Forced to open in the Shura field of the Raiders

Forced to Open in the Raiders Shura Field Chapter 418

Moyase Yase grumbled in the place where the power of Kanjin Island is most concentrated.

And Xuecai, who came back from Enle Island, sat on the side and reported on the situation from there.

"If you say that, the other side is similar to the prison enchantment?"

Yono turned a deaf ear to the complaints of Motoki Yaase, and instead looked at Mrs. Yubihama who was drinking tea not far away.

Mrs. Yuihama smiled calmly when hearing the words of her good best friend and daughter, Yono, a possible future sister.

"I have to ask the professionals about this. I just solved the small things inside."

The name of the little thing mentioned by Mrs. Hihama is Nano-Shiki, a kind of futuristic technology, and it is also one of the reasons why the Vampire King and the bane can make waves in the world of Enlai Island.

"You mean that moon sauce?"

Yang Nai showed a dazed expression and shouted loudly.

All her actions of covering up unexpectedly caused a heavy blow, and a pitch-black foreign fan fell on her head severely.


While Yang Nai made a painful cry, the attacker also made his own voice.

"Don't add sauce after the teacher."

That Yue who had just teleported glared at Yang Nao.

Yang Nai rubbed his head with a teasing smile on his face.

"Well, I have already graduated, and there is no other way around this. Whoever can match that Yuechan will suddenly grow up."

Yang Nai, who was secretly carrying the private goods, was once again precisely focused on the black foreign fan and let out a painful cry.

Yu Jie's version of that month did not tolerate Yang Nao's deliberate provocation.

Lessons Wan Yang Nai looked at the people sternly that month.

"He said that the meaning of another prison enchantment you will know when you come with me."

Speaking, Nayue waved his hand and opened a deep black door on the ground.

The people present all looked at this dark gate, and they all knew what this gate was, the gate to another world called the shadow domain.

Without any hesitation, Yang Nai stood up and walked toward the dark gate, as if he had guessed the stairs, Yang Nai gradually sank downwards, while the others were doing the same thing.

Going to the shadow realm through the dark door, you can find that the steps you originally wanted to descend have become upward stairs, which are completely opposite.

After walking through all the steps, everyone understood what the message Xiao Xueye passed to them after using Xuecai.

Above the stairs is a square, and if it corresponds to the God of Strings, this is probably below the Gate of Cornerstone.

Many of them have been here before, but this time they saw a completely different scene from before.

There is an extra green ground covered with flowers on the square, and there are many people lying horizontally with closed eyes on the gentle grass. The number should be far more than 5,000 people, and they look like the dead waiting to be buried. It's quiet, but the gentle breathing tells those who saw this scene that they are still alive.

And just in front of this large group was a slightly but generally very familiar figure smiling at them.

"Good morning everyone."

However, such a greeting is a straight punch.


Xiao Xueye reached out to catch this straight fist, looked at the attacker, and asked with a smile.

"Is this way of welcoming a bit too intense one day?"

Yoase Keshu gritted his teeth and watched this bastard who had disappeared for three days and almost left the shattered Kinkashima without silence.

"This is fierce, you think too much, I told you ha, see that there is no behind me?"

Xiao Xueye looked back in accordance with the words of Yase Keshu.

Except for Yase Kima, all were women, Yukana, Yono, and Mrs. Yuhihama that month, these four people represented too many things.

For example, chestnut snow vegetables can represent the girls in Saikai Academy, Yang Nai can represent the girls outside the Academy, that month can represent the teachers inside the Academy, and Mrs. Yubihama can represent the class of mature women, which is Saying four people can perfectly show the scope of Xiaoxueye’s harem...

Xiao Xueye's throat rolled slightly as she understood something, her expression stiff.

Knowing that Xiao Xueye knew what she was about to say, Kishu Yaase laughed immediately.

"Yes, I just want to say, your harem is on fire, and the fourth ancestor who has been missing for three days~"

The current Yaze Keshu is really cool, sweeping the depression, regaining happiness, Xiaoxueye's tragic expression is worth having.

"It's only three days... not so much."

Xiao Xueye hugged her brother's neck, doing her last dying struggle.

However, Yase Motoki Yoshizawa pushed away Akinoki with words.

"I'm sorry I have someone I like, so I won't disturb the foundation."


Xiao Xueye's complexion became even more rigid, and it was over this time.

Seeing Xiaoxueye's appearance, Yase Kishu, as a good friend, thinks there is absolutely a reason to tell him something happy.

"It's not just that, because you may be injured and missing, we notified them all the first time we learned about your news, so ah, right?"

He patted Akatsuya hard on the shoulder, and Yase Keiki looked sad (crazy) hurt (laugh).

"We can't blame us for this. They almost lifted Xianjin Island after you disappeared, so let's inform as soon as possible."

Moyase Yaze's heart was so refreshing that even the depression of his father's death and being forced to inherit the family was wiped out.

Xiao Xueye didn't know anything, he only knew that he was finished.

Fire in the harem?

No, who is this to belittle?

The harem exploded, it really exploded.

Xiao Xueye seemed to hear the footsteps of Death, and looked sadly at the sun in the shadow domain.

It was a good day, so I had to find a few graves in Shadowland, otherwise it would be too ugly to be scattered all over the place.