Father, Mother Escaped Again

Chapter 138 When bad luck meets tragedy! (2)

Reward and 3 flowers

Thanks to Xuelinwu for the five-point evaluation vote

Thank you Liu Chao888 for 3 monthly tickets

Thanks to huyufei2011 for the diamond and 100 rewards

Thank you ghost doll for your monthly pass

Thank you Xie Qianyou for your monthly pass and 3 flowers

Thank you Manzhu Sunny for 3 flowers

The unlucky one in this chapter is the elder brother, the tragedy is the beauty taifu, the beauty taifu is the eldest brother-in-law of the family, and there is a love rival Yo, if you don’t work hard, the little rice ball will be robbed O(∩_∩)O, Xiaoqing Er's second plug-in, can you imagine Xiao Qing'er holding a gun?Looking at the sky~ I always feel that many people will be unlucky!