Who has a lot of questions

"Unavailable!!! No matter how old you are, my sword cannot be confiscated!!!"

"All right, calm down!"

"I am already clearly authentic!!! You need to calm down!!!"

"Hah... at least lower your voice..."

"Got it!!!"

I didn't lower it at all.

That was followed by the infamous love of the duc and the inhuman sermon of the duc. Those of us who sit here have no idea what to do.

Is this a meeting?

Now this was not a conference room, it was just some kind of holler space. It feels like a technological name for a mysterious shield because it's called a high-pitched space, but it just means it's a noisy space.

"Khh... What a big deal, anyway."

Anyway, when I sat down, Captain Bakerell also sat down and said to me,

"That's it. This is too dangerous."

"Well done, though. If it weren't for you and your colleagues, the city would have been destroyed, as I just said. Even if we stopped him, we would have had to take enormous damage."

"It would be so cruel and so horrible to imagine."

Captain Barquerel was very judgmental, like many crusaders.

"Then don't be horrible. That's why I'm so blessed to have you so strong. As you know, those who are armed with the spirit of justice will accomplish enough..."

"Uh-huh, you've seen it very well. I plan to slaughter these demons in the future."

"The plan is to be happy just by listening."

However, even as I spoke with Captain Barquerel, the message of affection remained constant. Sitting across from us, the Knights of the Kingdom commanders and wizards were holding the tin cup that the servants brought out on behalf of the broken glass.

How long has it been that way?

"Ha... Anyway, all I'm saying is that Isvant is just on the path of a dick. If you are aware of this, there is no problem."

Finally, the voice of love began to shrink to see if it was exhausted.

"Whoo... then Leila. Now let's exchange opinions."

"Very well, Father."

- Uh-huh.

The Duke coughed, and the real meeting started with it... It was too late, but the commanders and the wizards made their respective positions as they welcomed this transition.

"Of course the Knights are aware that this is serious, Duke. The magic that opens the gate is not available to the humans at the moment, but if we do not recognize the reality here, it is clear that it will come as a threat to the Kingdom."

The commander spoke in a very confident tone, as if he wanted to say this throughout the meeting.

"So I will send a messenger to the capital to inform you of the situation and support you during that time. Subsequent work will be instructed by the royal side."

If you inform the royal side of the situation, I will somehow give you instructions. Until then, I think I'll be stationed here to support you.

Well, I have to tell her... no. If you send a messenger from the Knights, you will hear my words, and then Cardia will know. It's coping, anyway, so you might want to consult with the royal side.

"Thank you so much for coming all this way to support me. I will use my hands to make the knights comfortable."

"Thank you."

The next thing I got the right to speak was a wizard.

"The Wizards of our Demon Tower will also use their power to study demons and their pagan commanders... magic and technology used by Necromancers. As a member of the Isvant Tower Branch, of course I will support the Duke."

"Thanks for that, too. If the soldiers get clues or materials, I'll sell them to the stable first."

"Thank you, Duke."

Anyway, the meeting went right that way. It is proceeding very smoothly because the spirit does not burst into complacency. Well, we'll discuss this and start a military operation on our own.

"Our bronze society will use its power for the extermination of the remaining pagans and demons and their investigation."

This was what Captain Bakerell said.

To be honest, there was no one else in the world who was as normal as this man. In a world like this, Captain Bakerell is a sensible, kind, and talkative man.

In the midst of such silence of infancy.

The meeting concluded very safely. At the end, I ended up reading all the reports I had written together.

"Anyway... I have an infinite gratitude for defeating the Great Demon, Paladin. Thanks to you, I've set a cloud. I will make sure to reward you for this."

The Duke, who had a bit of a face, thanked me.

"Thank you, Duke!"

You have done a lot of damage prevention, so it is a reward.

That brought the meeting to an end, and everyone stood up greeting each other.

Before I left, I tried to say hello to the Virgin, and she grabbed my wrist and cried out.

"I'll see you later, Paladin!!! Let's send an invitation through the church!!! But right now, the only thing left to do is to summon the demons!!!"

"Yes, Your Highness!!! Go and slay all the demons that threaten the people of Istanbul!!"

"Because it's an obligation!!"

Although it has a high tension and a harsh mouth, the infant was literally a person who knew the duties of the nobility.

He was promised a reward and an invitation to the banquet and left the conference room. I think I should stay in Istanbul for a while. If you finish your work here and find out about this, you'll have to stay close.


But all of a sudden, I think about Elise.

Now that this squad has been chewed up, it is clear that even the fierce warriors of Elise and the Light Celestial Cross are going mad and crushing the demons. I'm sure he's doing well because of that mess... It reminds me that I haven't written a letter since we broke up.


What am I supposed to do?

Do I have to jump to Krassheim once when I get this time? I went home thinking about it.


Not many humans deal with manas.

Duke Isvant has quite a number of soldiers, but most of them focus on defeating monsters while patrolling the territory. It is their duty to defend the farmers and the self-sufficient from the monsters.

Adventurers are doing that at a cheap price.

Anyway, most of these soldiers are ordinary people without manas. An army of these civilians can stop most monsters, and bandits and bandits can be easily defeated. Armed forces are effective and powerful.

However, it is not effective against creatures like demons that transcend humans. It's hard to stop them because their basic combat power is so different. Neither the unit price nor the water price is right.

Even the ones who are worthy to be true strong are not the ones that the army of the common people can stop. No, you're absolutely right to say you can't stop it.

The only thing I need here are the rookies who handle Mana, and only the royal and church have what can be called the real Knights. Of course, there are horseback towers in every big city, but there are not many skilled combat wizards who are perfectly focused on combat.

Whatever it is, it's the current system of governance.

I think it's a little dangerous right now.

If you listen to the story, you've never heard of demons or pagans. And it was extremely rare that monsters of this world or monsters emerged from the ancient dungeons. But there have been a lot of such movements lately.

The silent beings have been awakening since the idol war.

In other words, no matter what the reason, long peace is at stake, and those who are weakened by peace will not be able to afford it.

In my view, it is clear that the ancient pagans were stronger than they are today. So I was able to overcome the idol war. Perhaps the human beings of the world have become much weaker than in the past.

"So, Lee Sae-gya. What, are you trying to join the army? Are you crazy?"

"No, this Barbarian Shack... that's what a man named Paladin says, so suddenly he's freaking out."

Copson, with a frightened expression, swept his protruding jaw into the palm of his hand.

This son of a bitch collapsed and said he was going to join Duke Isvant's army as an adventurous group, the rest of whom were so unfair to the knight.

It would be a different life, but if you were a D-class adventurer, you would be welcomed, at least because you are an army of lords, so you can't be ridiculously assaulted. It also meant that she could be treated like this and that she could live a stable life and get married.

But in my view, enlisting at this time was suicide.

"I'm telling you to be scared, man. How fucking unstable the world is these days... and I'm the only real American chewing gum that's ever lived with a bunch of crazy monsters, Copson. In an age like this, when a son of a bitch enters the army, it just becomes a walking corpse."


It's like enlisting at a dangerous time.

"Why. Did you come down here to announce the recruitment of soldiers for the Adventurer Guild? And the conditions are good?"

"Barbarian Shack? Have you been to the Adventurer Guild recently?"

"It's a video you don't have to watch."


"No, I know everything I can't see."

"How do you know so well about me!!!"

Copson shouts as he takes the steak with a knife.

"Uh-huh, you're a real jerk."

I called the staff as I looked at it.


An employee approached, and I spread out the menu and pointed my finger to order more food. I can't stand this because I'm hungry.

"This is the same as three empty bottles of liquor. Here. Please add three of these to this menu."

"Got it."

An orderly employee headed towards the kitchen.


Copson, who was staring at it, pushed the sliced steak into the agary and chewed the well and said,

"No, but Barbarian Shack. Can I give you this much shit? I came here to make a fortune with Paladin, but this is unbelievable. I've never eaten a professional steak like this in my life before... It's just so chewy juice... and I didn't even know there was a store like this in Istanbul today."

I found Copson earlier and brought him to a decent restaurant. He empties the plate so tastefully, and then he says, "I'm sorry."

"Eat as much as you want, because it's not a dick."

I leaned on the chair and said with my arms extended.

"What a crazy place. Are you sure you don't mind?"

"You're already eating whatever the fuck you want. And I don't know when I'm going to die if I don't eat right now, so I'm shooting at the idea of feeding you."

"No, this is insane! Can you keep on scaring me like that! The one with the title Paladin! Think about the meaning!"

"Hmph. It's just telling the truth, the reality. Beware of pagan puppies in the future. With the demons. Going to the real goal. Why, you once killed all those pagan bastards on our waterways. When I saw them, they were behind this one."

"I'm going back!! I can't believe I didn't get shot!"

"I'm sure it was taken."


Copson, who put down the fork, grabbed the bottle, grabbed the lid and swallowed the cheeky blonde, began to cling to his mouth and gulp.

- Kung!

Drink that and put the bottle down.

"Khh...! I can't believe there was a drink like this! How much for a bottle of this!"

"Three silver."

"Crazy luxury!"

For a D-class adventurer, two silver bottles of liquor was a shocking price. In the first place, it's a world of five coopers a day. This is the world. The lives of the lower and upper classes are extremely different.

"What kind of life is this luxury?!!"

"I live with the value of killing monsters."

I stood up with my arms extended, my head bent back and my eyes lowered to the maximum, staring down at Copson.

"I'm already at the top of society... and I can't compare myself to adventurers... that's a dick to me."

This is it, Klaus.

"Where the hell did the Babarian Shack I knew go?!! Give it back!!! You crazy, ungrateful monster who pretends to be a Barbarian Sheck!!!"

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