Fields of Gold

Chapter 677: To Tea

Zhu Junyang couldn't stand it any longer, and when he acted, he felt that unprecedented experience... that unparalleled feeling running from toe to top of his head.

“Hiss...” a hidden cry of pain reached his ear, Zhu Junyang stopped all the movement.

“Does it hurt?” Zhu Junyang lowered his head and kissed the little girl's slightly wrinkled brow.

Yu Xiaograss bit his lower lip, blushed, nodded and shook his head gently. Women inevitably have to go through this, they should always come. For his sake, this pain is nothing.

Outside the bed, the red candles are high; on the wedding bed, people are shadowed. Spring glow indoors... Watching Tong and Meixiang watching the night outside the cave room, hearing the hidden movement in the room, red-handed glance, quickly shifted his gaze.

In the inky blue sky, vast galaxies sparkle with distant opposition between the two sides of the galaxy. The flying stars are splendid. In the garden, the breeze swayed the branches, bringing a hint of freshness and the gentleness of the moonlight...

A wolf grabbed the little lamb that had been eaten away and rinsed herself for the tired little girl, and stuffed it into a nest and held it tight. Soft little man in his arms, letting some wolf fool around. However, considering that the lamb was the first time, he held on to the little flame in his heart.

“That's great!” Zhu Junyang sighed and brushed the hair on the little girl's cheeks gently behind her ears, softly softening her voice. “I think you'll belong entirely to Grandpa in the future. This feels better than eating a hot pot around the stove in cold weather, eating a bowl of smoothies three times a day! ”

Until now, Yu Xiao grass, whose face is still hot, couldn't help but say: “Remember, you belong entirely to me too! Don't look at me with your little girl's eyebrows! Don't use your sex. Feel the sound. Go ahead. Call the little beauty! Outside, don't laugh like this! Your tenderness can only be exclusive to me!! ”

“Yes, ma'am. I dare you to disobey me! Grandpa is now the Lord's man, the smile of the cold face, the gentleness of the cold face, the love of the cold face... it is only the exclusive exclusive of Princess Asahi! Grandpa promised!” Zhu Junyang heard a slight confusion from the little girl's voice and held her tight in pain. This is always a confident little girl, so there is uncertainty about the future!

“That's about it! I'm going to sleep-- sing me a good night song!” Yu Xiaocao was filled with happiness, hugging the husband's fine waist and putting his face on each other's chest.

“Singing?” This can put Zhu Junyang in trouble. He strangled for half a day and did not search his brain for a suitable tune. When he went to look at the little girl in his arms with apologies, he found out that he was asleep sometime.

Even soothing breathing, red puffs like apples, thick long lashes, sweet smiles on lips. Little girl sleeps like a cat!

Little grass slept comfortably in the middle of March weather, with a cool, cool evening, hugging a warm ocean fire stove, hands and feet are no longer cold. She stretched out a big lazy waist and found herself feeling soft and weak, remembering that she had changed from a teenage girl to a teenage woman last night, and her shyness revealed a little sweetness. Turn around and see that she is the only one left in the account. Touch her side. The bed is cold. When did Zhu Junyang get up? Upon enquiry, Zhu Junyang went to practice martial arts at the training field. Wouldn't men consume more energy when it comes to men and women? Why does she look like she's broken up and that guy is alive and well?

Suddenly, she was stiff. Asked outside the house, "What time is it? ”

“Return to the Princess, just at the beginning of the hour.” The roaring voice rang. Yu Xiao Hua was relieved, it was just over 7: 00 in the morning, okay, not too late. Today they are going back to King Jing's Palace to toast their mother-in-law's tea. She's scared of sleeping in the sun and losing her face when she's embarrassed!

“Is the princess awake?” Zhu Junyang's voice rang out the door. Then a few maids asked for Ann's voice. The queen replied: “Back to the prince, the queen is awake! ”

Pushing the door, accompanied by footsteps, bypassing the four seasons screen of sandalwood glass, Zhu Junyang's figure appeared in the interior room. Still in bed, Yu Xiao Wei, wearing only thin desecration clothes, did not know how to face the man with whom he had skin affinity, lying upright on the bed, pulling the quilt under his mouth and nose, closed his eyes to sleep.

Zhu Junyang smiled softly, sat on the edge of the bed, watching the little girl's thick long eyelashes slightly twitching, and that slightly messy smell, how can you not know that the little girl is pretending to sleep? He squeezed her nose, pulled the quilt down a little, and the sound dripped out of the water: "Wake up, lazy cat, the sun's going to get its ass! ”

Yu Xiao Wei did not hear, continue to sleep. Zhu Junyang laughed again: “Well, since you don't want to get up, Grandpa will sleep with my queen for a while... but before you go to bed, should you do something you love to do? ”

Little grass immediately climbed up and opened her big, sleepy eyes: “I'm up! Why don't you get out of here and tell Wutong to come in and help me change! ”

“In fact, husband is perfectly capable of labor!” Zhu Junyang saw the marks he had left behind in the open blasphemous collar of the little girl, and his eyes became dark and hot again.

Yu Xiaograss followed a wolf's gaze, looked down at the red mark on the white under his collar, grabbed his collar and stared at him, exhaling: “I dare not work for you, Lord Asahi! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ”

“Girl? Not since last night! My princess, you don't know who you are.” She bent over and grabbed the little woman's chin, her thin lips imprinted on it and gently bit it on her lower lip. Before the two maids came in, she quickly let go of her angry little daughter-in-law.

Wutong and Xiaotong lowered their eyebrows, ignoring the movements of the masters, busily waited for the masters to wash and change their clothes. When Little Grass reappeared in front of Zhu Junyang, his eyes lit up:

Today's grass is dressed in a complex palace outfit, dressed in a bright red gilt coloured pinched waist dress embroidered with a beaded brocade pattern, an inner jade tobacco silver silk light shirt, lined with a slightly pink sleeping lotus with a short waist, and gently grabbed between the waist with a soft gauze of pink extract. A dark silk hair into a distinct flying cloud, gently closing into the clouds, inserted ruby gold pinch point green pearl phoenix walking shake, the necklace is lined with a crisp transparent diamond set, the real one is elegant jade color, national color heavenly fragrance.

Look at the Western clock in the outer hall. It's getting late. The young couple used breakfast prepared by the cook in the grassland and took a carriage to Jingwang Palace.

Princess Jing had already had two or three cups of tea. Some of them looked out anxiously and frowned. She said to herself: "Why haven't you come yet? ”

Zhu Junya, who was sitting with his mother, smiled in secret. “Mother, you should understand how your little brother feels. After almost a decade of guarding, can it be rare to finally marry a pretty girl home? I had no idea our family seemed to be the most impatient and impatient, just the most resilient. Little brother, what a lovebird! ”

“I was just worried, no elders around the two little couples reminded that the grass girl is delicate and weak, your little brother is no longer light... Alas! I don't know what your father told your brother the other day about the bed, did you tell Yang to relax!” Zhu Junyang's position in the heart of his mother-in-law has now been threatened by Xiaograss. Princess Jing has expressed concern for her daughter-in-law.

Zhu Junya silently sighed at the charm of his younger sister-in-law, the young and old alike. Not only did she let her five sons shut up, all three aunts, but she also subjugated the boss of King Yang's Palace, her mother-in-law. It seems that the issue of the daughter-in-law who is most worried about marrying a woman, the third sister has nothing to worry about.

However, when I think about my mother-in-law, Zhu Junya doesn't envy the third sister at all. Her mother-in-law is also good. She is treated like a daughter and a relative. She can teach her housekeeper how to handle her hands and tear down a lot of reason to tell her. It's just my mother, and I'm not that good at it. She was also lucky to meet her loving husband, Ming Li's tender grandmother, enlightened father...

“Coming! Three dudes and Grandma are coming!!” The scent of orchids combed the woman's head, lifted the curtains and walked in, the tone filled with joy.

Soon, Zhu Junyang and Xiaograss appeared in the courtyard. As she crossed the threshold, Princess Yang noticed that her youngest son had helped her daughter-in-law very carefully. Measuring the grass carefully, I saw her face was red and bright, and Princess Jing relaxed.

Little grass blushed slightly and gave a respectful gift to King Jing and Princess Jing. As Zhu Junyang paid his respects to Grandmother and Grandmother. Jing Wang Palace used to come and go a lot of times. Neither King Jing nor Princess Jing had seen it countless times before, and they got along quite well. Only this time, the little grass that was transformed, was somewhat harsh and shy.

The big maid next to Princess Jing Chunxiang, with a carved red painted sea tongue tea tray, stood respectfully beside her, with two white porcelain green flower tea calendars. Yu Xiaograss raised one of them and was about to give Jing Wang a toast to tea. There was a loud and bright voice outside: “Wait! My granddaughter-in-law crossed the door. To toast, you must toast my grandfather first! ”

King Jing almost didn't turn a big white eye. Father, what are you doing here? When the Crown Princess walked past the door, she didn't see you come to daughter-in-law's tea? The Emperor did not care whether his son was happy or not. He stared at his son and put him in the middle position. Princess Jing of the King of Jing sat around him. I looked at the grass with satisfaction and nodded: "Okay, let's do it! ”

Little grass smiled and raised the tea cup over her head, crisply screaming: “Grandpa, have some tea! ”