Fields of Gold

Chapter 671 Makeup

However, as scientific examinations are concerned with official traffic, cheating also continues. It is said that there is a joke among candidates about passing on a "flying pigeon book”. Said a candidate, the home trained a dove, every night the dove flew into the house, the candidate wrote the examination very small, tied it back on the pigeon's leg, the home invited the shooter to answer the question, and then asked the pigeon to bring the answer back to the examination field. Because pigeons can't carry too much weight, there are answers on the front and back of the paper. I'm afraid the candidate missed it, and I put the words "and on the back" just below the front. In the end, the man copied correctly and was discovered by the examiner reading the file...

The authenticity of this story cannot be tested, but it has inspired a lot of candidates. There are more people with pigeons. But the cheat-proof soldier Ding, in the evening, increased his guard, and equipped the archer, waiting hard, and when he saw the bird, he shot it down. They also shot a love letter from a girlfriend to a lover!

Nine days after the spring passed, the little stone came out of the gong courtyard, slightly depressed and in good spirits. The only people who came to greet him outside the gong courtyard were his brother-in-law Zhuang Xiaomo and his pages. The little stone had such a flash of surprise on its face that it quickly revealed a flash of divinity.

Zhuang Xiaomo took the basket in his hand and laughed: “Today is the day your second sister put on makeup. She was supposed to pick you up herself. She was stopped by the family. Your second sister's cousin said," On the Day of Makeup, is the heroine absent? "Her good sisters need her hospitality! A lot of people wear makeup, their identities are scary, and the family is busy. Your sister's about to see the time. Let me pick you up and explain it to you. ”

Zhuang Xiaomo did not ask Brother how the exam went. In his opinion, there is a master like Yuan Daju pointing the finger, brother-in-law talented and talented, the examination is not good!

“Let's hurry back! Let's see what we can do!” For the second sister to marry three days later, there is still a slight contradiction and soreness in the heart of the stone. Second sister is someone else's family soon. With her own little family, she can no longer be around him as long as he is around. When she has her own baby, he will probably be left behind as a brother!

And he's a little embarrassed! People who are going to be exams, who will be officials in the future, like children, are still attached to their sister. Have you even thought about petting your future nephew, or is he still the talented, young elderly Master Yuan in the eyes of outsiders?

Little rock entered his yard through the corner door, washed himself, changed his clothes and helped Zhang Luo entertain the guests.

A lot of people come today to put on makeup. Although the queen had never been out of the palace, she sent a handful of spiritual grassy goat fat jade ruyi, embedded with emerald-carved peanuts in the middle, meaning "good will, early birth of noble seeds”.

Too long the princess was old, but she also drove herself to the Yu Dynasty. She sent a flowery ink jade of Ruyi, a golden silk twin joy. There is eternal empathy.

Mrs. Dingyuanhou and Prince Dingyuanhou also gave precious heads. One is from the Palace of Precious Treasures, where the diamonds gleam in the sun; one is the masterpiece of Zhiyu Sai, the glass red jade, bright, bright, bright and eye-catching. No wonder the daughter-in-law gave such precious makeup. You know, without the breeding of weeds, Dingyuan Hou House is likely to be extinct, where is there now a little radish head around the knees of Tianren?

Prince Ding Yuanhou's wife, after giving birth to her eldest son, held her for four years. There is also a pair of dragon and phoenix. Dingyuanhou also straightened his waist rod outside, and walked with the wind. Mrs. Dingyuanhou helped bring grandchildren, her spirit was much better, she looked more heavenly and underground than before. She also focuses on maintenance, customizing medicinal meals at the pharmacy and delivering them to her home on time every day. In her words, she had to take care of herself, and the daughter-in-law brought five little guys by herself. She couldn't help herself. She had to help herself. She wants to see her grandchildren grow up one by one, marry their wives and children, maybe she can help her grandchildren!

For the great benefactor of Dingyuanhou, Mrs. Dingyuanhou has always wanted to find an opportunity to express her gratitude. But Xiaoshua had already been ordered by Yangxian Wang. Yangxian Wang's army was remarkable and he was sealed off again by Asahi Wang. In order to avoid impeachment and partisanship, there was not much contact except occasional dealings. Now, take the opportunity to marry her, naturally, to represent it well.

Lady Ding Yuanhou's daughter, Grass's best friend Ha Hao Jie is here too. Shortly after she was born, the whole person enriched a few points and added a few euphemisms. The greeting is also a set of noodles, set in pink crystals, and the look is very vivid. It's also from the Palace of Treasures.

Even though crystals are not of modern value, at this time they are from overseas ships. Things that are rare and expensive, crystal clear and luminous, bright and colorful, most popular with little girls. A pink crystal pearl chai, 800 silver per thousand children, cannot be taken off. Not to mention this whole set of jewelry?

Yuan Xueyan, another good sister of Xiaograss, just found out that people who were pregnant in ancient times could not see the bride's superstition, so they could not kiss her. A set of ruby jewelry worth thousands of taels was also sent.

Yuan Xueyan married herself out last spring. The groom was actually Ning Donglan, the Second Young Master of the Rongguo government, which almost shocked Ho Yancheng and Xiaograss. When did these two look at each other? How come there's no sign?

When the two men tortured Yuan Xueyan, she said, "Since a woman cannot escape the fate of marrying a man, as long as she does not hate it, it is the same to marry anyone. I am cold, Ning Donglan looks warm, I have lived a lifetime together, it shouldn't be a problem.

Little Grass had spoken to Zhu Junyang about her worries and paid special attention to the newcomers for some time. After their marriage, the two men raised their cases with eyebrows and mutual respect, and looked like a very harmonious couple. Little Grass thought that Sister Yuan's sex, the two of them would have to grind together for a while. But think about Ning Donglan's work, the water drips, as long as he can't do it without him, what's the trouble in overcoming an iceberg? I didn't expect them to have their own baby so soon, believe that after having a baby, there might be something more between them?

Next, more and more little sisters come to put on makeup. Minghlan County owners, Yu Wanqing, Li Monroe Li Monroe Sisters, and some other little girls with relatives to the house, also took the opportunity to brush their presence in front of the future Princess Asahi. There are also many official and girlfriend shows who nod their heads on weekdays to add makeup to her.

That evening, looking at so many good things, Yu Xiaograss deliberately gave a small look to his fans. He even cried: “I'm rich, I'm rich! How many more kisses do I have to be the first rich woman in the capital?... Oops!! ”

Before he finished, he was knocked over the head with two chestnuts. Turn around and look at her with a sophisticated look.

Liu Si sighed. “Sister Xia, look, we're all going to be married. There's no stopping you. She's going to marry a normal family, that's all. But how can I rest assured that it is Asahi Wang who marries me?! ”

Lady Fang glanced at the little girl who rubbed her head and spoke to her face, consoling her: “I see how worried you are! And not to mention how the Asahi King treats our daughter, you still don't understand the nature of our daughter, and you just relax a little bit in front of the family. Outside, when did it go wrong? But, you little girl, be careful what you say these past two days. How many more kisses can you say? ”

The last two sentences were a little harsh, and Grass bowed her head and admitted her mistake. Xiaolian and sister-in-law Liu. Huifang saw that her younger sister had been trained to pity her and was busy saying good words for her.

Liu Jing said a few more words, adding sadness to the makeup of the house: “In our previous days, we were almost half-white in our sad hair, so we stuffed the dowry into a hundred and twenty lifts. What should I do with all this makeup? ”

Lady Fang also frowned sadly and looked at the makeup. She sighed. “Looks like the girl is too close and a burden! Her ladies and sisters' makeup is just fine. The queen, too long princess, Rongguo Lady, Ding Yuanhou Lady, Chancellor Lady... these are all just to be lifted... looks like we need to repack a dozen of them to release these makeup! ”

“What should we do? One hundred and twenty lifts, all streamlined and streamlined, stuck in. Where can you lift so many out?” People are worried about not getting enough dowry. It turns out too much dowry is also sad!

Yu Xiaowei seemed to have nothing to do with herself. He said casually: "If you can't fit it, stay! We're not charging the door with a dowry! Who knows, I am a golden fortune god myself. Marrying me is like marrying a golden mountain... Oops! Mother, you hit me again! It's broken. See what you get for Asahi the day after tomorrow? ”

“Do you have such a thick face to brag about? Mother, who is this for? It's not for you? King Asahi sent such a generous gift. If our dowry is missing, we don't know what to say outside!” The Liu family has been complaining about rumors of King Gao Climbing outside Yufu! Why is her daughter not worthy of the king? She doesn't think Asahi is too old to be alone! If it wasn't for Sincerely Asahi, she wouldn't be happy to marry her daughter!!

“The tongue grows in people's mouths, what do they say? According to me, the houses, the shops, they're all for the big brother and the little brother. One of them is going to inherit the family business, and one of them is going into the Dynasty, thanks to the industry.” Yu Xiaowei has always refused to give his parents a dowry by dividing their property into four equal parts. Big brother and little brother are the foundation of the Yu family. The family business saved by parents should be passed on to the children of the Yu family.