Forced to open in the Shura field of the Raiders

Forced to Open in the Shura Field of the Raiders Chapter 166

Yuda Lihua closed the door deeply, and opened and closed the door.

From the tropics to the temperate zone to the frigid zone, the temptation again and again is just to find the right time for the extreme.

"Did it fall?" Xiao Xueye looked at Mrs. Xuexia with blurred eyes.

Enduring the feeling of being intolerable, Mrs. Yukinoshita wanted to say the answer.

"Yes..." But as soon as he exited, he was stunned back.

Xiaoxueye is here to seek the warmth of people's hearts, but you can't just let the horse run without letting the horse eat grass. The right way is to feed the horse first.

The warmth of people’s hearts has just begun...

Chapter 154-Untitled

After staying overnight in Mrs. Xuexia’s room, I opened the door the next morning and saw that month’s face. It turns out that the young girl is a little bit behind the mature wife. Although she also likes to grab food, Mrs. Xuexia Snatching food is much stronger than his second daughter Xue Nai.

After cleaning up the traces of her body in Mrs. Xuexia's room early, Xiao Xueye opened the bathroom door and returned to the MAR Institute room that was privatized by her mother.

Turning around and looking at Mrs. Xuexia who was standing at the door, Xiao Xueye smiled.

"Why, reluctant?"

Looking at Xiao Xueye who was going to molested her before leaving, Mrs. Xuexia smiled.

"Well, I don't want to separate." The soft tone said sweet words that made people tired of death. The biggest difference between Mrs. Yukoshita's appearance and the girl who had just been in love was that she was more mature.

Upon hearing Mrs. Xuexia's sweet words, Xiao Xueye smiled and opened her arms.

"You can try to keep it, for your sake I can skip everything today."

Looking at the broad embrace, Mrs. Xuexia didn't hold her back. She stretched out her arm around Xiao Xueye's neck and offered a sweet farewell kiss.

Wipe off the water stains on the corners of the lips with his tongue, and Mrs. Yukoshita bowed deeply.

"I wish you a happy day, my husband."

Through the looming career lines between the kimonos, which are not very strong, the white abyss made great progress last night.

Her eyes met and she felt Mrs. Xuexia's Ruowu smile, Xiao Xueye waved her hand without feeling embarrassed.

"My dear wife should be happy today. If you are unhappy, tell me, I will help you blow his head."

Such a childish declaration made the smile on Mrs. Yukoshita's face even sweeter.

There are very few people on this island who can make her unhappy.


With Mrs. Xuexia's sweet response and the sound of closing the door, Xiao Xueye really came out from the other party.

Every time Mrs. Xuexia will give him a new surprise...

The cats who had been waiting for the two to finish their conversation just now made their own voices, expressing their inner desires.

Xiao Xueye stretched out her finger and shook it.

"No, you can eat it until noon."

The cats bowed their heads in loss, the morning cat food is gone...

After solving these little guys, Xiao Xueye opened the door, and then suffered a cardiac arrest.

The expressionless Nayue stood at the door of Xiao Xueye, staring at Xiao Xueye with the same majestic blue eyes like Mrs. Xuexia.

His eyes seemed to be looking at something dirty.

Xiao Xueye's heartbeat speeds up slightly, and she constantly warns herself to be calm, absolutely calm.

That month it wasn't that Mrs. Xuexia didn't have a deeper ability to smell whether there was a Snow Girl or Fire Girl in Xiao Xueye's body.

"You looked comfortable last night." That month said in a smooth voice.

Isn't it? Although she can't smell the smell of Xuenu, Xiao Xueye has too many flaws, let alone the other, the most intuitive dress of Xiao Xueye.

Mrs. Xuexia is a good woman of the standard Yamato Nadeshiko type. Before sending Xiao Xueye back, she specially arranged the clothes and face for him. This is not like a person who slept in the storage room all night.

"Jealous?" Xiao Xueye looked at her carefully and asked.

"No." That month simply denied Xiao Xueye's words.

Well, it's not unexpected and reasonable.

Last night, she said that if she let Xiaoxueye go to Mrs. Xuexia or Mrs. Yubihama to stay overnight, she was sincere. She didn't want Xiaoxueye to do things like the storage room for one night.

An orange cat rushed out of the storage room and came to that moon's feet and gently rubbed her legs covered by the long skirt.

This is from that month.

Kneeling down, that month touched the cat's head.

"Where did you keep the group of criminals?" That month didn't look up but asked softly.

Xiao Xueye also squatted down and played Xiaoju with that month.

"The shadow world."

A slender black shadow came out from the shadows on one side, appeared unscrupulously under the sun, and came to two people who were addicted to petting cats, leaving a substantial golden key on the ground and pushing back into the shadows to disappear. .

"This is the key to the shadow world." Xiao Xueye didn't move the key, but only told Nayue what the key was."The shadow world is a world built on the other side based on Yin. The prison inside was also completed not long ago. With this key, you can use it freely. The method is similar to the prison enchantment."

Xiao Xueye used the fallen power of the Seraphim to become a demon, and mastered the witch contract to preserve the power of that month to the greatest extent, but the prison enchantment inevitably disappeared as relying on the existence of that month's dream.

To make up for it, Xiao Xueye built a prison equivalent to a prison barrier in the shadow world.

When the prison barrier collapsed, Xiao Xueye didn't choose to immediately put the group of criminals under control. One was because of the Youma at the time, and the other was because of the information about the prison barrier that had just been obtained at that time. It took a while to build.

"Yeah." A faint nasal sound was made that month, and he didn't accept it, and didn't say whether to accept it, just staring at the golden key in a daze.

The two of them squatted on the top floor like this, licking the cat, dazed, and blowing air.

Xiaoju is about to cry, it, it is going to be bald... Please, let me go...

As if hearing the voice of Xiaoju, Nayue and Xiao Xueye stopped together, put their hands on the golden key and watched the golden key disappear into her hand, and took a deep breath. She was left by Xiao Xueye now. Yes, but she can't do nothing.

That kind of self is unacceptable anyway.

That month was very arrogant, even as the lover of the fourth true ancestor.

Standing up, the gothic loli dress on her body was shaking slowly in an updraft.