Former General Is Undead Knight

Lesson 39: The Puppeteer ④

"... you didn't think Troinia would be against me from the start."

Lambert said so to Count Pursillis, who could be trusted by the wall.

Count Percilis answers nothing, but he's still alive in his face.

Consciousness should have remained.

"You also knew I was headed here when I returned from Dark Street Dredda. Otherwise, there's no reason to spread my bad reviews. Why didn't you run away with that respite?

Count Percilis turns his eyes to a blade protruding against his own chest, then looks up at Lambert.

Quietly he smiled invincibly.

"If you run away, you won't be able to fulfill your role fully. It's my win, former Four Demons General. Do you understand the current situation?"


Lambert did not answer, but I immediately understood what Count Percilis was saying.

It was more inevitable than embedded.

At the time Count Percillis remained in the hall knowing Lambert was on his way, it was equal to having completed his last role.

"You broke into my hall... and slaughtered the old soldier nearby. Phew... Phew, this is how I am liked by the people in the realm. I don't know if I'm incompetent, but I get stuck a lot."

"... you're willing to risk your life to restrict my actions"

"The story that you are already a part of the 'whistle blowing demon' has made this whole of my territory widely known. If that were all, you might have been able to salvage it depending on your actions, recruit collaborators and, conversely, hunt me down. But my death and that of Troinia will be the last of your bad reviews."

Count Percilis willfully distorts his own mouth.

"I'm sorry to hear that, former Four Demons General Lambert. There is no place for you in this territory anymore. Shall I pick you up?"

"You did it, you puppet master!

Lambert roughed up his voice.

This made it desperate for Lambert to conduct a proper investigation in the territory of Count Perciris in the future.

No one will have ears to listen to his words.

If you walk through the city, that's all you'll get to scream about.

Whatever it is, it's not impossible.

However, it can be terribly laborious to double-check basic information.

They will all run away threatened, and in the future they will always be chased around by Count Percilis' men.

The troublesome thing is, it's hard to tell how far inside a private soldier is the one with the 'whistle blowing demon' involved, and how far is the general population.

I don't want to hurt the general population as much as possible, but that is inevitable if we are to continue our investigation beyond what has happened.

Lambert went out to this Count Perciris territory and succeeded in destroying Doma's underground research facility, which had concealed a large number of undead soldiers.

Count Pursilis, who has been nesting in the Kingdom of Legions for two hundred years, could also be discussed.

However, the whereabouts of the large quantities of Demon Silver (Mithril), which were the greatest purpose, will not be followed.

Originally, the distribution of Demonic Silver (Mithril) had been deceived by hiding Dark City Dredda.

If the lord Count Pursilis was involved on top of that, the difficulty of following the whereabouts of Demonic Silver (Mithrill) is far more difficult than tracking the doma that was rampaging around Dark City Dredda at will.

Besides, this time, the hurdle of just listening itself was bouncing.

Assuming that the investigation continued, it was easy to imagine that it would take a long time to obtain the results.

There's no way Count Percilis has been left with any more useful information in the building than he intended to die here.

It must have been after everything was disposed of.

Lambert pointed the blade of the Great Sword at Count Perciris.

In the War of the Unity of the Eight Kingdoms, the Delbeuk family is a clan feared not by martial arts but by their cunning and outrageous.

Two hundred years after the end of the war, they secretly continued the war without any peace boggling.

It was also seen from the power of Troinia.

There is no way that torture will pass through Count Percilis now.

He had already made up his mind to die.

I was going to intervene.

"Originally, the Derbeuks were nobles of the Kingdom of Lauraul." The Whistling Devil "is the remnant of the Kingdom of Lauraul?

There were other grounds for assuming that it was the remnants of the Kingdom of Lauraul.

Eight Sages' "Blood Mist Knight," the executive of "The Whistle Blowing Devil," wrapped around the armor of smelting metal, black demon steel (Dalwright), the technology of the Kingdom of Lauraul.

The Kingdom of Lauraul was the first country to fall out of the War of Eight Unities.

It was by no means a less powerful country, but it was somewhat smaller than others.

The Kingdom of Lauraul was situated to be sandwiched between two countries.

One country feared the excellent magic skills of the Kingdom of Lauraul.

The other country looked to the excellent resources of the Kingdom of Lauraul.

Two temporarily allied nations attacked the Kingdom of Lauraul at the same time.

The Delbeuk family had exiled to other countries before the Kingdom of Lauraul was subjected to an assault.

At the time, Lambert also thought that he had simply abandoned the lost kingdom of Lauraul in the future.

But now, two hundred years later, the Earl of Perciris, descendant of the Derbeuk family, stripped his fangs to the Kingdom of Legions.

It is conceivable that the Derbeuks did not really abandon the Kingdom of Lauraul, but that the Kingdom of Lauraul, which anticipated its demise, eventually forced the Derbeuks to go to another country as a cloth stone to rebuild.

"Huff, I hope you see that with your own eyes. Now, shake that sword down. I'm such a coward."

"... just one more thing, let me hear it"

Lambert said so quietly, keeping the great sword in place.

"If you think I'm going to crack your mouth now, it's licked."

"... why didn't you leave your son, Perciris. It will be your clan's sorrow to take over the Kingdom of Legions and flourish as nobles in a new country. So for 200 years, you've betrayed everything around you, and that's how you've survived."

Count Percilis was originally less interested in government, adding that his parents and brothers began to keep their marriages away from the shock of being assassinated.

Although irresponsible in itself, it was a convincing story.

The face of Count Percilis' table was a cowardly, well-deserved figure.

He was also an impossibly personable person who could threaten to do so if his own child could also be killed.

But the reality was different.

Everything was a fake face.

Count Percilis was a ruthless, strategically adept figure.

The Dark City Dredda, which was supposed to haunt Count Perciris, was the product of what he had kept cleverly.

The assassination of his parents and brothers, who were traumatic to Count Perciris, was also instructed by himself.

But, for example, I can't explain why I'm trying to stop my own clan in this generation.


Count Percilis was silent.

Lambert decided he was not going to talk, pulled the sword, and tried to swing it right away.

But then, Count Perciris opened his mouth small.

"... the role of our clan is to do it for the Lord. Assuming the grief is fulfilled, there is no place for our bloody clan."

"That's why we're not supposed to do anything that cuts right off. I'm sure you'll be worth your while."

"Assuming it were, then I would behead my sons, compel them to kill each other, and make them kill themselves too. I knew there would be a war settlement in my place. Once the battle is over, sooner or later, the existential significance of my clan will disappear. If so... I didn't want the kids to feel the same way about me, unnecessarily"

The hand that stood Lambert's sword was slightly lowered.

For Lambert, who was judged unnecessary at the end of the war and betrayed by his master and best friend and lost his life, the story was not about other personnel.

"You may not believe my words etc...... Charles knows nothing but that I was connected to Doma. If you can, miss it."

Count Percilis ran out of words and then threw up blood again.

Words are gradually becoming weaker. It seemed time for his life to be near its limits.

"... did you deliberately take the adopted son of a woman you will never be able to succeed in order not to get involved in the fate of the Delbeuk family"

Count Perciris answered no more.

Lambert immediately guessed that he was not going to talk about anything more.

I waved the great sword and dropped Count Perciris's head.