Biquge, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!On the third day after Xue Qinglian left, Feng Qingbai and his entourage arrived as scheduled.

Hearing the person's return, Liu Yusheng carried the skirt to the outer courtyard and ran away.

The whole small face is as bright as the light.

Shi Xianrou and Liu Muqiu slowly walked behind, shaking their heads and teasing, "Look at the look of Fu's boy, you know what is falling in love."

"What about you and Shaodong's family?" Xiao Bailian wondered.

"I am in love with Xiaojin from our family every day," patted the thin and thin shoulders of the girl, and the stone was soft and isolated. "Little White Lotus, work hard. The next pair is you. I'm optimistic about you."

Xiao Bailian's shoulders collapsed. "I'm optimistic about my use. I'm almost confident. I feel that Brother Qiu is an iron tree that won't bloom."

Tie Shu, who was about to step out of the second yard, paused and grimaced.

Will he not bloom?

Not only will he bloom, he will also bear fruit!

"Feng Qingbai!"

In the front yard, the little girl threw herself into the arms of the handsome man like Ru Yantou Lin, and was steadily caught by the man.

"I'm back." Feng Qingbai stretched his lips slightly, lowered his head, and his eyes were full of women alone.

What else can the elders standing in the yard do?

You can only open your eyes and close your eyes.

Even Liu Da couldn't really look up and looked up at the sky.

The daughter was extroverted and could not return.

And the other two people who will pull together along with the wind and the cypress, the old man and the old man are looking at the entire Liu family compound, and Wei Lan whizzes around Wei Hong, "Wei Dahong, I am back."

"Huh." Wei Hong held his arms in his hands and squinted at Wei Lan. "Fat."

"..." lying trough, can you speak human language?Can you chat?

Taking out the small bronze mirror in his arms and taking a left photo, Wei Lan changed countless angles, trying to find strong evidence to prove that he was still perfect, and finally found his double chin in the mirror.

"Slap." The mirror broke.

There, Xiang Shixianrou, Liu Muqiu, Liu Zhiqiu and Qian Wanjin also arrived at the outer court.

I saw the people in the courtyard at a glance.

"How long has it been since I haven't let go of people, I'm so tired!" Qian Wanjin shouted with his hands on his hips, staring at Feng Qingbai.

The man began to look up at this side, his eyes narrow and light, and swept Qian Wanjin, like a cold front attack, scared Qian Wanjin's liver throbbing carefully.

Liu Muqiu saw this legendary prince for the first time.

Titled the King of Nanling, Regent.

A purple robe is noble and elegant, with a sharp face, a long and straight body, and a cool temperament that will not be too sharp.

And his glance at the boy's eyes impressed her most.

Like looking at your only treasure.

Pulling the sleeve of Shixianrou quietly with one hand, Liu Muqiu asked in a low voice, "Xianrou, do we want to salute?"

No one in the Liu Family Courtyard moved, and she did not dare to act rashly, otherwise she would be embarrassing to the family.

"No, it's all your own family, what kind of rituals, as long as there is a blessing, the prince and we are ordinary people, no one is big and small, who is high and low." Shi Xianrou smiled.

If there is a place in the world where the wind and the cypress will not put a shelf, only the Liu Family Courtyard, in front of the Liu Family.

"This yard is good, full of farmhouse atmosphere, the village is good, the atmosphere is good, and the little old man will live here in the future." After watching the front yard, the little old man squeezed over, "Little girl, don't forget your promise Pass me, you have to be satisfied with the wine that the old man drinks in the future."

Retreating from Feng Qingbai's arms, Liu Yusheng looked at Jiu Lao, "Bao Yuan is no problem, but you can't drink too much every day, only one altar."

"How can there be only one jar? The old man has no wine and no joy. Others have three meals a day. I have three drinks a day..."

"Grandpa, grandma, you will be troubled by the old wine in the future. If he drinks too much, he will not give him the next day."

Grandpa Liu and his wife smiled at each other, "Yes, we two are watching."

Jiu Lao, they had a connection. At the Jinluan Hall, it was Jiu Lao, who turned around for their family and turned the Kyoto Liu Family into a branch.

Hearing that he was here, he could not only drink happily, but also be restrained. Jiu Lao immediately wanted to pull his leg away, leaving his teeth clenched to stay. In fact, he was reluctant to make special wine made by the little girl!

Even if there was only one jar a day, he recognized it!

Feng Qingbai and Wei Lan are back, and they have an old wine.

The two daughter-in-laws of the Liu family cleaned up the guest house and cleared the clean room.

Fortunately, when the house was built, there were two more guest rooms, otherwise there would be more people and it was really not enough to live.

"It's still early. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare meals first. You just got home and went to a break." The family's guest words don't need to say too much, and Mrs. Liu walked to the kitchen and told several people.

The face is cheerful.

People are so lively, if Zhixia and Yuzheng are also there, then they will live together as a whole. That feeling is as happy as the New Year for the elderly.

People are getting old and getting older, the favorite thing is to watch the children around them neatly.

Watching the elders go back to the dorm room, the old winemaker and the old man gathered together to discuss the wine, and Wei Lan followed Wei Hong's ass back to the guest house. Feng Qingbai led his little girl to the inner court.

Shi Xianrou and others met, and did not bother, a few piled up together to find fun for themselves.

The renovated inner courtyard is almost the same as before, except that the setting in the yard has changed slightly. The strange flowers that were replanted on both sides of the blue stone board road disappeared into a pot of precious potted plants.

He walked to the stone table, took the girl to sit on his lap, and held the man in his arms. Feng Qingbai closed his eyes.

July is just summer, and the sunlight after noon is still fierce.

Therefore, the stone table and stone benches were placed under the green bamboo bushes in the corner of the courtyard.

"It's better to go home." The man sighed.

"Then stay at home for a few more days." Liu Yusheng chuckled softly, his eyebrows curved.

She knew he must have hurried over, and she would have to go back to busy government affairs if she didn't stay at home for long.

Even so, she was happy every time he came back, he made time to accompany her.

"Have you finished dealing with government affairs again, leaving a few days to go back and forth?"

"No, government affairs let Feng Mohan handle it himself." However, he did stay for a short time, only a few days. "In August Qin Xiao returned to the DPRK, and he returned at the same time with him, and Beicang came, and the next few I will be busy for months."

That is, only now can he find a chance to come back.

"Qin Xiao is going back to the dynasty? Hasn't he been at the border?" Liu Yusheng was surprised. She hadn't seen Qin Xiao, but she knew that he stayed outside the gate all the year round, so she had high prestige in the army.

"Beicang sent all the messengers, he will naturally come back to negotiate with the other party."