Fields of Gold

Chapter 67 Housing Construction

The Liu family also knows that the situation of the mother's family is not very good. It is already good to save one or two taels of silver a year. She is not in good shape. The mother subsidizes herself from time to time. When the father of the child is in trouble, the family has already brought two taels... The mother doesn't know how to borrow these ten taels of silver.

She pushed the bag back and said: “The mud is still working. Just go up the hill and cut down some trees and repair the beam, and get some straw to go up, and you can live there. Mother, it's not easy in our house. My sister-in-law saved a little money for me. How can she subsidize my married daughter? ”

Liu's sister-in-law, Han Shi, grabbed the bags from her grandmother's hand and forced them into her hand. “You'll have to stay in the house for a long time. If you want to fix it, you can fix it. I've seen it, and the kang in a few houses doesn't work either. And this fence wall... the sister's family is far from the village, back against the mountain, the fence wall is unsafe. Ten taels of silver is not necessarily enough! Here, take it. The family's welcome. ”

The face of the second daughter-in-law, Hu's, was long, and the house was so much smaller that the mother-in-law brought it to her. How can a married girl spill water like that make sense? Granny's words, she dared not speak up. She heard her sister-in-law offer to sell her good deeds. She had to leave her mouth open and gently “cut...”

When Liu Han heard it, he frowned and glanced at her warningly, with the expression, "If you dare to say bad things, go home and have a good look”. Hu's cold and selfish, but Grass's second uncle can control her. She knows that her own man is very filial, she dares only to mix her mouth with her mouth on weekdays, and she dares not say a word in front of her grandmother.

Stared at by his own man, Hu Shi immediately came down honestly and didn't dare to bow his head.

Liu Hao smiled as he removed a bag of potatoes from the cow cart. “Sister! Take it or I'll get angry! ”

Liu Shizhu still had to excuse herself. Yu Xiaoxue took it from her predecessor and said: "Mother, this is my grandmother's and aunt's heart, please accept it. Besides, we do need this money too. If you are not comfortable with it, just assume that we borrowed it and pay it back to Grandma later. ”

“Yeah, yeah! Yunko, you don't have a child! This is Lotus. It's been a long time.” Yao Shi pulled Grass's hand and couldn't help but praise him.

Yu Xiaograss laughed: “Grandma, I am Xiaograss, Xiaolian went up the mountain with the rock to collect firewood. ”

Yu Xiao Wei and Xiaolian are twins and look similar naturally. It's just that the weed was born short and thin and pale. Xiao Lian has been working behind the Liu family ever since she was a child, and her skin is darker. Two people standing together, very recognizable. However, after six-month drinking of spirit stone water, the body of the grass is quite strong, the skin of Xiaolian is also whiter than before, and the two people are becoming increasingly indistinguishable.

Yao looked happily at the little grass that could run and jump, and said to Liu: “The little grass is well, you also have a heart attack. I'll see. Your face is a little more red. Have you had to hire a doctor lately? ”

“How could she spend money on me? When I was sick, she used to say I pretended not to let Grass help me get a doctor, especially now? I feel better for the past six months, and the sea has been secretly giving me winter pills. I felt much lighter after taking care of my child's father in the past few days, but I fell asleep lying down beside my bed the next day and didn't get sick the next day. Don't worry about me, Mother. ”

Luckily and strangely in the heart of the Liu family, if even she fell ill, she really couldn't get through.

Yu Xiaowei touched the colorful stone on his wrist and laughed in his heart.

The Liu brothers first cleaned up the old wooden woodshed, roughly renovated it, and moved what they brought in. The Yao family took two daughters-in-law (the old third daughter-in-law and the child were small and couldn't get away without coming here) and helped to pick up the yard again. The water didn't even bother to drink, so they drove back to the cattle cart.

Yao could not be relieved, but she knew that her daughter's family was crowded into a room and had no place to stay. They had to go back to Xishan Village before sunset, so she left behind a phrase “I'll see you in two days” and left in a hurry.

The three Liu brothers stayed and were ready to help their brother-in-law (brother-in-law) fix the house before spring farming.

Yu Hai is a noble person. If anything happens to other people during the week, he will always enthusiastically go and help. The whole Dongshan Village is very nice. I heard he was cleaning up his old house and the neighbors came to help.

Old Uncle Yu Lichun's eldest son, who will do the work of a mason, will not take the outside job, and his old man rushed to help. Over the next few days, Yu Lichun, with his three sons and grandchildren, always left first to last. Uncle Yu Lixia lived far from home. Lately, his body was a little uncomfortable. He sent only one son to help.

Yu Haiguang's butt and a few good brothers played together, also spent a lot of effort falling dirt, building dirt walls, cutting trees... not happy to be busy. The hunter Zhao, who had an affair with him, and his son Zhao Xiao, not only sent their prey every day, but came back to help on time when they hunted. And his left and right neighbors, no one to greet, come in every day.

Generally, it takes two meals to hire someone to help build a house. These people knew that the Yuhai family had just split up, that there was no surplus food in the house, that they brought their own dried food every day, and that they were reluctant to eat a bite of their meal. Yuhai's family was moved up and down, and the grass deeply experienced the rusticity and kindness of the ancients.

With so many people, three houses and a courtyard fence, it took ten days to complete. Looking at the large yard, the brand new house, the Liu family shed tears of joy. The three little grass brothers, laughing in the yard, don't mention how happy they are - they finally have their own house...

The Liu brothers chopped the kitchen full of wood and cleaned the well in the backyard before leaving. The house was left hanging for two days and the rest of the sea, with its legs already walking with crutches, moved in with its family.

For more than a decade, no one has shown their faces except the old man who brings the boss to his house every afternoon to help. When the house was built and Yuhai Banquet invited the village's neighbor, Li Shi took his son with him.

But anybody in the village who builds a new house must have a celebration. Because building the house depends on the help of everyone, most of the materials for building the house are local materials, the earthbrush is the clay of the excavated pond, the beam wood is cut from the mountains, and the straw is also gathered from the village people.

Little grass wanted to buy some green tiles and build the same mud tile house as the rest of the family. Think of a dozen taels of silver in your hand, and you'll get rid of that idea. Once again, I regret to throw all the silver in Wednesday's lesser workshop, and comfort myself that thatched house is good, the winter is warm and summer is cold...

Alas! This Wednesday, when Kaichun was busy building a workshop, he decided to open a Jianzhen building in Jingcheng, going back and forth between Jingcheng and Tang Gu Town, where the head of the Divine Dragon could not see the tail. Little Grass wants to ask him for help, and he can't catch anyone!

Good thing the house was built, it didn't cost much silver. Yu Hai missed the help of the villagers, so he thanked them for making some good food while setting up the feast.

I heard that Yuhai was divided into two taels of silver. Zhao hunter's heart was angry and guilty. In order to save him, Yuhai almost lost his life, killed the bear blind man and just sold it, he sent 300 taels to Yujia, saying that it was left for the Yuhai brothers to catch medicine and heal the injuries. I didn't expect his cruel father, and black-hearted stepmother, to trade his son's life for money.

Zhao Hunter eagerly tried to rush to find the old theory, but Yuhai stopped him. That 300 taels of silver is a reward for Zhang's upbringing over the years.

Zhao Baofan felt guilty for the Yuhai brothers. He often sent some prey to Yuhai to make up for himself. He and his son made a big effort to build the house. At this banquet, he went up the mountain and beat up a dozen wild chicken rabbits.

Yuhai did not make excuses, bought another 50 eggs from neighbours Zhou, and cut more than a dozen pounds of meat at the market. At the end of winter and early spring, the green vegetables were also green and yellow, but many radishes and cabbages were stored in the cellar of the house, as well as dried vegetables sun in the autumn. The Liu family sent some and bought some at the market.

Yao Shi heard that her daughter was having a feast with the neighbor. Afraid that she would not be able to help, she brought her eldest daughter-in-law over the first day to help. Seeing her daughter's open yard, tall courtyard walls, three houses in rows facing north and south, the furniture in the house, though not properly done, seemed empty, the family of six people did not seem crowded.

Little stone held Grandma's hand and enthusiastically introduced, which was the parents' house, which was the two sisters', which belonged to him and his brother... even the firewood room, the kitchen, he didn't let go, he led the Yao family to see.

“My grandmother and aunt are staying in this house with me and my brother tonight. I'm staying with my parents!” Big Brother Yuhang from Little Rock is an apprentice at the carpenter's shop, and usually he rarely comes back. The owner of the carpenter's shop was very uncomfortable, even if his father was injured, he only gave him half a day off. Build a house at home, Yuhang only hurried back once, and people were thinner.

In the absence of my brother, in order to save Chai He, Xiaoshi slept with Yuhai and Liu Shi. But to show that he had a room, he said so.

Early this morning, Yu Xiaograss followed the Liu family. In the first two days, she helped to prepare the menu. The dishes include: red grilled rabbit meat, spicy fried chicken nuggets, cabbage fried meat tablets, stewed radish, and a fried egg.

Vegetarian dishes are: fried radish cake, fried white radish, fried radish pills, crispy radish, spicy fried cabbage, cabbage stewed tofu, dried cabbage, and cooked small fried cabbage.