Flash Marriage

Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

“Tick-tock, tick-tock” In the shady, wet cell, the heavy and rusty iron chain was tightly tied to a bearded woman, clothes were whipped into one strip, mixed with blood wounds wet and sticky on the body, barely shielded. During this hot season, the smell of acid rots.

The woman watched atheistically as the roof of the prison was cut open and dripped down on her as the rain flowed in.

“My good sister, you have today.” A sophisticated and elegant woman in a gorgeous dress, holding a maiden in her arms, comes with a style. A beautiful pair of eyes, because of the sight of the stinking woman and the fierce fire of jealousy, in the sight of the stinking woman such a wolf, still beautiful face, this fire is even more fierce, trying to give the stinking woman a piece of corpse.

Meng Dixian heard Chen Hongfei's voice, in the eyes of the godless, revealed a total hatred, "Poison woman, you killed the child I just gave birth to with your own hands while I was weak, ripped open my stomach, digged my eyes and cut my tongue. I was fed a drug that would make people go insane, creating the illusion that I was the murderer, and was beaten here by the king. My baby just arrived on the first day of the world. How could you do that? He is also your nephew. ”

Meng Dixian regretted nothing more, always stubborn straight back, also bent down at this moment, tears of remorse.

Her son would not have died had it not been for her ignorance, trust Chen Hongfei's sisterhood, and leave everything to Chen Hongfei to take care of when giving birth.

Had it not been for her desire for affection, Chen Haoxiang, the skinned wolf, would have taken her to the steproom, and her father would not have left her alone and let her be murdered by the traitor.

Chen Haoxiang and Chen Hongfei are both wolf-hearted animals.

“Pfft, pfft, pfft," Chen Hongfei opened the bow to the left and right, beating the face of Mengdi Xian, sharply cutting the armor on the face of Mengdi Xian, scratching a bloodstain of a path.

“You still think you're the spoiled sidekick? You called me a drug addict, didn't you? Since I am a princess, you get more glory than I do. My concubine is bigger than my wife, making me the laughingstock of the entire Chen family and even the aristocratic circle. What makes you think you can have a son? With your face? ”

Chen Hongfei removed the armor, pinched it on his finger, let the maiden fix the face of Meng Dish Fairy, each pinched two armor, cut it off on the face of Meng Dish Fairy, “I am a genuine wife, I am the woman most deserving of honor and petition. Why did you kill your child? How can I cure my hidden illness and raise my son if I don't kill the child born of your pubic woman? If it wasn't for me to give birth, how could you have come into the country to be spoiled like a prince? ”

Meng Disk Immortal's body shocked, the reason she came to the government was Wan Wan Wan Wan, in order to get her pregnant, so that she could take out the child's heart to treat Chen Hongfei's hidden disease?

“Impossible, you lied to me, Your Majesty, because he loved me, he married me as his wife.” Meng Di Xian roared, her voice hoarse, unable to believe that the man she loved wholeheartedly, married her with such a poisonous heart, more than a year of tenderness is nothing but a vicious play.

Crazy scratch for a while, ruined the look of Monkey Disk Fairy. Chen Hongfei did not relieve his hatred, pinched the armor and pointed it at Monkey Disk Fairy's bright and beautiful eyes, and struck him hard.

“Ah” Mondi Xian screamed, his right eye bled like a bet, becoming a blood cave, mixed with a bloody face, like a midnight ghost.

The Thousand Golden Daughters of the Shang Shu Mansion of the Tang Dynasty have come to such a tragic end.

“Chen Hongfei, I won't let you go.” The wounded Monkey Monk immortal kicked her legs wildly into Chen Hongfei's stomach, trying to kick her stomach to pieces, so that she could no longer bear it, so as to avenge herself and her baby.

The cold knife flashed through, a monkey dish immortal was slashed from his knees with his legs cut off and his blood flowed like a bet. A sword went into her heart. Meng Dixian's left eye was as big as a cowbell and he looked at the two people who were hugging each other in front of him without meditation.

A sore, heartburn torn lungs, eyes opened sharply, Monsieur Monsieur looked around stunned, hands in the heartburn, she was cut off legs by the motherfucker Wan, when the chest sword killed her?

She pressed her chest, reaching out and touching her face and eyes, "Eh, it's all right. ”

Dark paint all around, very cold, with a moldy smell in the air, shining stars can be seen through broken roofs.

She punched a shiver, a thatched house on Meng's old mansion when she was a kid.

She was born in the shadows and moons of the legendary evil spirits. The shadow is too heavy and will bring bad luck to all those who come into contact with her. It was said that her mother was injured by her shadow before she died of infirmity when she was three years old.

So my father didn't like her, cursing her as an evil kid would affect her luck and send her to Meng's old house, regardless. The third master of the old house hated her and threw her directly on the estate, leaving her to die for herself. It wasn't until he was 15 that his father sent someone to pick her up.

There was a noise outside, Liu Shi said coldly, "I lost my silver bracelet. It must have been the evil boy who stole it. Go inside and search for it. ”

Mommy Li listened to Liu's words and Mianxiao said, “My lady is still the master, can't you allow a slave to go in and search. ”

This conversation came loudly into the ear of Mondi Xian, making her ring immediately when she was 10 years old. Liu's wife in charge of the estate rushed in brutally, leaving her mother's relatives to her family, Yu Pei, to search for and take possession of her.

The jade is a fine sheep fat jade, pure and free of any impurities, and the back is still beautifully engraved with a lifelike lily flower, but only half of the lily flower. It's worth more than a thousand times more than that bracelet.

That was her mother's hand hanging around her neck at the time of her death. In order to preserve this jade peice, Mama Li was severely beaten in public. She stood down on her knees and pleaded painfully. Liu Shi kicked her in the heart and passed out, and could not be preserved.

Wow, Liu Shi's people stopped Mama Li and kicked herself open the door. She stared at Mengdi Xian with no interest. She said, "Miss, don't move. Be careful these people hurt you. All I have to do is find what I lost. ”

Two or three people started searching in the house without any hesitation. Monkey's eyes glanced at her. She didn't know if it was a reality or a dream, but she would never let it happen again, thinking that she could keep herself safe by holding back and crying.

Meng Dixian walked to the door and drank loudly, "Let go of Mama Li. ”

Those inferior people had long been accustomed to the softness and cowardice of monkey dishes. At first, they were yelled at by such a powerful monkey dish fairy. They didn't feel comfortable releasing their arms. Mama Li took advantage of the pressure to stand beside the monkey dish fairy.