Fields of Gold

Chapter 302 Rehabilitation

Yu Xiaograss hurried to pull the guards apart and rushed into the surrounding circle. Before Zhu Junyang intercepted, he hugged the gray wolf and rubbed his thick hair. "Big gray, how did you get off the mountain? Isn't there enough food in the mountains? It's all right. I have a bunny bunny bunny in my house. I can share it with you! ”

Grey fur melts almost into the moon, and Yu Xiaocao gently touches its supple fur, and the bones on the back of the spine protrude with some clammy hands. It appears that the food chain at the secret base has also been destroyed, and it is unclear how the ashes survived these two months.

Yuhai saw her daughter rush towards the gray wolf and her heart almost didn't jump out of her mouth. He hurried up a few steps and saw the scene stop again. Under the moonlight, the little girl snuggled around the silver-grey wolf, gently touching the wolf's back. And the wolf tamed like a domesticated dog. At the foot, two little dogs rolled adorably. The images are as beautiful as dreams.

Yu Xiaoxue turned around and saw a worried father and smiled soothingly at him. “Dad, this wolf is very spiritual. I have helped him before, it remembers me and never attacks me. The last time he went up the mountain, he entrusted little black and white to me! ”

Zhu Junyang looked at the silver-grey wolf with interest and said, “Is Little Black and White his child? Why doesn't it look anything like it? Can't be the wrong hug, huh? ”

Yu Xiaograss laughingly said: “The animals have a sensitive sense of smell. If they weren't their own children, how could they have done such a great job? Little black and white mothers had just given birth to them and died. Big gray fed them with the blood of their prey. The last time I went into the mountains, it brought me two little guys. Let me bring them back! ”

Yuhai is still worried. There are many children in the family. What if this gray wolf has a bad wolf and bites the children? He was deeply opposed to bringing the Grey Wolf back. Thinking about it, Yu Haidao said, "Grass, have you decided to take this gray wolf in? ”

Yu Xiaograss gently touched the grey wolf's fur and nodded: “Tonight the wolves descend on the mountain, indicating that there is less and less food available on the mountain. Dad, I want to keep the ashes, wait for the mountain to get better, then let it go back to the mountain. ”

Yuhai was a little embarrassed, and frowned slightly: “People come and go in the house. If one day this gray wolf gets mad and bites people, it's not easy to explain. ”

“No, Grey understands people and doesn't hurt people. Unless this man wants to hurt it or us. It saves you from the smell of your body, enough to prove that the ashes are not ordinary wolves!” Yu Xiaowei tried to convince his own father. If it doesn't care about the ashes, it may be hard to escape the fate of starvation.

Yuhai still hesitated: “But... the people in the disaster couldn't eat enough, but you sent a wolf back to feed them. I'm afraid the villagers will talk to you..."

“All right, what's the big deal? Then say the pet my grandfather trained, Grandpa loves to buy meat to feed it, see who dares say what? Let's go, it's almost dawn, pack up the wolf's body and watch out for other beasts!” Zhu Junyang saw the two of them and you came to see me for a long time, so I slapped the board immediately.

Solved the big gray problem, Yu Xiaocao was in a good mood. When I got home, I saw the wound on my father and complained heartily: “Dad, you didn't say anything about the wound, you bled so much... just lie down and I'll sprinkle you with anti-inflammatory bleeding powder. ”

Liu Shi stayed in the house with the children. At this time, she turned on the oil lamp and saw several blood marks on the man that had been caught by the head wolf. Her tears were blurred: “Why are you so careless? The wound is so deep, why don't you go to town and ask Dr. Sun to see it? ”

Yuhai was confident in her daughter's medicine. She smiled and comforted her daughter-in-law. “It's okay! Much lighter than the last bear blind bite!! Our daughter's ointment can pull me back from the ghost gate. What's the harm in her hand? Stop crying and let the kids see you laugh. ”

Yu Xiaocao boiled a pot of water with herbs and added a lot of spirit stone liquid, which was served in a pot. When she sees her mother in tears, she thinks she can do something, so she can stop thinking about it. She said to Liu Shi: "Mom, you dipped the medicine in a gauze to help Dad clean the wound. The wolf's paws are dirty and heavy and will not be infected until they have been washed thoroughly. Wash the wound, then sprinkle the powder on the wound. I'm going to dispense ointment. ”

Liu Shi picked up the basin and nodded: “Well, go get it, before your father uses it! ”

When Liu Shi used warm medicine to gently wash the wounds of men, the children came around and asked, “Dad, does it hurt? ”

“Uncle, you are amazing, you can fight the head wolf! ”

“Mother, why don't I wash Dad's wounds? ”

“Brother, have the wolves been exterminated? ”

“Uncle, is the wolf meat good? ”

“Dad, I'm going outside to see if I can help...”

Yu Xiaograss came over with a potion molar and shouted softly at a bunch of squeaky guys: “Shut the fuck up! It must be hard for Dad to lose a lot of blood. You guys let him lie quietly for a while. ”

Yu Xiaolian refused to let her help. “I'll kill a little hen and stew it on my father, wait for the wound to be handled and drink some chicken soup to make up for it. ”

“Take some from my medicine box and cook with the goji berries, it's better to replenish the blood!” Yu Xiaocao put some spirit stone liquid into the herb and smacked it hard. Listen to Xiaolian, hurry to remind me.

Yuhang and Liu Junping were also half the workforce at home. They met outside to dispose of the wolf's body and rushed to help. Werewolf skin was peeled off, selected some relatively complete, waiting for the wounds in Yuhai to be nearly as good as they were. When the nitrogen was well made in the winter, the wolf skin mattress was laid to keep warm and comfortable. Wolf meat is stored in the ice cellar and can be eaten for a long time!

Outside, two guards were accidentally scratched by wolf claws, and Liu Yanye brought a potion of potion to let them clean the wound.

Little Rock and Liu Fangping, two little potty friends around the age of seven, couldn't help, so they stayed in the house and watched Liu Shi cleanse Yuhai's wounds quietly, still ask “Does it hurt? ”

I don't know if it's numbness or why. When the potion is wounded, Yuhai feels no tingling at all. After a while, there was a slight cooling sensation that spread from the wound. The dizziness originally caused by the loss of blood disappeared instantly.

The Liu family washed it very carefully and moved very lightly, afraid of hurting the man. When the wound was washed, Yuhai felt like she was falling asleep. When powder is applied, there is a tingling sensation. But when you apply dark ointment, the tingling disappears, replacing it with a cool and comfortable wound.

The rest of the cream was applied to the two wounded guards. Both guards suffered minor injuries, both of which were irrelevant skin injuries.

The bodies of more than thirty wolves, more than a dozen guards had been cleaned up for a long time and had not yet been cleaned up by dawn. Zhou's family next door opened the door carefully at dawn. No danger was found. Zhou's man only copied the guy and brought his son to spy on the news. Last night, I heard movement from the rest of the family not far away, and the Zhou family stayed up all night.

Upon entering the door, he saw the body of a wolf in the yard. Zhou New Year's Eve was full of tongues and he couldn't believe his eyes. He went in and asked about Yuhai's injuries, and the two men also put themselves in the ranks of cleaning up the werewolves. Fang Shi heard Yuhai was injured and brought a chicken to visit with a basket of eggs.

There are still a lot of locusts, and Zhou's chickens are scattered around the house, basically without food or anything. By winter, the Zhou family will not be able to feed so many chickens, most of which will have to be disposed of.

After dawn, the news of the attack on Yu's old house by the wolves spread throughout Dongshan Village. The village chief brought several families who had good relations with the rest of the family to condolence them. He was shocked to see the corpses that had been peeled and were being peeled in the courtyard.

Wolfmeat is slightly thicker than dog meat and tastes good if cooked. The cream covered the rest of the sea with gauze and saw the bodies of more than thirty wolves, some with headaches. Wolf meat gets tired of eating too much, okay? So many wolves, we won't be able to finish it till next spring!

Asked the county prince and learned that all the werewolves were handled by the rest of the family. After discussing with his family, Yuhai decided to donate twenty werewolves and have the village chief distribute them to every family in the village. These wolves, though a little thin, can cut at least thirty kilos of meat out of each wolf. In this way, each household can divide almost 20 pounds of wolf meat!

Under the combined impact of locusts and drought, the money held by villagers in Dongshan Village is not enough to buy food. How can we afford to buy meat? So when the village chief rang the bronze bell in the village, and the households were all concentrated on the site in front of the village chief's door, he saw a werewolf who had only been skinned, and his eyes were red. Knowing that Yu family selflessly donated wolf meat, the villagers entered another layer of gratitude and respect for Yuhai.

The Qian family returned home from the outside in the morning to see the damaged wooden door and the mess in the backyard. Mao's heart aches for the dozen ducks he bites and eats. Fortunately, most ducks escaped into the afternoon pond and survived. When she saw the body of four wolves in a trap around her yard, the pain in her heart was slightly reduced. These werewolves are inexhaustible and can be sold to some of the wineries in town and make up for some of their losses.

After learning that Yu family wiped out nearly thirty wolves at once, rich money and Mao family were fortunate and afraid. Had it not been for the decision to go to Mao's house every night, it would have been their house that had suffered the attack of more than thirty wolves. They didn't have a dozen guards to help them, and after the wooden gate was broken down, the consequences would be known!

After expressing his concern and condolences to the rest of the family, the money was rich enough to clean up the bodies of the four wolves. Two pieces of fairly intact leather were brought back to the old man's house, and two wolves of meat were brought back to the outside house. Mao's parents and brothers listened to their daughter's son-in-law talk about the adventure last night by leaving them at home for a few more nights. During the day, Mao and his wife went back to put the duck in and rushed back to their mother's house in the evening. Though there is a rush, this is nothing compared to the likelihood of beast attacks.