Forced to open in the Shura field of the Raiders

Forced to Open in the Raiders' Shura Field Chapter 297

He was the only one who died, not Vatra.

Without hesitation, Xiao Xueye jumped up and disappeared into the air.

Shortly after Xiao Xueye left, Vatra appeared on the deck again, but he was well-dressed and watched a good show.

"Thank you, Kira."

With a funny smile, Vatra looked at the egg and waved.

"Yes, sir—"

In the shadow, a handsome young man appeared beside Vatra, looking at the eggs in the distance with him, frowning.

The appearance of the eggs made the otherwise bad weather even more violent. The fire-stained sky engulfed a storm, and the big waves continued to beat the island of Xianjin, causing the huge island to shake.

The Evil God's egg floating in the void on the dock stopped and began to pulsate strongly.

"Has the Dark God King, who destroyed Xia Te, the city-state, resurrected... It's really spectacular."

Looking at the sphere floating in the air, Keiki Yaase sighed with a wry smile.

He is still on the top of a building where the sniper was before. It is two kilometers away from the dock in a straight line, but he can observe the sphere with the naked eye of ordinary people, which is enough to prove the expansion of the egg.

In response to Yase Motoki's amazement was an immature but majestic voice.

"It's magnificent, and none of the things that guy stares at is unsurprising."

Nangong Nayue, a goth loli teacher with a black parasol, stood aside.

Keki Yaase glanced at that month, thinking inwardly.

It's amazing.

Not only Nazuki and Yase Keshu, but also many people are watching this drama. The collision between the Cthulhu and the Fourth True Ancestor, which rivals the power of the true ancestor, is very exciting for them.

Xiao Xueye, who had left the cemetery of the Seagod, quickly found her goal, the blown snow vegetable.

Holding the Xuexia wolf in her hand, the girl staggered among the containers, seeing Xiao Xueye suddenly appearing with a very happy smile on her face.


Released the Xuexia Wolf in her hand, the girl hugged Xiao Xueye towards Xiao Xueye, but her ankle, which seemed to be injured a little, blocked her. The distance was a little farther away, and the girl immediately fell to the ground.

Xiao Xueye hurriedly stepped forward, hugged a full, a little nervous about her reckless behavior.

"Idiot, don't try to be arrogant."

Feeling the familiar temperature and familiar taste, the expression on the face of Xuecai makes it more warm.

Even if she knew that Xiao Xueye would come back to life, the scene of death had a great impact on her.

The smile on Xiao Xueye's nervous face became a little sweeter.


When I heard it, I knew that Xuecai knew it was wrong, but I would never change it.

Xiao Xueye couldn't help but slapped the girl's ass with her hand.


The crisp sound echoed between the containers.

The girl's face flushed, and the face buried in Xiao Xueye's arms became deeper.

Xiao Xueye didn't care how shy she was, it was punishment.

Taking a look at the eggs growing up in the sky, Xiao Xueye lowered her head to look at Xuecai and said in a low voice.

"I will send you to other places first, it is not safe here."

Before Xuecai agreed to Xiao Xueye, she took off the guitar case that the girl was carrying, put Xuexia wolf in it, and picked up Xuecai with the guitar case.

In the act of acting as an ostrich, the girl sent her away from this area.

Chapter 272 Xia Ti: Is this safe (stunned)?

Summoning the Cthulhu, this was the result Xiao Xueye wanted from the beginning.

Summoning the evil god to let Xia Ti survive, this is the result Xiao Xueye wants now.

Seeing the larger and larger eggs, Xiao Xueye exhaled and leaped in.

After sending the Xuecai away, he hurried back. The egg has risen to a huge level in the past, and it is precisely because of this that the contents inside can also be seen clearly.

Inside the egg is a virgin forest environment, and there is a huge temple in the center, which is the core of the egg, where the evil god descends.

The so-called God King Xuan Ming is just a group of conscious energy. It is a collection of negative energy of the dragon veins. Therefore, it needs the despair of the sacrifice and the blood of the guards. That is why it is an evil god, every time it appears in this world. Both will cause huge disasters.

And this egg is an incubation mechanism, and its growth is to provide an environment for the coming of Cthulhu to manifest negative energy into a Cthulhu.

As for why Xiao Xueye summoned the evil god, it was actually related to the root of the vampire.

It is well known that vampires are cursed lives, whether in the Bible or in this world, but the vampires in the Bible are cursed by God, and this world is the curse of the dead gods before they die.

And the beasts controlled by vampires are a conscious collection of magical powers, and so is the evil god. The similarity between the two is actually easy to guess the connection between them.

Beasts are actually gods, dead gods.

This was a plan a long time ago. Xiao Xueye, who was about to become the fourth true ancestor, was reluctant to bear Agurola, so she vacated a place, so he was preparing to summon the gods to complement herself.

However, there are not many ways to summon the gods after the dusk of the gods, even the evil gods, in this world, Xiao Xueye had no clue at that time, until after meeting Gada and her indiscretion, she learned about her There is such an evil god in the territory, so I used it.

Therefore, the selection of Xia Ti can only be regarded as accidental and inevitable.

After rushing into the incubator, Xiao Xueye couldn't see anything that could stop him, she went all the way to the temple, and met Xia Ti smoothly.

Inside the temple is an abnormal place, a strange hall with no up and down feeling.

The place thought to be the floor is actually the wall, the place thought to be the ceiling is actually the floor, and the place thought to be the stairs is actually the inside of other stairs. The bottom of the trap that passes through the floor is a beautiful blue sky, and the window on the ceiling is the seabed. view.

This is an abnormal space that makes people confused just by looking at it.

In the center of the space is a golden altar.

On the altar, a weak and dim gorgeous figure can be seen, she is upside down, floating above the altar.

Taking a step, the feeling of being upside down can't affect Xiao Xueye's footsteps at all. For him, such an environment is not bad.