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The earth is still so calm, but the calm days have not last long, because a dark power is coming to the earth, it is like the king of Ott, in this world, dark The power will never disappear, because as long as there is light in this world, it will exist according to the darkness.

Yun Shenwei is going to rest at home. He is thinking about how to participate in the postgraduate study. After all, it is very difficult to go to the high school, and his English is particularly poor, so he wants to do it. Everything goes to enhance your strength, but the number one task in front of you must find a way to earn some money, then you can go to the training class, and make a good time to make a good time. After all, people like him, English is too bad. It is better, even the primary school students are better.

"Hey, now the day is really too difficult, I am already an adult, you can't continue to have money with my dad, and then say, people like my dad are very busy, I will only manage myself. Life doesn't matter if I have. "

On this day, the whole person is not very good, accompanying the side of Altman.

"In fact, you don't think so, because you have been adult now, so you should be responsible for your own things, then your father does have his hard, don't look at your father, but he is so good Take you bigger, and give you a life, if you don't thank your father, do you have to appear in this world at all, then you have had your own ideas, then It should be actions for it, I see that you are still quite accomplished in literature. If you write a novel, you may make some money. "

Tianshi Altman at this moment, also put a suggestion for his friends, in which he seems that if you can write a novel, you have time and energy to report the training class, you can quickly enhance English. ability.

"Tianshi Altman, you are right, then start actions, in fact, I have always issued some works on a writer software, but the editor there is not very satisfied with me, now I am planning again. Try a try, if you can succeed, you may have to hurry to make money. "

After Yun Shenwei had an idea, he immediately began to act, and his luck was very good, soon he got an editor's affirmation, so it released several works.

Only this day, Galatlon suddenly appeared on the earth, this powerful mechanical monster had a very high destruction ability, and where Galatron appeared, basically destroyed human beings could not live, so the earth There have been many people to fight against this special monster, just that human strength is limited, and the missiles are not used at all.

"Why do you have such a monster, what is our planet is doing something wrong, this monster appears above the earth, there is no way to live in the earth, I don't want my future generation without a safe place. "

"Hey, this is a disaster of nature. We live in the earth has killed too many crises so many years, so the earth should punish us. It can only be said that there is too much in our human beings."


Yun Shenwei walked on the road to hear that when he said this, it was also very angry. In fact, human beings did have done a lot of mistakes before, but this is also a matter of things, since humans are already this The most advanced race in the world, that can only be done in accordance with his own thinking.

Galatlon is not a planetist to punish human monsters. On the contrary, it is a dark creature from the universe. For it, it is to force the energy of the current planet, and enhance your strength. It is a selfish dark monster.

Galatlon actually has a partner, that is, the dark Obutman's so-called dark Ottman is actually produced under a particular force.

It is important to know that O'. Outman is also the power of Berrea is also a short period of time, and the dark Obutman has certain failure.

But later Obotman returned to normal through the power of light, so the strength of the darkness disappeared, but in a certain time and space, this shadow has always existed.

Galat Long is using the power of shadow to copy the dark Obutman and bringing it to fight with yourself.

"Tianshi Altman, we will go together, if you go back, the earth must be destroyed by Galaton, this monster is too strong, his mechanical power caused by the earth. It's too big. "

Yun Ji was originally a just person. Although he said that he was thinking about how to write a novel, but when he had a crisis, he absolutely can't sit, he contacted his own Altman partner to take out his hand. The gods of the gods are transformed.

"Partner, come on!"

Tianshi Altman immediately appeared and blocked all the Earth people in Galatong to see this scene, and the people who have already given up have finally been happy, they are crazy shouting.

"Tianshi Altman! Come on, you must win the victory, you are our planet people hope that you must defeat this monster, because this is our most loved earth, if we don't have the earth, you can't live. "

Many human beings are desperately crying. In fact, they are telling the truth. Humans have been in so many years, but technology has never been able to reach the universe, now this monster appears, exactly human technology In the embarrassment period, you can say that if you put on Galatron destroy the earth, once human beings go to the universe, it will become the wanderer who is homeless, and there is no way to flutter to the moon.

"Tianshi Altman, why do you appear here, in accordance with the constant, all the power of Altman should guard in the country of light, after all, before, the country has just happened to have a top disaster."

Galatlon saw that Ottman is also shocked. According to his previous probe, Ottman's loss is heavy, so it should be repaired the country's country is also a chance to come to the earth.