You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dou Po from Different Fire Start Search Novels (" in Baidu!While Big Pig is moving fast, the dragon creatures in the ocean are also constantly moving. After all, everyone is the righteous party who wants to find evil and intends to defend in advance, but no matter what In this way, there will be a duel between the two sides sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Yun Shenwei is constantly moving forward in the ocean. Because of the systematic help, his breathing is relatively normal. If there is no system to help, then even if he tries his best, he can only breathe in the ocean for ten minutes at most.Of course, now that the system can help, he doesn't need to worry too much.As far as the current situation is concerned, he only needs to find the area where the Dragon King is located as soon as possible, and then defeat the opponent with lightning speed. After all, he still knows the principle of capturing the king first.

They soon came to a red coral reef area, where it seems to be blocking the way. If you look closely, you will easily find that the coral reef here is constantly moving. This change makes the creatures who come here get lost. ,and so.If they are not native creatures, I am afraid it is impossible to tell where they should go, not to mention that they came from land and are not familiar with this area at all.

"Damn, this area is constantly changing. If we continue like this, we will waste a lot of time here, but if we choose a channel to leave, it will be even more troublesome. If we go the wrong way, we will start over again. We will have more time. Now we are in big trouble. It's really a headache. The more anxious, the more time wasted."

Yun Shenwei's heart is very uncomfortable, but she is really helpless. After all, she is not good at finding directions. These things should be done by the system, so he can only find an area to hide for defense, and also summon some robots around him. Constantly conducting patrols, although the car on their side has not encountered an enemy yet, it does not mean that the enemy will not appear. For the sake of safety, there is always no harm. This is also a good habit he has left over from fighting for many years.

"Dear brother, you wait here quietly, let me go in and explore the road later, but I have to tell you something in advance during the time I am exploring. Maybe some special life forms will appear in this area. , You must be more cautious, and in my feelings, it seems that there are some humans here, maybe they are justice, or they are evil, but no matter what, as long as they appear, you'd better keep a distance from them. "

Chaofan Love System took a look at the coral reef in front of him and knew that it was impossible to analyze data if he was too far away, so before leaving, he also told his master some information, for fear that his master would be confused at some point. It would be too bad.

"Extraordinary love system, you can rest assured to find the way we left. I will definitely not make a mistake by staying here alone. Besides, there are so many robots around me to protect, even if those guys become human. I want to deceive me and I can’t hide from the robot’s detection." Kanshuwo

Yun Shenwei can’t say clearly now, this is the system reminding himself, so he is also very happy to pat the system on the shoulder, and then continue to hide behind a stone, the system sees his master so calm, it is considered loose. In a sigh of relief, after all he has to regenerate, so he didn't have too much time. He just rushed into the coral reef area ahead, where he had to collect enough information and complete data detection. Only then can he find it. On the way forward, not long after the system left, there was a sudden wave in the ocean, and then a large amount of red mist was released from the coral reef, blocking people's sight of detection.

Yun Shenwei was relatively calm at first, but later he discovered that the connection between himself and other robots had been severed. Not only that, but he found that everything around him was invisible. There was red mist everywhere. Who made him feel He is very nervous, but after all he is a person who has experienced many things, and will not be overwhelmed by the difficulties in front of him. Even if he is out of sight, he still stands calmly on the spot, because he knows that the more critical the situation, the more necessary Reason, if you lose your confidence because of this small problem, you are likely to fall into the trap prepared by the enemy. At that moment, I am afraid that the system will be very strenuous.

I have to say that his choice is very wise, because when he was not moving, some creatures in the ocean began to move. Most of them had never seen this red mist, just as they continued In the ocean of knowledge, there are many weird scissors hands, and these sea creatures are instantly cut into pieces by the scissors hands.

Yun Shenwei hid in the mist at first and didn't smell too much strange smell, but afterwards, he vaguely felt that in the red mist, there really seemed to be some biological bodies, because he had before his eyes A very large stump.

"Could it be that the evil creatures here have begun to attack? It seems that I have to be more careful."

Yun Shenwei has some nervousness in his heart. At this moment, the system is not by his side. Even if he can communicate with the system remotely, he is not at ease. Therefore, the Transformers crop he activated for the first time gave him more body. Some defenses can be considered safer in this way. After doing this, he still feels uneasy. He has summoned some robots and set a goal to keep the robots near him. Don’t run around, because The previous robots were washed away by the fog, and even these robots may have been killed.

But no matter what, as far as the current situation is concerned, he still cannot run around, and before the system left, he had reminded her to be more careful, so.With a systematic reminder, he still maintained absolute sanity for a while. When the fog gradually dissipated, the exposed sea was really disgusting. There were killed marine creatures everywhere, and their bodies were all cut into pieces. The two halves, don't think about it, must have been done by those scissors hands that suddenly appeared in the mist.So he thought about it carefully, faintly feeling that the source of the scissors hands is likely to be the giant crabs in the ocean, and only they have this special pliers.