhixia sat up from the bed, looked at the person coming, and his eyes were extremely angry. "You little one! In addition to bullying and tricks, what else would you do? If you are ashamed, you are Lost your door lintel! I tell you, fair and comfortable! Someone always knows exactly what cheating is all about!"

Liu Da stood up with Qian Wanjin at the same time.

"You get out of here! This is the room we booked. You are not welcome to be such a villain! Today you have wronged my family and know Xia, there will be a day when the truth will come to light, you won't be proud for too long!"

Qian Wanjin looked at the man whose face changed and changed, sneered, and stepped forward, "Why, I didn't hurt that day, and wanted to be beaten? If you want to say something, the master will do you!"

Liang Yu's face was darkened, "A group of people! What is your advantage? What else do you have? Liu Zhixia cheated, the evidence is solid, and everyone knows! Otherwise, the examiner will not beat him on the 30 boards, get rid of merit, Yong Don’t hire! You are here to scream injustice, saying that you are being slandered, is it suspected that the master examiner is unfair, and is secretly shielded?"

This is another rake.

Even the weak-hearted Chen Xiulan was so angry that she lost her reason, "The villain's move, shameless! With a little power behind him, bullying the civilians! God has eyes, you will be retaliated!"

Liang Yu laughed, "I don't know if I will retaliate, but you will be retaliated immediately. As a student of Yunzhou Academy, as a student of Yunzhou, cheating in the examination room, the entire Yunzhou is ashamed, Liu Zhixia You are the disgrace of Yunzhou! Now pack your baggage immediately and roll back to the corner of your country! Tell you, I will never appear in front of me again, otherwise I will see you again and again! Come and throw their stuff out !The inn in the city, no shame to live!

The claws brought behind Liang Yu rushed over immediately, and when something caught on his hand, he smashed it. In a blink of an eye, the room was messy, and there were pieces of porcelain everywhere, as well as falling stools and chairs.

"Liang Yu, don't deceive people too much!" Liu Zhixia's face was blue.

"If you have the ability, you will lie back..."


A fist smashed Liang Yu's nose hard, making him scream on the spot, covering his nose and tears.

When he took his hand to his eyes, it was completely covered with blood.

"The motherfucker! Dare to beat Lao Tzu, give it to me! Give me a discount on the bastard's hand!" Pointing at Qian Wanjin, Liang Yu roared.

This time he purposely found the best nursing homes in Fuzhong to find reasons to beat the Liu family.

Now this punch makes him no longer have to find a reason!

Looking at the minions rushing up behind him, Liang Yugao smiled.

These people offended him, don't think about each one better!

"Fu , Aunt Liu Uncle Liu, go to the corner, don't come over! These people, I can clean up alone!"

Qian Wanjin rushed across the opposite side, pulling people's shirts to kick and kick.

He hit Liang Yu and stared at him specifically.

As for the other minions, don't worry, the strange woman can solve it all by herself.

If he can beat Wei Hong's skill as a shadow guard, if he can't solve a few small chats, he laughs so that she has no face to meet people!

Looking at the chaotic scene, Liu Yusheng dragged his father and mother to the bed and stood in front of Liu Zhixia, so as to avoid throwing something on the battlefield and causing accidental injuries.

With the softness of the stone, one person can slam the audience. The consequence of the excessive force between the two sides is that the person brought by Liang Yu was completely suppressed.

As for Liang Yu himself, Qian Wanjin has beaten him completely.

The trouble here made the whole inn alarmed.

The door of the room was full of people, layer after layer, the shopkeeper shouted outside, unable to squeeze in.

After throwing all these people out of the room together with Shi Xianrou, Qian Wanjin flung his wrists and felt comfortable.

This one is playing heartily, the most important thing is to have a worry-free back.

Wei Li female cooperates well.

When the crowd at the door was loose, the shopkeeper finally squeezed in and watched the beaten chest in the ruined room.

"Oh, hello! I have a good house! You only took a few days to do this to me! If you leave, you will hurry and leave me, and the small shop will not be able to live up to these big Buddhas!"

Qian Wanjin smirked, "It's so grand to say, not because we offended the nephew of the prefect, all a group of cowardly cowards who are afraid of getting into trouble!"

The shopkeeper’s eyes flickered, and then he sighed a little, "I know your business. But I am a businessman. I want to survive in Yunzhou City. Some people can't afford to offend. Don't say I'm not human, these are bad. I don’t want you to compensate for the things you did. You must move away. You just beat the people like that. This thing will definitely not go away. The government will inevitably come to arrest people. The shop is really not upset."