Biquge, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!After some fun, they reunited in the lobby. Feng Qingbai said directly to Xue Qinglian, "Since it's fine, you can go to South Xinjiang in person."

"You can't turn your words gently and listen a little bit?" Xue Qinglian pouted. "Just because you're afraid that I'm going to be killed by a grub, let me quickly go to Nanjiang to find a way of life. I also feel comfortable in my heart."

"Why should I make you sound comfortable?"

"Feng Qingbai, you weren't so cruel to me before," Xue Qinglian sat upright, glaring at the man. "When I passed out, how worried were you, and I personally carried me back to save me even Croton The red beans are all sent to the palace. Why are you so ruthless now?"

"How?" The man squinted.

"My heart hurts!"

The words fell, and there was a ping-pong in the hall.

The three people who were not involved were all receding and exiting the circle of war.

Qian Wanjin shrank behind Shi Xianrou, and he never forgot to put out his head and shouted, "This is just a lesson! Feng Qingbai, don't be merciless! If you beat him up, he will be able to tease you. You are the lord! The lord is majestic and inviolable!"

Liu Yusheng and Shi Xianrou shot Qian Wanjin's head back at the same time, "Just stop, or you will be the one crying in the end."

"And it's double beating."

Qian Wanjin turned to sit in danger, "I can't do anything if I can beat me here."

When they were finished, they shouted seriously, "Don't fight, don't fight, hurry back to talk about the business, and Xue Qinglian will have to leave after talking about it, and the day we are together will be one and a half hours, so you still have to fight at this time. How ignorant?"

Liu Yusheng, Shi Xianrou, "..."

When someone wants to find his own death, others can't stop him.

The war in the hall is upgraded.

Jifeigou jumps everywhere.

When the wind and waves were calm, there were two more people with swollen noses and blue faces in the hall, who could not be beaten by the waist.

"Do you really want me to go to southern Xinjiang?" Xue Qinglian asked, taking out the ointment for removing swelling and removing blood stasis in her arms and gently applying it on her face.

"You haven't always liked to study things related to medicine. Guzhu is not medicine, but it is similar to your poisons in harming people." The man means that you have found a happy land, go quickly.

"Tongming Gu is known to have no solution, but it can be solved. Can someone really help me, an outsider, solve the problem? South Xinjiang is very exclusive, and it has been kept mysterious for so many years, that is, it never accepts outsiders, so the news will rarely flow. outside world."

"It's not easy," Qian Wanjin snatched the ointment on his hand and smeared it on his face. "Nanjiang excludes outsiders, but doesn't exclude itself. You just have to be your own? Go find a Gu there. Let's get into women."

"Your second uncle, do you believe I poisoned you before I left?"

"Oh! I'm tired of it. In other words, I'm afraid of you?"

Xue Qinglian raised her lips, glanced down at a certain gold, and smiled unkindly, "Are you married to Stone in November? If you can't do it in Dongfang Huadengye, will you be laughed for a lifetime if you pass it?"

"Chorus, Xue Qinglian, don't force me to be at odds with you!" Qian Wanjin frowned and hid behind Shi Xianrou. At this time, only his wife was the most trustworthy.

What is the most painful man?It's not that the name of the scientific research falls on Sunshan Mountain, it's the Dongfanghuandeng!

"Cowardly like a rat." Xue Qinglian smirked.

"You know Mao, my name is to be able to stretch and bend."

Feng Qingbai pulled Liu Yusheng to get up, did not want to stay with these two goods, downgrade.

"Things are settled in this way, you will start your journey after lunch." He couldn't help but say, he kicked the people out of the palace directly.

"Yes, I can't go." Xue Qinglian sighed. It's also related to his life. He is not afraid of death, but he can't die in the hands of a worm.

The death of the doctor was dead, and the death was due to the gworm.

Before leaving, Xue Qinglian went to the next door of Liu Yunge's room to look at someone who was left there and almost forgotten.

The man was lying there, still in his ragged clothes when he came out of the prison. He could no longer see the original color, covered with brown blood stains and greasy dirt.

The unkempt face, the old withered wind like a candlestick.

The limbs were locked tightly with iron chains to prevent him from doing anything to harm people.

Even his mouth was tightly stuffed with cloth towels to prevent him from biting his tongue.

Slowly walking in front of the man, Xue Qinglian unbuttoned the cloth tied to his mouth and threw it aside under his staring red eyes.

This cloth towel is really useless.

He knows what kind of temper his uncle is, even if he lives awkwardly and hopelessly, he will not kill himself.

Fear of death, he always dreamed that he could wait until the day he turned over.

"Uncle, I'm not good to say. You are a crippled person. Even if you let you have the right to control the world, what can you do? You must eat and drink Lhasa and wait for everyone, not even future generations.

He walked across to the man and sat down, away from the disgusting stench.

Xue Qinglian looked at the man quietly, his eyes always calm, as if he didn't know the man wanted his life.

"This is the last time I came to see you, and I won't come again in the future. I don't owe you anything anymore, so I don't need to return anything to you. I look at you like this now. It's great." He said, "I haven't become crippled. I don't know if you will be disappointed. If you are disappointed, you will endure it. I will leave the Nanling Palace today. If you want to use me to threaten them again, I'm afraid it won't work. Before leaving, I just want to ask you, do you have anything to tell me?"

The man stared at him deadly, a pair of turbid eyes covered with chaotic hair, and the light that had emerged from the cracks permeated.

After a while, the man spoke with a hoarse voice, "What about Xue Honglian?"

"Poof!" Xue Qinglian laughed suddenly, holding her belly, "Uncle asked this funny, that guy was killed by you, don't you know?"

"Let him come out!"

"What do you want him to do?" Xue Qinglian slowly smiled, her expression cold, and stood up, "Come out and continue to be loyal to you? At this time, do you still want to continue to use him?"

Pacing, walking to the man, Xue Qinglian said one by one, "He asked me to tell you when he died. There will be no Red Lotus, only Qinglian!"

The cloth towel was tied back on the man's mouth, blocking whatever he wanted to say.

When he was finished, he stepped back and looked at the man who almost glared his eyes. Xue Qinglian nodded with satisfaction. "It's still tied like this, quiet. Uncle, there will be no future."

Without looking back, he left the room that would suffocate him. There was a door, and a group of people stood at the door.

Feng Qingbai, Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin, Shi Xianrou.

When he stepped out of the door, everyone immediately looked at him, and it was the worry for him that was concealed under the calm line of sight.

The heart that was pinched by something suddenly relaxed, and the coldness spreading in the heart was dispelled by a warmth.

"Why, I have to leave to think of my good life, and I am reluctant?"

"Hurry up and go, who is reluctant." Qian Wanjin hummed and threw him a bag. "I heard that Nanjiang is a place where birds don't shit. The people there are very savage, if they can't fight with force. , Poison will not fall, then bribe it with silver, no one does not love money."