Forced to open in the Shura field of the Raiders

Forced to Open in the Raiders' Shura Field Chapter 341

Looking at the girl who looked like Yamato Nadeshiko in front of him, Akohisa Sano had a scrutiny in her eyes. This was something that other girls did not have.

Remi accepts this line of sight calmly, because there is expectation so there will be demands.

After accepting the test of this gaze for a few minutes, Xiao Feisha Nai finally became kind and her eyes softened.

"Very good, I'll leave it to you in the future for my unconscious grandson."

Very polite, much better than Xiao Xueye.

Remi pursed his lips and thanked him, and left with Xiao Feishanai's satisfied eyes.

Before leaving, Reya greeted other girls before leaving with Wuye and Xiaoxueye.

The girls looked at Xiao Xueye, who was being framed and dragged her legs on the ground, hesitated, but did not stop the two girls walking forward.

It should be ok...probably.

Chapter 308 doesn't know what title should be given. In short, Mistura regrets it.

Xiao Xueye slept for quite a while after being "passed out" by Remi. When she woke up, the sky had completely turned black, and the cold mist had not completely dissipated, making the night appear darker.

Some were confused and wanted to sit up, but before he sat up completely, he felt a sharp pain in his neck.


Covering her neck and sucking in Liangpi, Xiao Xueye's painful mouth twitched her whole person and lay back.

After the elastic impact, Xiao Xueye's eyes widened, her mouth opened and she couldn't make a sound.

A line of barrage floated across his mind.


However, the intense pain also awakened Xiao Xueye's memories before Xiaoxueye fell asleep, but this was not the end.

"Woke up?"

The gentle voice sounded softly in the ear, no difference from the memory, and Xiao Xueye's face suddenly became stiff.

The widened eyes also saw the familiar roof and the familiar pretty face between the side ridges and peaks.

Remi quietly looked at her boyfriend who was lying on her lap with wide-eyed eyes.

"Does it still hurt?"

Does it hurt? Xiao Xueye didn't even dare to turn her neck now. He could be 100% sure that the cervical spine was misaligned.

Xiao Xueye revealed this information speechlessly and Li Mi pursed her lips and smiled.

Rolling her eyes, Xiao Xueye strongly condemned her behavior.

"You're still smiling, can't you start with a gentle touch?"

"I thought you didn't feel any pain."

Remi's bright red eyes refracted a slight luster like bright rubies.

She stretched out her hand to untie Xiao Xueye's Taoist robe, looked at his distinct muscle lines, and gently painted with her fingertips.

The cold feeling spread where the fingertips touched, causing Xiao Xueye to frown slightly.

"How come your hands are so cold?"

"I'm a zombie, what's wrong with it, and you said that it feels better?"

Continuing the depiction, Remi inadvertently revealed something.

"Cough cough cough..."

A series of coughs reminded the two guys who were not ready to start, there are still people here.

The eyes of Xiao Xueye and Remi turned to the coughing misty leaf, which immediately put her under great pressure.

"My throat is a little itchy, it's okay to continue, I'll be watching."

Decisively chose from the heart to explain that Wuye quickly took a sip of the teacup on the side, panicking, if her tea ceremony teacher saw one, she would definitely scold her.

Seeing that the two people in front of him really continued with what he said, Wuye complained.

It’s just to say that you guys actually continued, I’m watching it by the side, hey!

Obviously, the two couples who have been separated for half a month didn't care about it, just take a look at it, anyway, it's just studying.

"——Don’t make excuses, zombies are not real corpses."

"That's right, but don't you have this habit?"

Staring at Xiao Xueye's face with a smile, Remi questioned her soul.

The zombies themselves belong to the rare demons, and they did die once in the process of transformation. If you don't have such a habit, how can you like zombies.

The two people who had lived and died suddenly talked about such a heavy topic, which made the fog leaf on one side feel a little awkward and looked at them weirdly.

No wonder they will come together, it is not normal.

Faced with the threat of physical death on the one hand and the danger of social death on the other, Xiao Xueye decisively chose the third.

"You say that if you have it, I don't like zombies, I just like zombies."

Ambiguous reason, by the way to please, very cunning argument.

But Remi obviously liked this set, otherwise Xiao Xueye wouldn't have deceived a normal girl in just three days.

A gentle smile appeared on her face, telling the people present her inner joy.

"So... back to the original topic, you also feel pain, so why did you choose that way..."

Seeing what Xiao Xueye was trying to explain, Li Mi raised her voice slightly and interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Needless to say, I know, it has nothing to do with Feida Gu Yong, I am just asking why you use this method."

There was a dangerous light in Ruby's eyes.

Remi knew everything, Xiao Xueye called her over and guarded the shrine, she came, and then she simply solved the enemy over there, Xiao Xueye did things by herself over there, and hurt herself all over her body.

She doesn’t believe it because it’s for Xian Gu Yong. She doesn’t deny that Xiao Xueye will definitely help Gu Yong when it is necessary, but it’s obvious that this kind of small situation doesn’t seem to be necessary, so why should Xiao Xueye do that ?

There was no obstacle at the fingertips, Xiao Xueye's skin was as smooth as a newly opened baby, but this didn't affect her thinking about how many wounds Xiao Xueye had at the time.