
"I'm not the one to judge."

I have sunk the anger and violence that is about to explode.

"Argh...! Argh! Hick!"


The curly back howls and holds the troll, and the troll licks the curly back with a terrible scream. It may seem like a sympathetic sight, but for me it was just a man-made act.

I can't believe I'm stuck with a monster!

Stupid and clueless, Troll might have been his only friend because he was discriminated against in town.

He may have raised Trolls with a deformity called Eastern Trolls because he felt sorry for himself.

It may not have simply kept the smell from the male trolls, but it may have prevented other nearby monsters from noticing it.

Yes, it may have been.

But pity is not a sin. I don't care if it's intentional. In the end, seven people were killed by the misfortune of this quadruple.

It's a really terrible crime.

But this is not a problem for me to solve. All seven victims are villagers. It is right to leave it at their disposal.

"I have to inform the villagers about this and leave it at their disposal."

I decided to do so.

This is the conclusion as a negotiator, Kim Cat.

You can't just skip to the yard, where you get 20 silver as an adventurer.

"What's going on, nigger? I thought you were going to kill him right away."

"It wasn't my job to think about it. Anyway, let's go. Give me the troll!"

I immediately took the troll from the multiplier.

- Yippee!!

It's unpleasant whenever you hear it. Grab the arm of the running troll and restrain it from moving. The penis was uncomfortable because it was deformably small and not too crowded, and I tried it with one hand.

- Uooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

No shit. And I tried to hold it with one hand, so it was fucking heavy. Even if it's the size of a child, it's a monster of fame.

I'm fucking skipping.

"Do, give it back!"

"Give me back what, you son of a bitch! Come with me!"

Claudie said, "I'm having a crush on the troll with one hand.

"Cat, I'll listen to Troll."

"Are you okay? It's a monster."

"Hehe, I don't care. I also want to touch it."

Claudie grabs both wrists of the troll firmly. Trolls again howled like pigs, but couldn't get hold of her haunted grip.

- Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee!!

"Kuku, Kulkul!!!!"

"Shut up, man!"

That's how we came out.

The dawn was shining.

"Winia. Can you put your backpack on? Kat's hurt now."

"I tried to."

Next to the cave, the backpack was erected as it was.

"I'm sorry, Winia."

"I'm hurt, and I can't hear you. I'm sorry about what?

"I'm sorry if I'm carrying something heavy, though."

"Well, go back and listen with one hand."


The curly lamp came out of the cave behind us, crying for the coolant to be returned without having to drag it out separately.

Really, it's a terrible obsession.

It felt like the pagans were no different from being obsessed with their own crazy doctrine.

"CoolCool, give it back!!!"

The lightning bolt that came out was about to rush into Claudie.


I reached out my right hand and grabbed the toe of his back branch. I'll take this one. Claudie smiles at me and shakes her half-stretched cool.


- Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee Yippee

At the same time, there were no monsters to cry about.

"You son of a bitch!"

As soon as I got angry, I said to him, Before I go to town, I need to educate this fool about what he's done.

"People died because of your cunt, I know! We have to kill that one!"

"Kuku, Kulkul didn't hit anyone! I mean, please don't bother me! I made a mistake! Give me back the coolant!!!"

He just stretched his arm toward CoolCool.

"That doesn't make any sense, you son of a bitch. Dude, stop fucking with your teeth and listen to me. The CoolCool Cool you raised, Trolls came and killed seven people! Do you understand! Do you know what you did?!!"

You little devil!

"I don't know, I don't know! I don't know! Give me back the coolant! Cool is not wrong!"

"You bastard, though! Cool did it wrong!"

"There's nothing wrong with CoolCool...! I don't know, I don't know! I don't know...! I don't know what I did wrong...!"

"No, it's ridiculous."

This horrible son of a bitch is not just a low-intelligence.

I think only of my own good, and I do not try to listen to the unfavorable truth, nor to accept it.

I don't want to hear you explain it to this motherfucker.

I warned you not to come into the woods, and you're not a crawling bastard.

"Anyway, CoolCool is confiscated. This monster son of a bitch called a troll. More townsfolk are searching while you're gone, cheeky."

"I mean, I did it wrong! CoolCool, forgive me!! Bindaa...! My only chi, my friend!!! Give it back!!"

Now we try to negotiate.

"You're right, you're wrong, and you say Kulkul can't forgive you, you crazy bastard. Kulkul said that this Seafalum called Trolls and killed seven people. Do you understand?"

"I don't know, I don't know! Cool is nice...!"

I'm gonna be nice to you.

"What the fuck are you gonna say?"

It's useless to say more.

He doesn't talk, he's just picking up anything to avoid the situation.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that fool. Ugh, that's annoying. What's all this about? Those guys are ruining the town. You can't watch this. The nigger's hurt too."

Winia also expressed dissatisfaction.

This is something she should never see.

Wrong beliefs and twisted common sense.

And ignorance.

These can also produce the result of the extermination of village communities.

This is like paganism.

"... so be it."

This world is not a sweet place.

Monsters and pagans dig cruelly when they see a gap, and if they see weakness, they don't hesitate to bite and always plan to exterminate humans. It's like an ancient beast that is bending in the deepest depths of the sea, living only with such terrible thoughts for ever.

Beware is forbidden.

If Troll hadn't been a little more careful, would there have been someone to stop him if he had just broken into town and slaughtered him?

Even if the youth with the farm equipment gathered their strength and defeated them, the damage could not be said to have been done.

Imperialism must be uprooted.

Then we arrived in town.

"Mo, the adventurers are back!!"

"Trolls! Trolls caught!!"

"Adventurers are back!!"

I shouted aloud at the people who were captivated by madness.

"The Trolls have been defeated! Here, now that you've brought Troll's head, watch the end of the monster that killed your family and friends!"

Winia throws out her backpack, and I pull Troll's giant head out of it. The long tongue lengthens as the gills of the dead troll open.

"Oh, oh!!! Horrible monster!!!"

"So inhuman!!!"

"Trolls are dead! Trolls are dead!"

The villagers were alarmed and delighted. Then, one quick man, noticing, pointed at Claudie and said,

"Well, what is it! No way, Troll's son!"

"And why the hell would Faster come along...?"

Now we need a long explanation.

"Call the chief."

Winia said coldly.



Claudie was delighted to see the residents' astonishing reactions as she pretended to throw coolies at the residents she was holding.

I let go of the curling lamp.

"Cool Cool!"

"Claudie, let me go now."


Claudie releases the Cool Cool, and it bounces toward the Curly Lamp. The curly back held the Cool Cool and sat down and wept.

- Yippee!!!

"Argh.. Argh, Kulkulaa!!!"

Not a very sympathetic sight.

"Par, Pasper! What the hell is that monster!"

The villagers surrounded them with humble curls and terrible monsters. There's nothing they can figure out once they've done it.

I just need to talk to the village chief.

"Winia. Let's go to the chief."

I went straight to the chief.

On the way, I saw the chief coming with one of the men who went to tell me the news.

"Oh, oh! Adventurers! Well done! Trolls...!"

"I killed him, so rest assured. I'd rather talk at the Chief's house than that."

"Oh, I see."

I immediately headed to his house with the chief. Now that you're hired, let's tell the sponsor the truth about this.

"Trolls killed him. It was quite large. There was a reason the referral was so expensive, but... I found out something strange."

"Strange fact? What's that?"

I cleaned up the story by drinking tea served by the chief's wife.

Once this happens, it's not natural.

The troll that raided the village was a male troll of a pedestrian who was blind to finding females. Strangely enough, he found a female and killed people in succession without leaving.

The reason was to do something, so there was a multiplier in the center.

The crocodile was keeping the troll females hidden in the cave. Even with the smell erased.

So the male troll jumped.

I know there are females, but the smell is so faint that I can't even find it and I turn to stress.

I explained this to the chief.

"Yes, that's it. The curling lamp was raising a female trolley. We're guessing that's why the Trolls of Trolls came into town."

I summed up the facts, and the chief's complexion changed.

"I can't do that...! Pasper, how dare you do that!!!!"

"More than that, please complete the quest form."

"I've already made it."

At that time, the chief took a deed out of his arms. A quest letter from the Adventurer Guild. The Chief's stamp was on the completion of the quest.

Class C Quest Completed.

I made 20 silver coins.

Fuckin 'arm.

"Thank you so much. Three villagers were injured, but... I think that's good enough."

"No, I have something to say about that, but once a monster shows up, tell him to run. If you watch nearby for no reason, the number of victims increases. If you intend to fight back, don't be clumsy and get ready. Yesterday, we went to get Trolls, and everyone in the village came together."

It's called insecurity. If you don't have a can to deal with, you better get together and not watch.

"Oh, I see. I will."

After talking to the chief, I went back to the property, packed, and went back to the scene. The wagon was already waiting.

Now that you've completed the quest, you can go back.

- Yippee!!!

"Don't let CoolCool hit you!!!"

Trolls are already tied up as we go. The villagers surrounded it, and the curtains were crying and trying to protect the troll.

What a disparate sight.

Protecting monsters between human baskets.

"Faster! Get away from there! Why are you wrapping up a troll?"

"Get out of the way! That's a monster! You son of a bitch who killed us!"

"If you don't kill them quickly, your mother may come after hearing you cry!"

It's not a pup, it's a female with a disability. Of course, Troll's mother never came.

Then let's go back.

The chief will take care of the disposition of the multiplier, etc.

It's a town problem. It's not my job.

"Adventurers! Are you leaving now?"

"We should. Let's go."

The Horseman climbed on the horse.

Winia said, "I'm loading it first.

"Nigga, that troll."

"Hmm? Why?"

"I think I can sell it to the Arena. No matter how handicapped, Trolls are Trolls. If you take it, you'll definitely get a decent price."

No, no, no, no.

I shouted immediately.

"It's dangerous. Get away from the Trolls now!"

"Oh, I see!"

The villagers who surrounded the curbs and trolls made their way in an instant. I walked slowly and approached them.

"Give it to me!"

"Oh, no!!!"

I grabbed the rope that was holding the coolant and took the troll from the curling lamp. He howled for his return, but was immediately subdued by the inhabitants.

"Where's the adventurer?!! Calm down, Faster!"

"Mo, adventurers? What do you intend to do with that troll?"

A certain man asked and declared confidently.

"It's a dangerous monster, so I will dispose of it on our side! We need to take it and do some research to prevent other damage! A chance to reveal the trawl's humidity!"

"I see...! I see!"

"Well done on raising money for the Adventurer Guild!"

"The birth of the Guardian of the Town!!!"

You're a liar. You're a good believer.

If I sell the Troll's blood, heart, and even this cooldown to the Arena, my arm will be priceless.

I think we should devote a few weeks to the treatment.

"Cat! Now let's go!"


So we got on the wagon. One arm was uncomfortable, so I was forced to board with Claudie's help.

"Heh, this is so pathetic. Thank you, Claudie."

"No. Cat was really good. It's not pathetic at all. No wonder a warrior gets hurt in a fight. I wish I had a visible scar, but... would it be a little bit like this?"

"No way. Oh, it's gonna hurt."

Claudie smiles and strokes my head. Even if he hurt his arm, it was a good thing he shook his jaw with that giant troll.

"I'm leaving!"

So the three of us and CoolCoolCooley set out for Isvant.

- Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Yi

"Oh, fuck, nigga. But it's too loud. I want to kill him."

"Uh-huh, so am I."

- Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

The bound Cool looks at the town and howls like a pig.

It's... yeah.

It was a song.

Miserable howling, screaming young. What did CoolCool really see and what did he feel? Somehow, on the other side of the village, "Cool Cool! 'I felt like I was hearing a shout.

"Well... you did a good job today."

There will be no more Trolls in town.

- Cuooooooooo!!!!!

The mountain breeze blew and tickled my cheeks. The peaceful atmosphere and Cool Cool's songs unbalanced, creating a jazz-like atmosphere that grew out of nowhere.

Spring is coming to an end.