Flash Marriage

Chapter 85 Rehit

Is chess too bad? Or did Gu Juxi say something to the Prince to make him say it deliberately?

The queen's face changed.

And the emperor was relieved, and his face relaxed, and he said faintly, "Next. ”

The next one is Gu Juxi, Gu Juxi is the betting person, then naturally removed, and then saw Left Phase step forward, “Ben taught Mon County master chess art. ”

Are you going to smash her?

Meng Dixian's lips rose as she laughed, full of contempt.

He was furious in his left hand and dared to look down on him. He was just a shitty county lord. He was so arrogant that he saw how he crushed her arrogance and made her laugh today.

The chessboard is not far from the position of the left phase. The left side of the chessboard stood still, quickly sweeping the chessboard, thinking about the cracking method, his confident look is clear to everyone.

The chaplains shook their heads. The left side of the chess must be broken. Half of the family property is also in the left side of the bag.

They want it too, why are they sitting so backwards, freaking out, freaking out.

Once again, the kingdoms' profound sentiments are at the top of the list.

Chen Hongfei shook his fist hard and glanced at Meng Dish Immortal obliquely to see how his father took care of her.

Meng Dish Immortal felt it, just pretended not to know, didn't even think of it, and drank tea lightly. This careless appearance, in Chen Hongfei's eyes, seemed not to take her father seriously, instantly angry her liver pain.

Confidence in the left phase ends after a cup of tea.

Time for a cup of tea, the left phase ranges from chills to droops in the corner of the mouth, to a hard face, to sweating on the forehead.

That series of changes is almost exactly like the Prince's.

Everyone was surprised. This time, Lord Lin did not wait for the left-phase gesture. He stepped over and stood on the left-phase side, looking at the seemingly simple chess game.

The more he looked at it, the deeper he looked at it. Finally, he looked deeply at Mengdi Xian, who had bowed his head and drank tea from the seat of his eyes. He sighed and said, "Your Majesty, you can't understand the game. ”

- What? - What?

Lord Lin can't solve it?

Once again, the people were surprised to see that they were still standing there, but could not get to the left phase of their hands. Their faces were shady and terrible, and instantly understood that the left phase could not be solved.

Left side commonly referred to as the first person in the Beijing Chess Arts, can't solve the chess game of the 10-year-old girl Mengdi Xian?

Without waiting for the left-hand side, the next dynasty comes up spontaneously, wanting to see what the game is, so powerful, at the same time, some people don't believe in evil, want to try it.

As a result, all of them came to life, all of them came back to life, and no one could solve this seemingly simple game. In fact, Awesome is a very good game.

Just Wan, also shocked by this chess game, incredibly watched Monkey Monk Immortal, where he freely deserved to eat the peeled fruit.

This situation immediately aroused the emperor's height of curiosity, coming directly from the dragon chair and walking to the chess table.

Which emperor doesn't love chess?

Since ancient times, but all emperors study chess art, because for them, chess art is an immense and sophisticated learning, playing chess is like ruling the country, every step has to do with subsequent development.

The Emperor carefully walked around the board. When he left, his mind didn't stop thinking. His eyes stared directly at the chess, and the deeper his eyes looked at the surprise.

Time for a cup of tea passed, and the emperor laughed, “Mon County master, young age is so intelligent, Master Meng teaches the daughter well. ”

The Emperor praises this as... punching in the face.

Now who doesn't know about Monkey Monk Sen being sent to the country ranch for foster care because of her bad date of birth.

Meng Yanqing? Teach me shit.

Most incredible, and most embarrassing at this moment, the hot face is Meng Yanqing, only he has to slap Xie Long En.

Looking at his almost twisted face, Monkey Monster smiled softly, you know how embarrassing it is?

Why didn't you think this would happen?

Left phase was very annoying, he didn't realize that even his best chess art could not humiliate Monkey Monk Immortal.

“I declare that nobody can break the Mon County chess board. The chess game ranks first. Who have any opinions? ”

No comment. No comment.

It is obvious that no one can break it, even the Emperor just hinted that the chess game cannot be broken, who will have an opinion?

The heads of the dynasties shook like waves.

The emperor laughed and asked shamelessly, "Can the Mon County lord tell us how to break this? ”

Meng Dixian smiled and walked forward, moving one of the pieces.

His Majesty's left side frowned, and the left side ironically said, "The county master is looking for his own way to die. Don't you know how to play chess, but you won't solve it? ”

This is obviously a chance not to let go of the slightest mockery to suppress the Monkey Monk Fairy.

Meng Disk Immortal was completely indifferent, or he smiled, took off all the pieces of chess he had killed, and then moved another step of the chess.

His Majesty's eyes lit up and his hands struck, “Good chess, put the place to death and then live. It seems like death is a new life, it is wonderful. ”

As soon as his left face is heavy, he turns his head back to his seat.

And the others came up, and when they understood, they cried out,

Meng Yanqing is almost petrified. Why can his daughter surprise him every time? Isn't she in the countryside? How did you learn these wonderful chess tricks?

“The master of Chess Mon County is truly wonderful, even the emperor praises it. He is truly the first person in chess, but what is the county master going to perform next? ”

The queen is already dark, and the emperor is a little dissatisfied with her. At this time, she will never work against the rising emperor, but she doesn't talk about it, and the view and the princess don't care.

The Emperor, looking at his beloved sister, said with a smile, "Yeah, what's next for the Mon County lord? ”

Seems like the game is too delicate to give everyone a lot of interest and anticipation for the next performance of Meng Disk Immortal.

However, in the eyes of the view and the princess, two words are not expected.

Meng Disk Xian knew that he had been half successful, even if the next performance could not be appreciated, it would not embarrass him, but he was still not interested in being compared to Chen Hongfei.

Think about it, there are only two pieces left in the chess book and painting dance, but these two are the most tested, not solidly practiced from a very young age, impossible to learn well.

And she couldn't get her hands on it.

The words of the performance had to be applauded, and the first to fall under her feet were Chen Hongfei and Chen Haoxiang.

She's not giving them a chance to humiliate her.

Chess art is speculative and winning. Should we have another speculation?

There's really no speculation in the mind over the skills learned in previous generations, bad, the piano and the book.

What should I do?

Ah, there it is.

Meng Disk Immortal smiled mysteriously, “Your Majesty, Disk Immortal feels that this chess book and dance match has always been somewhat boring. Why don't you add another technique to enrich the competition project and make everyone happy? Is this proposal okay? ”

Plus other skills?

Guys, look at me. Let me look at you. Use the needle thread as a skill to fight?