Fields of Gold

Chapter 658: Engagement

This brilliant and eye-catching colour is rarer than the white jade, the green jade, even the goat fat jade, the young girls. Especially a few who are about to get married. If they wear this set of red emerald heads on their wedding day, they will surely be told good words!

With Princess Yang and Yu Xiaograss, she tried her best and practiced advertising. Emerald soon caught fire in the upper level of Beijing, and Zhiyu Xai's emerald products were eliminated several times. Zhang Zheng's cabinet stared at the carvers working overtime to make jewellery, watching the movement of the transport team, so busy, but still strong!

Due to the hot selling of jade, Zhang Palm cabinet opened all the original stones as raw materials for jade accessories. As for what the future mistress said about trading in gambling stones, he also smelled popular business opportunities. Speaking of “gambling”, there is no shortage of broad dudes in Beijing. You can catch a glimpse of the gambling horse project at the Beijing Suburban Entertainment Club.

However, "gambling stone” is an absolutely unfamiliar form for the people of Beijing. How tempting it is for some highly gambling people to open jade and emerald in stone and realize their desire to become rich overnight!

Zhang Palm Cabinet is indeed a capable person, although the first batch of raw stones is not intended for use as a gambling stone. Nevertheless, he specifically invited a group of men and women obsessed with jade to come up with a public solution. What a wonderful and surprising thing to open a brilliant and glamorous piece of jade from a stone that is not amazing!

Zhang Zhang also drew several lucky audiences from those present to choose a stone of their own choosing and unravel it in public. Of course, these stones were carefully selected by the Master Emerald and the future Mother, and although there are a small number of crumbling stones, most of them are capable of producing emeralds. However, the texture of the emerald is good or bad.

The men and women who picked the original stone can't help but be proud when they unravel it in front of the crowd and reveal the clear jade inside. Those crumbling stones, the pickers reluctantly asked to pick another one... the popular participation of the crowd pushed the Emerald Festival high. Tide.

Of course, the emerald that comes out belongs to Zhiyu Sai. Some people bought the jade at a high price, and entrusted Zhiyusai's master to help with the processing. Some even take unprocessed emeralds directly back to commemoration. Anyone who is eligible for the Emerald Festival is naturally an old customer of Zhiyu Sai. Who cares about the amount of silver that buys Emerald?

Emerald jewellery, under the operation of Zhang Palm cabinet, quietly drove away in the upper social level of Beijing. Noble women in Beijing often stand out for wearing dazzling jade jewellery at a certain party. Other women and girlfriends will bite their teeth even if their hands are slightly strained, and set up a set of emerald heads or bracelets. Otherwise, I'm really embarrassed to go out to the banquet.

Not only did the noble ladies and girlfriends get stronger, but even the old minister in the middle of the dynasty, if he hung a jade hanging on his waist, he would be thrown in envious eyes. Others do not say that the accessories between the waist of King Jing will be replaced almost every few days, each one regardless of color or head of water, the bright eye can see its great value.

Some of these pendants were chosen by the princess to help him in the shop, some by her son, and more by the future daughter-in-law. Who wants his future daughter-in-law to pick the original stone, every piece can open the boutique jade. The jade jewelry he punched, never forgets to give it to the princess.

Faced with the obscure look of my colleagues, King Jing is as comfortable as eating a cold drink in three volcanoes! Have the guts: our fortune is huge, the jade ornament wears a set thrown by the millionaire both visually! What do you say, jealous? Who told you not to have a good son? Pick a good daughter-in-law?

After the popularity of emerald jewellery, Zhiyu Sai naturally went on to fight gold on a daily basis, and the business was no worse than that of the drugstore and beauty and wellness club in Yumemories. You can't describe it with a golden egg chicken.

However, this is the kind of "Ji Yu Sai” who can lay gold eggs. At this time, he actually got on the gift list. The palm cabinet that got the message from the trail, touching his mouth, it seems that he is about to change master soon. Although, the rest of the family will certainly not take advantage of His Royal Highness the King of Asahi, and will return Zhiyuzhai as a dowry. Once again, Zhiyu Jade changed his surname!

However, in the eyes of Zhang Zheng, the future master is a well-known businessman in Beijing, more reliable than His Royal Highness Asahi, who has always been the master of the handshake! Otherwise, let's just buy and sell this jade. If the future mother didn't mention it, how come Ji Yu Sai's hot sale today? He has a feeling that he will never be disappointed and regretted by following his mother firmly!

In addition to Ji Yuzhai, there are all the fruit and vegetable shops in Zhu Junyang's name as a gift. In Jingzhong, such vegetable shops, a dozen large and small, are all supplied by the village and orchard on the outskirts of Jingzhong. There is a super cheater with tiny tempura stones, even the seasonal vegetables and melons produced by Zhuangzi, the flavors are not comparable to ordinary vegetables.

I'm used to vegetables and fruits from Jingxiaozhuangzi. My mouth is fed by Jingcheng Kunifujia House. How can ordinary vegetables and vegetables be imported? The business of these fruit and vegetable shops is obvious. Even if the price is twice as expensive, there is no worrying about selling. Not to mention the overseasoned vegetables grown in the shed and the "well-stocked" overseasoned fruits!

These fruit and vegetable shops are also profitable in all the shops under Zhu Junyang's name. Now it's all on the dowry list. In Zhu Junyang's view, the profit from these shops is so high that they can't be separated from the little girl. He is a master who cannot bring a financial dividend to his daughter-in-law and take advantage of the daughter-in-law's light.

Just give it all to your daughter-in-law. The little girl used to hang it on her mouth: after marriage, it was all hers, hers or hers! What if she can combine it and leave the business to her after the wedding?

However, Zhu Junyang, a capable daughter-in-law, is under a lot of pressure. If he doesn't try harder, he's going to be raised by his daughter-in-law. The little girl must be happy to raise him, but that would deprive him of the pleasure of making money for his daughter-in-law. What's the point of life?

The father and son of General Zhao and the three people in the house town studied Zhu Junyang's gift list head-on. Various gold and silver jewelry jade stone antique calligraphy paintings, confusing; all kinds of precious silk and silk satin embroidery that only appears in the Imperial City vault, making them blind; real estate, houses, shops, dazzling. Not to mention some rare treasures, if you take one out, it will attract a lot of attention.

Asahi's family is too strong! The three looked at each other and saw the same amazement in each other's eyes. The Asahi King is too kind to Little Grass girl! The three of them looked at the King Asahi with a little more recognition and appreciation. The more precious the gift, the more important the man is to the woman! Wouldn't Asahi take all the family stuff as a gift to Little Grass?

They think so, and it's not groundless. Zhu Junyang did send out nearly half of the property under his name as a bridesmaid. How's it going? He'd love to? Nobody cares!

“Uh... Your Highness, would you like to take this gift list back and discuss it with King Jing and Princess Jing?” Old General Zhao also felt that the bride price was too precious. Fearing Zhu Junyang's private initiative, he caused the future mother-in-law's dissatisfaction with Little Grass girl. At his discretion, he asked.

Went outside to make some pastries, set aside for tea in the afternoon Yu Xiaograss, came back in, saw Godfather and grandfather Zhao and son chirping and cooing for half a day, said something about no bride price, then took the list they handed over, sat beside Zhu Junyang, smiling:

“What bounty, I see... is this guy too sloppy to read the list? It's okay. If the bride price doesn't satisfy us all, we can change the date of marriage! ”

Uncle Zhao glanced at her and said strangely: "How can you change a good day? You girl, anything is fine, it's just too simple to talk without thinking. Fortunately, Asahi knows your spleen, and won't blame you...”

Zhu Junyang knew that Lady Zhao had said this to herself and immediately firmly stated her position: “The little girl has nothing to say about her personality and her appetite for grandpa. It's not unusual for Grandpa to hide and hide from his girlfriend. Don't worry, General Zhao! My mother-in-law has always been on the side of the little girl, she can't wait for me to move all the property under her name to the little girl! Sometimes I have the balls I picked up. Little grass girl is her own delusion! ”

“Giggle, giggle! That means the flowers are blooming! How old are you? Aren't you ashamed to argue with me about the Princess's favor?” Yu Xiaoshuang glanced at him, so he lowered his head to study the bridal gift list.

“My mother-in-law likes you, Grandpa's happy it's too late, how can she argue with you? When you marry, not only will the mother-in-law spoil you, but Grandpa will spoil you as the happiest woman in the world. You'll never regret what you've made!” Zhu Junyang's face was thick, and in front of all the elders, he said sweet and annoying words. Su Lan, who drank this medicine tea, grinned his teeth for a while.

Uncle Zhao's old face was slightly hot, looking aside hey smiling little girl, couldn't help but sigh that little girl silly man has silly blessing. Her son did not lose, with Zhao Zheng's wooden personality, so meaty words, he could never speak out. Yangshen Wang... Asahi Wang looked at the coolness, didn't expect to let go emotionally.