Forced to open in the Shura field of the Raiders

Forced to Open in the Raiders' Shura Field Chapter 252

Xiaoxueye, Saayaka, and Eguchi Yutoshi enjoyed themselves sitting under the air conditioner and eating ice cream. Occasionally you feed me, I feed you, with a pleasant face, and the atmosphere was once very warm.

Although I don't know who Eguchi Yuuki is, to the girls who are in the most fanciful grade, this scene looks like a warm family of three.

Normal childbirth is generally after marriage, and this alone is enough to make girls feel explosive.

"Xiao Xue Ye!" ×N

The roar, accompanied by the scent of the broken old vinegar jar, made Xiao Xueye froze.

Turning her stiff neck, Xiao Xueye's eyes saw the huge black unidentified gas at the door with the sound of khaka.

"I can explain..."

Xiao Xueye can be sure that the expression on her face must be uglier than crying.

"There is nothing to explain, Xiaojun."

With a gentle smile on Remi’s face, Xiao Xueye would be very relieved if he ignores the black air behind him, but now he just wants to cry and cry. The ancient name Xiaojun was used on the first day they met. It disappeared in less than half an hour, and now it appears again. It will be miserable this time.

Xue Nai's face was cold, realistic and cold.

"If you have something to say in hell, sad man."

"Senior is really an incurable vampire..."

The lovely pickled cabbage has completely turned into sour pickled cabbage.

Qian Cong lost the high light in her eyes and sneered at the corners of her mouth.

"What are you doing so much to kill this scumbag."

"Good." ×N

This is really a hundred responses, but Xiao Xueye didn't want to see such a hundred responses at this time!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Saayaka, who had pulled Eguchi Yuki to one side a long time ago, looked at Xiaoxueye with a look of hatred, making Xiaoxueye really feel hopeless.

Xiao Xueye slowly came to one side and squatted down with her head, speaking weakly.

"Start lightly..."

"Yes." The sharp ice ball in Xue Nao's hand slowly rotated.

"Don't worry..." Remi squeezed his fists and approached Xiao Xueye very kindly."Just die once."

Xiao Xueye was gradually surrounded by the figures of the girls, squatting on the ground tremblingly, and screaming with a low voice from time to time as the fists and various attacks fell.

Eguchi Yuki looked at this scene, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

It is clear that Xiao Xueye’s ability can easily break free from this kind of siege, but why didn’t he counterattack? And although those big sisters’ attacks are very strong, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Xueye to scream, this scream is so fake...

For her lack of emotional experience, these are super-program questions.

When the girls finally left contentedly and lying on the ground, Xiao Xueye with miserable wounds all over her body and a weak groan in her mouth.

Therefore, it is not a good thing to find some girlfriends with strong military value. No matter how you stop your hand when fighting, it will cause harm.

Xiao Xueye's hum is not all fake, he can endure the pain, but the pain is real.

Xiao Xueye also knew through the complaints made by the girls when they beat him violently, why they simply had ice cream and why they were so jealous.

Especially Remi, it’s no wonder that he is going to die once, this time it is not a small excitement...

The girls were so painful towards Xiao Xueye, but they didn't do that at all towards Saiyaka and Eguchi Yuuki. Instead, their attitude was very gentle.

After briefly understanding Eguchi Yuuki's experience, they looked a little less disgusted with an unknown object lying on the ground about to fall asleep.

For the care and gentleness of these big sisters, Yuuki Eguchi's face was full of flattering, and the whole person was a little dazed.

This feeling is so warm...

Xiao Xueye couldn't feel the warmth, he just felt that if he didn't slip away, he couldn't slip away.

Escape is now the only way out. At a certain moment when the girls were not paying attention, Xiao Xueye disappeared completely, leaving Remi who discovered it with just two glances and ignore it, continuing to care about Eguchi Yuki full of maternal care.

After smoothly escaping, Xiao Xueye ran into someone as soon as she left, and the two of them groped herself with their teeth and mouths.

Really TN hurts.

The two sides looked up at each other's miserable look, and couldn't help pointing at each other and let out a wicked laugh.

"I didn't expect you to have today, hahaha..."

"Deserve it, you boring man, hahaha..."

The laughter of the two laughed wildly stopped abruptly, clutching their wounds and jumping around.

Woc, I laughed at the wound, it hurts...

Xiao Xueye has physical damage (Remi Yukana, light green onion...) and elemental damage (Xuno Danko Yuma...), and Yase Kishu's body is full of pure physical. Seeing the swelling, I want to come I should have fun at night...

Having laughed at each other, the two miserable guys finally limped and helped each other out of this dangerous area.

This group of women is really ruthless...

The two people "don't know" that the pair of eyes that appeared in the villa after they left were looking at their backs.

Chapter 234 Xiaoxueye, you are stubborn, you count me!

"How is the freezing taste of Miss Yukoshita?"

Looking at the obvious ice ballast on Xiao Xueye's body, Yoase Keiki who was sitting on the same bench with Xiao Xueye was gloating.

Xiao Xueye rolled her eyes and didn't hesitate about this guy's counterattack.


After a round of applause, Yoase Keki looked at the slender palm on her arm dull for two seconds before realizing that it was Akoyuki's hand on her wound...


A puffy wailing sound came from Yase Keshu's mouth. He jumped several tens of centimeters high, and then a fresh rook chicken came out of the oven with a sound of water.

Seeing Yase Keshu's embarrassed look, Akatsuki grinned miserably.

"You are so embarrassed to mock me, where's your own belt?"

Shaking his hair, like a drowning Erha, Yase Keshu grinned at Akatsuki.