Food in comics

Some words want to say

First of all, thank you for your support.

In fact, from the past, the whole book is already almost collapsed. It is my penalty. I think that the story of the face can attract attention. When I found the problem later, the results will be like this, it is my own live.

There are still many people who want to write, and I am sorry.

There may be a next thing, or about food, I want to integrate China's elements into the food world.

The hot hot pot city, the legendary Yunmengze, the Kunlun Mountain in the West, the Golden Apple in the Garden of Eden.

Survival is never easy, the world is so big, the next hunting animal is also a taste? It's really expecting.

This book I decided to slowly tell the story, tell the story, but I want to say.

I am not eunuis, but I'm rotten, I am sorry, all of all criticisms are accepted.

Thank you for your nickname, free tolerance, and a very embarrassment.