Flash Marriage

Chapter 314 Occasional Encounters

The queen had just stepped out of the Emperor's Palace and walked to the Garden of the King, where she met a man she had never expected to meet.

With a slight smile on her lips, Zhengzheng was proud of how to get her son's son to the grand pageant and saw her with his eyes open.

Monkey Monk Immortal!

Meng Dish Immortal obviously didn't expect to meet the queen, and the cold and respectful salute: “See the queen. ”

The queen smiled coldly, and her face reappeared with a constant noble look. She looked at Meng Disk Immortal with a gaze and asked, "What are you doing in the palace? ”

Since Yu Daiyuan, Meng Dixian killed Nanny Li and made a mistake with her, she would not let her live. Although the plan failed, she failed to take her, but soon she would let her know who was in charge of the world, and all her life and death would be in her hands.

Meng Dixian was faint, but had no intention of answering the Queen's question. However, after a cold meeting, she said goodbye and slowly walked over her feet. The Queen's anger was picked up.

She's the last person she'll ever see without looking at her, just like her mother.

“Mon County Lord.” The queen spoke with a hint of anger and scolded her cold.

Meng Dixiantong lived, frowned back to look at the queen, calm and pale face, but not negligible indifference and deep.

The five officials on that face, though not yet open, can still see clearly, that's a beautiful face with a symbol.

“You haven't answered my question yet.” The queen asked coldly, a pair of monkey dish fairies would not let her leave easily if she did not answer. “To the best of our knowledge, the Emperor did not summon you. ”

She only came out of the emperor and summoned not to meet Meng Dish Immortal, she knew very well.

Meng Dixian turned around, facing the queen, coldly said, "The earthquake, the sinking of Lake Heart Island, Madame Rosemary was shocked, I came to visit Madame Rosemary. ”

The queen's yellow and bright phoenix robe, in the sunlight, stabbed the eyes of the person, the Mondi Immortal glanced, and had to back off a few pieces, avoiding the rays of the stinging eye.

“Are you afraid of the palace?” The queen snorted coldly and looked at Mengdi Xian's retreat. She could not help but say, but the look on her face said with a hint of cruelty, "I am afraid the palace is late now. The palace will let you know that your life and the lives of your mother are in the hands of the palace, and the palace will let you crawl under the feet of the palace like your mother. ”

Meng Dixian looked back coldly at the queen, as if she was watching a man talking to herself, how could she not know the queen's mind, otherwise how could she temporarily talk to Wan Fang and the serpent.

But looking at the queen, it seemed that the situation in front of her was fascinating, thinking that the world was their protectorate, that her son could successfully climb to the throne with her support, and then she became Queen Regent?

However, if she did not just confess to herself, it would be tantamount to admitting that her mother died in her hands.

The eyes of Monkey Monk are colder, "Queen, you mean my mother was tortured to death by you, right? ”

In that year, her mother entered the palace for Meng Yanqingding sin. At that time, everyone knew that she had been in the queen's palace for seven days. Seven days later, after her mother returned, she became a weak and infirm child. Every day, she relied on medicine to carry on her life. She knew that Chen Haoxiang had taken the opportunity to poison her mother and kill her.

The queen grinned coldly, "It's me, so what about you? ”

Meng Butterfly Immortal's pupil contracted sharply. Faced with the queen's arrogance, she tried to suppress the resentment in her heart. She still had a faint and steady look, like it didn't affect her at all, even smiled.

“The Queen is the mother of a nation, and whoever dies, will die, but remember, the Queen, I hope you will always sit in the queen's seat and will not fall and become dust.

Whoever had his life in his hands at that time could not be sure. ”

Meng Dixian's tone was very faint, but the words said were as heavy as the mountains, striking directly at the queen's heart, shocking her body and mind.

Then, because he was deterred by Monkey Monk Immortal's words, he added a little anger.

She dared to threaten her, threaten her queen's unstable position, threaten her to climb and fall, one day she would crawl at the feet of her monkey fairy, it was simply a dream.

That's absolutely impossible.

The queen couldn't help but take a step forward and looked like a steel knife and seemed to scrape the monkey fairy to the next layer of skin.

And she laughed and said, "Mon Butterfly Fairy, do you think you've got Lady Mystery Butterfly, or Lady Mystery's joy, so you can control the Emperor's heart and let Lady Rosemary take my queen's place?

I would advise you not to be so naive. A woman without any mother power, with the emperor's love alone, can never ask the queen's position, and with the power of your Mon Mansion, wanting to be the back of Lady Rosemary, is not enough to see or qualify. ”

In the Queen's eyes, the Queen's Palace, every princess, is not a common identity, any common identity, no background, no matriarchal power of the princess, will only be spoiled briefly, a little wind and rain, the scent will dissipate, which has been the law of the rear palace since ancient times.

Like her, without the Emperor's love, at least not the kind of love that sets 3,000 lovers together, but she has the power of the mother family, with the strong backing of the Patron, she sits in the Emperor's position as easily as possible, the Queen as soon as she enters the palace, for more than a decade, has been sitting safely in the Queen's position, no one can shake.

Just as no one in the chapel could shake the throne of the Patron Princess, no one could shake the throne of her queen. Likewise, no one in the Queen's Palace could shake the throne of her queen, no one could shake the throne of his brother's Patron Princess.

The power of the Mother Nation, and the power in the rear palace, is mutually reinforcing, and Lady Mystery Butterfly, no matter how obsessed the Emperor is, how obsessed she is, how deeply affectionate she is, her identity is humble, and there is not a single bit of the power of the Mother Nation to support her.

So all she could find was so much love from the Emperor as a backyard.

But if you want to get in the back seat, it's simply dreaming.

Meng Dixian smiled coldly, his eyebrows were full of disapproval, and he looked at it with disdain.

“The Queen thought too much, I just came to visit Madame Butterfly, just to say that there was some possibility of losing weight in the ascent, but never said that Madame Rosemary had the idea of asking the rear.

She doesn't even care about the Emperor's favor. Why does she care about the Queen's seat under your ass? Something that the Queen values so much doesn't necessarily seem important to others. ”