Fields of Gold

Chapter 174 Wine Banquet

Busy with the dry tongue, Yu Xiaograss sat down to drink the water and moisturize her voice. When she meets a disappointed Guest who doesn't buy watermelons, she ignores other people's deposit bookings. Watermelons are reserved for every Guest booked, so they won't be too late to buy.

Many of the Guests have made a deposit and she has issued a receipt to the Guest in slightly naive simplified letters and Arabic numerals. Her fonts and shapes are also anti-counterfeiting. Because, the next day, some second-rate people from the town brought a receipt to collect the watermelon, which Yu Xiaograss recognized at a glance. He also wanted to argue cunningly, and then finally, in front of the reality of Yuxiaograss's "missing arms and legs” receipt, there was no argument. Li Li, helped by the store, was sent to Yamen.

In fact, after word of mouth, Tang Gugua shop is related to Yamen, the whole town of Tang Gu is almost unknown. The second-rate was also on the muzzle, paving the way for the melon. After that, no one dared to call Yujiagua Shop.

After hanging a "Watermelon sold out, tomorrow morning" wooden plaque on the pavement door, Yu Xiaograss bent down to try to lift the money box, rose red face exhausted his strength, the money box remained stable on the table like the mountains of Tai. Li Li saw it and smiled straight down!

“Do you know how many watermelons we sold today? Two cars need more than a hundred, one for only three taels, more than three hundred taels! Your little arm, your little leg, you want to pick up the cash box?” Li Li tucked up his sleeve, revealed his strong arm, easily lifted the box and clamped it under his arm, "he asked.“ Go on, where? I'll take it for you! ”

“Go across the hall! You've been busy all morning, Uncle Lee. Aren't you hungry? Let's go, eat!” Yu Xiaoxue felt that the banquet there should not have opened the table, which was just in time to catch up.

Li Li clamped the cash box and walked meteorically toward Zhenzheng Tower. Dinner in the Zhenzheng Tower is not for whoever wants to eat it. If he doesn't eat or drink for a month, he won't be able to eat a decent meal! Today is a rare opportunity for him to throw his bladder off and have a big meal.

Yu Xiaograss, along with the money box, was sent to the table hosted by the house town as a non-wealthy and expensive guest. As soon as he entered the door, President Yuan said amusedly: "Yo! Our little palace is finally here! Today's business is good. There must be enough money for these two tables! ”

The grass that was already immersed in the joy of earning money changed color as soon as I heard it. That's right, no hundred taels of silver can be taken out of the Bakery in the Zhenzheng Tower. If you order all the signature dishes and specialty dishes, more than two hundred taels of silver may not be enough. Oh, my God, isn't she busy today?

The house town saw my daughter pulling her head, crying her little face, looking pathetic, busy and painful: “Today my daughter's shop is open, I should also be a godfather to help entertain guests! Chow Kid, today's bar is mine! ”

Zhou Zixu had already seen the look of Little Grass fan. Knowing that she was really in pain at the moment, she laughed. “Master Fang, how can I let you pay for this? Without hiding from you, the most popular oyster dishes, roasted chicken, laurel duck in our store are all cubes of grass. You could say that without the grass, there is no now rare building. These two tables of rice, even if it's my gift to Little Grass, don't mention anything without money! ”

When I heard that I didn't need my own silver, Little Grass, this little money fan suddenly frowned. Watching the table full of delicious dishes, she stood up, grabbed a cup, served tea and toasted all the guests at the venue: “Today the shop is open, I didn't expect so many guests to come to congratulate me. If there are any unsatisfactory places to entertain, please welcome our guests Haihan. Little grass for tea, a toast, please...”

The youngest person in this room is also bigger than the father of Little Grass. He met a small man with a little powdered jade and spoke adult language in a serious cup. He found it quite interesting. He showed a smile. He put up a glass of wine and took a sip in his face.

Little stones consciously pour the wine to the guests, and the rest of the grass ceremonies are considerate enough for everyone to eat. Old Master Yao looked at the two little guys and was able to stand up to the scene. He couldn't help but laugh: "This rest of the family really teaches the children, my grandchildren. At this age, they were still screaming and crying! ”

“Isn't there an old saying: Poor children are already heads of household! Your old grandchildren grew up in Fortune House and naturally don't need to be like us. Grandpa Yao, I'll pour you a drink, thank you for the support your family has always given us!” Yu Xiaoshua will also face some rewards in his previous life, so there's more than enough swimming edge.

Old Master Yao drank all the wine poured by the grass with pleasure. “It's a good dish from your family," he said with a smile. Ever since I've eaten your dishes, they don't even smell like that! Previously, I loved meat and vegetables were almost untouched. Now, I can't eat without your vegetables! Look at me now, old man. Look what happened now. Hey! All right! I think it's a big reason to eat your family's food... ”

“Look what you said. Our vegetables are not magic potions. How can they be as magical as you say? I also learned some medicine from the barefoot doctor in the village. It's good for my health to know that people eat more vegetables! You used to be ill because you didn't like vegetables. I love it now, so my body is fine! It has nothing to do with our vegetables!” Yu Xiaowei doesn't want anyone to know the secrets of his vegetables, he explains.

Old Master Yao still thinks it's Yu's vegetables: “It's also a fresh water spirit from your family, and it tastes great. I can eat it! After all, thanks to your vegetables! ”

Zhou Zixu laughed at this time: “Master Yao, Little Grass, don't praise each other so desperately, one fate is modest. Old man, the vegetables used in our mansion are also small grass family, if you like, eat more! ”

Wu County ordered the oyster lettuce to be tasted while nodding: “The oyster vegetarian vegetables in the Zhenzheng Tower taste absolutely stunning! I don't have to have a chance to eat it in the future...”

"Uncle Wu, we've been opening Jingcheng branch of Zhenzhenlou for months now, and you're not afraid to eat oyster vegetables in Beijing. Besides, we have oyster oil for sale in the Beijing Seasoning Store. This flavor is now found in many of the master chefs. ”

Old Master Yao loved oyster sautéed green vegetables. When he heard about it, he immediately said: "Does Tang Gu also sell oyster oil? Our current purchasing is too incompetent, and it is so important that we missed it. ”

“Old man, the shop next to the Zhenzheng building runs our ‘Haitian’ condiments. In addition to oyster oil, there are flavoring essences and rotten milk. There will be more and more seasonings in the future, if you need them, send someone to buy them. I give you a 20% discount...” Zhou Zixu does have a business talent.

Wu County ordered her finger to dot him with a smile. “You! Don't forget to sell your products for a meal! ”

Prince Wu chewed the roasted chicken and said: "Xiaoxu, are you still selling spices? I've heard a lot of people can't get it in line! ”

Zhou Zixu humbly said: “Thank you for your support and love...”

A table man jokes and laughs and eats very much. Especially the watermelon fruit tray in the back, under the skill of the chef, has been carved into a delicate dish, making people desperate. Watermelon's sweetness has won everyone's praise.

When the field is closed, the little grass leaves the watermelon for the guests, and one person brings them both back to taste. Today's opening banquet, even though it was too late to beat the grass, is also considered a guest.

In the afternoon, Little Grass is going back to Dongshan Village, and the house town is left with the melon shop. The house town, along with his two men, hasn't been to the pier for days to busy with the pawnshop. It's not common for grass to look at it and think that someone should be hired to look at the shop.

Hire who? The first thing this person needs to do is to have good character, be flexible, and be able to sustain a shop. Grass came home and talked to her parents. She felt that this job was not her aunt's.

Her aunt was just and kind, and during the most difficult times in the rest of the family, she secretly offered them the silver money she had so easily saved. The Han family also has the experience of doing business at the pier. In the future, it is unlikely that the melon shop will be as hot as today's opening. When it stabilizes, it should be fine to take care of it alone.

The letter was sent and the Hans arrived that afternoon. And the grass grass granny, and the two uncles.

“You son of a bitch, you're too busy to tell me! Whatever your mother says about you, you stay on your own!” Granny Little Grass lit Liu's forehead and the number settled in heartache.

Liu Shi lowered her head with a smile: “It was just two days before the watermelon came down, and she was a little busy. How can I keep bothering my mother when I'm a married daughter? ”

“My own family, what's the trouble?” Hans landed to help load the car, and she was ready to follow the watermelon truck to town. She even brought a change of clothes and stayed in the shop forever!

Uncle Xiaograss was talking to Yuhai and Xiaograss about selling watermelon: “I don't think your two cars are necessarily enough. Let's forget about the donkey car. Don't interrupt your business! ”

Yu Xiaoxue interposed: “Brother, don't worry about this! Less on Wednesdays, there's a carriage at his house that doesn't usually work. I borrowed it from him. ”

“You son of a bitch, go trouble Master Chow again!” Yuhai shook his head helplessly, "he said.

Yu Xiaoxue made a ghost face and said: "He volunteered to borrow it from me! Besides, his carriage is also idle, lend it to me as a gift! Uncle, you can use Zhou's carriage to load more goods! ”

“If there's a carriage, it's done! I talked to your uncle. Watermelons are precious things. It's enough to have a family in town. We're going to Capitol City, where there are more wealthy people who won't be able to sell!” Liu Pei has more guts than his dick.

Yu Xiaoxu expressed support: "Uncle, when are you going? My godfather has business going back to the capital tomorrow. If you can make it, you can join him. At that time, my godfather will support you so that you don't encounter gangster bullies or anything...”

The capital city is not a smaller place than Tang Gu. The folk style is simple. Watermelons are rare at this time of year, and inevitably attract the hot eye. There's a house in town, the great god is in town, the Liu Pei brothers can't afford to lose!