Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 58: Commander Appears

The Liao Yuan is very lively this time.

In addition to the fixers in the surveillance centre, the lobby gathered 2,400 losers from the preliminary round.

The teenagers were annoyed for only a few moments and stared at the big screen, waiting for the finals to begin.

After all, it would be very beneficial for them to see a lot of good Mars fights in the finals.

Attention, three hours will soon pass and the final of the Extreme Challenge - officially begins!

“Ow, ow, ow! ”

Banned from opening all around Magic Island, the demonic beasts, who had been in captivity for three hours, couldn't wait to jump out and vent their anger with the fiercest roar.

“Ho, ho, ho! ”

In response, they came from the ground, as if they were muddled thunder, with the roar of powerful horizontal forces.

When I heard the roar, all the monsters who were just so powerful, all shrunk their necks and showed a frightened look of courage.

There are hundreds of hidden locations around the island, and countless transmission arrays begin to flash.

In a strange flash of light, a powerful demonic beast with a bigger head, a brighter figure, more fierce eyes and more fierce temper is released!

They probed their heads for a while, their noses shrugged, and the smell of fresh human flesh in the air quickly drove them crazy, shaking their tails, spreading their teeth and claws, pounding deep into the jungle!

And in front of 600 players, Pooh Beast also made a list of 600 players who entered the finals.

Six hundred people were divided into two teams of red and blue, and the puffy beast also wrapped around a layer of red or blue light to show the difference.

At the same time, the players' communication channels are switched in a timely manner, from this moment on, they can only send messages to their teammates on their side.

Li Yaofei quickly swept the list of 600 people and found himself a member of the Red Team.

And Herren and Shijiaxue were divided into Blue Team, but Zheng Dongming became his own teammates.

“Herrian, as you said, the island of Magic is big but small, I hope we don't meet! ”

Li Yao finally checked Fabao and smiled confidently.

He used two very small vibrating daggers and smeared them with sludge into a black color that did not reflect, like the devil's fangs.

Inserting the dagger between his waist, he checked the handmade treasure in his backpack again. Li Yao jumped softly, jumped into the jungle and disappeared between the branches.

The intensity of the finals is more than a hundred times higher than in the first round!

Not to mention that hundreds of powerful demonic beasts were added to the jungle, but that many challengers were originally gathered to rest, suddenly divided into two teams, and the puffing beasts on the top of their heads suddenly turned red and blue.

In each other's eyes, each other becomes an "Experience Bag” filled with lots of points!

For a moment, there was a laughing classmate who started your death and killed me alive!

In just five minutes, thirty-seven players were forced out of the game and their points were “killed” by their candidates.

The top 100 names change almost every second on the CCTV rankings!

“Everybody, don't mess around. We should organize and fight like the Federation! My name is Takano, I'm from the military world, I've been following my parents since I was a kid, studying the command tactics of special forces, and I have very powerful computing and command skills. Everyone listens to my command and approaches my coordinates! If the distance is far away, first gather close to your teammates and form battle squads! ”

There was a sudden sound coming from the Blue Team's channel.

At first sight, the voice is somewhat dull, but full of strong self-confidence and infectivity, creating a sense of self-confidence.

A number of Blue team candidates hesitated slightly and subconsciously approached the coordinates of Takano.

“The Blue Team Commander is here!” The surveillance center, all the fixers are in a state of mind.

In the final, 600 candidates split into two teams, the most important being not the soldier combat ability of a candidate, but the ability to assemble in the shortest possible time to fight demonic beasts and “enemies” as a team.

It can be said that in this confrontation, which side leads the emergence of a "management fixer seedling" who is good at command, which side takes the lead and is likely to win the final battle!

In previous contests, it has often taken hours or even a day of strife to pay a painful price before a "commander” is born.

I didn't expect such a good seedling of command talent to emerge in this game. In just five minutes, the Blue Team woke up from the chaos.

On the Blue Team Channel, Takano calmly issued one order after another without giving anyone a chance to refute it.

Even when his decision is questioned, he can reasonably argue in seconds, silencing each other and making everyone happy.

Under his command, the remaining more than two hundred and eighty candidates of the Blue Team gradually came together, forming a modest battle formation.

Even more than a dozen candidates assembled in a hunting squad to kill a powerful demon beast who had just descended from the transmission line!

The opposition red team is a bit miserable, 300 candidates are not good at organizing and managing talent, the people on the communication channel are noisy, you are noisy, one has raced a loud voice, like the supermarket during the special offer.

“My development of spiritual roots has reached 75%. I will be the commander of the Red Team. Everyone comes closer to me and closer to me! ”

“75% Root development has an egg, I have 77% Root development, I can kill two demon beasts with one knife, but I know that I am not a commander's material, where is your boy cool to go! ”

“You, you're so arrogant, which school are you from? Don't go after the game! ”

“Don't talk too much, do something, I think the Blue Team is assembled, our side is completely suppressed, they are seven or eight people beating us two or three, ah! ”

“No, I have a powerful demon here. My coordinates are… come and help! ”

“No, we've been intercepted here by the Blue Team too, these goddamn bastards, how come the world seems to be full of Blue Team people, Red Team, where did Red Team people die! ”

Li Yao covered himself with sludge, which wrapped around a layer of weeds, dead branches and vines, quietly slumped in the deepest part of the bush.

Even Xiao Ji was painted in the same way with a camouflage disguise and turned off the voice mode of the communication channel, just browsing the text in the communication channel with the faintest brightness.

Watching, Li Yao sighed helplessly.

I didn't expect there to be a genius commander across the street, but my side is scattered sand, which seems to be a bit unfavourable.

Li Yao is self-aware, his talent is a refiner, not a commander of battle, and he does not have the ability to make people feel comfortable and bow down and worship with words, not the material of a commander.

Even if he joined the regiment, he was ridiculed by his teammates.

“I can't say, I'm going to do it!” Li Yao touched a hard thing in his arms.

That's a very simple pharmacopoeia he made at the first supply point —— a remote control.